import { NumberFormat } from '@easy-digital-downloads/currency'; const number = new NumberFormat(); /* global eddAdminOrderOverview */ // Loads the modal when the refund button is clicked. $(document.body).on('click', '.edd-refund-order', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var link = $(this), postData = { action : 'edd_generate_refund_form', order_id: $('input[name="edd_payment_id"]').val(), }; $.ajax({ type : 'POST', data : postData, url : ajaxurl, success: function success(data) { let modal_content = ''; if (data.success) { modal_content = data.html; } else { modal_content = data.message; } $('#edd-refund-order-dialog').dialog({ position: { my: 'top center', at: 'center center-25%' }, width : '75%', modal : true, resizable: false, draggable: false, classes: { 'ui-dialog': 'edd-dialog', }, closeText: eddAdminOrderOverview.i18n.closeText, open: function( event, ui ) { $(this).html( modal_content ); }, close: function( event, ui ) { $( this ).html( '' ); if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'did-refund' ) ) { location.reload(); } } }); return false; } }).fail(function (data) { $('#edd-refund-order-dialog').dialog({ position: { my: 'top center', at: 'center center-25%' }, width : '75%', modal : true, resizable: false, draggable: false }).html(data.message); return false; }); }); $( document.body ).on( 'click', '.ui-widget-overlay', function ( e ) { $( '#edd-refund-order-dialog' ).dialog( 'close' ); } ); /** * Listen for the bulk actions checkbox, since WP doesn't trigger a change on sub-items. */ $( document.body ).on( 'change', '#edd-refund-order-dialog #cb-select-all-1', function () { const itemCheckboxes = $( '.edd-order-item-refund-checkbox' ); const isChecked = $( this ).prop( 'checked' ); itemCheckboxes.each( function() { $( this ).prop( 'checked', isChecked ).trigger( 'change' ); } ); } ); /** * Listen for individual checkbox changes. * When it does, trigger a quantity change. */ $( document.body ).on( 'change', '.edd-order-item-refund-checkbox', function () { const parent = $( this ).parent().parent(); const quantityField = parent.find( '.edd-order-item-refund-quantity' ); if ( quantityField.length ) { if ( $( this ).prop( 'checked' ) ) { // Triggering a change on the quantity field handles enabling the inputs. quantityField.trigger( 'change' ); } else { // Disable inputs and recalculate total. parent.find( '.edd-order-item-refund-input' ).prop( 'disabled', true ); recalculateRefundTotal(); } } } ); /** * Handles quantity changes, which includes items in the refund. */ $( document.body ).on( 'change', '#edd-refund-order-dialog .edd-order-item-refund-input', function () { let parent = $( this ).closest( '.refunditem' ), quantityField = parent.find( '.edd-order-item-refund-quantity' ), quantity = parseInt( quantityField.val() ); if ( quantity > 0 ) { parent.addClass( 'refunded' ); } else { parent.removeClass( 'refunded' ); } // Only auto calculate subtotal / tax if we've adjusted the quantity. if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'edd-order-item-refund-quantity' ) ) { // Enable/disable amount fields. parent.find( '.edd-order-item-refund-input:not(.edd-order-item-refund-quantity)' ).prop( 'disabled', quantity === 0 ); if ( quantity > 0 ) { quantityField.prop( 'disabled', false ); } let subtotalField = parent.find( '.edd-order-item-refund-subtotal' ), taxField = parent.find( '.edd-order-item-refund-tax' ), originalSubtotal = number.unformat( 'original' ) ), originalTax = taxField.length ? number.unformat( 'original' ) ) : 0.00, originalQuantity = parseInt( 'max' ) ), calculatedSubtotal = ( originalSubtotal / originalQuantity ) * quantity, calculatedTax = taxField.length ? ( originalTax / originalQuantity ) * quantity : 0.00; // Make sure totals don't go over maximums. if ( calculatedSubtotal > parseFloat( 'max' ) ) ) { calculatedSubtotal = 'max' ); } if ( taxField.length && calculatedTax > parseFloat( 'max' ) ) ) { calculatedTax = 'max' ); } // Guess the subtotal and tax for the selected quantity. subtotalField.val( number.format( calculatedSubtotal ) ); if ( taxField.length ) { taxField.val( number.format( calculatedTax ) ); } } recalculateRefundTotal(); } ); /** * Calculates all the final refund values. */ function recalculateRefundTotal() { let newSubtotal = 0, newTax = 0, newTotal = 0, canRefund = false, allInputBoxes = $( '#edd-refund-order-dialog .edd-order-item-refund-input' ), allReadOnly = $( '#edd-refund-order-dialog .edd-order-item-refund-input.readonly' ); // Set a readonly while we recalculate, to avoid race conditions in the browser. allInputBoxes.prop( 'readonly', true ); // Loop over all order items. $( '#edd-refund-order-dialog .edd-order-item-refund-quantity' ).each( function() { const thisItemQuantity = parseInt( $( this ).val() ); if ( ! thisItemQuantity ) { return; } const thisItemParent = $( this ).closest( '.refunditem' ); const thisItemSelected = thisItemParent.find( '.edd-order-item-refund-checkbox' ).prop( 'checked' ); if ( ! thisItemSelected ) { thisItemParent.removeClass( 'refunded' ); return; } // Values for this item. let thisItemTax = 0.00; let thisItemSubtotal = number.unformat( thisItemParent.find( '.edd-order-item-refund-subtotal' ).val() ); if ( thisItemParent.find( '.edd-order-item-refund-tax' ).length ) { thisItemTax = number.unformat( thisItemParent.find( '.edd-order-item-refund-tax' ).val() ); } let thisItemTotal = thisItemSubtotal + thisItemTax; thisItemParent.find( '.column-total span' ).text( number.format( thisItemTotal ) ); // Negate amounts if working with credit. if ( 'credit' ) ) { thisItemSubtotal = thisItemSubtotal * -1; thisItemTax = thisItemTax * -1; thisItemTotal = thisItemTotal * -1; } // Only include order items in the subtotal. if ( 'orderItem' ) ) { newSubtotal += thisItemSubtotal; } newTax += thisItemTax; newTotal += thisItemTotal; } ); if ( parseFloat( newTotal ) > 0 ) { canRefund = true; } $( '#edd-refund-submit-subtotal-amount' ).text( number.format( newSubtotal ) ); $( '#edd-refund-submit-tax-amount' ).text( number.format( newTax ) ); $( '#edd-refund-submit-total-amount' ).text( number.format( newTotal ) ); $( '#edd-submit-refund-submit' ).attr( 'disabled', ! canRefund ); // Remove the readonly. allInputBoxes.prop( 'readonly', false ); allReadOnly.prop( 'readonly', true ); } /** * Process the refund form after the button is clicked. */ $(document.body).on( 'click', '#edd-submit-refund-submit', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $('.edd-submit-refund-message').removeClass('success').removeClass('fail'); $( this ).removeClass( 'button-primary' ).attr( 'disabled', true ).addClass( 'updating-message' ); $('#edd-submit-refund-status').hide(); const refundForm = $( '#edd-submit-refund-form' ); const refundData = refundForm.serialize(); var postData = { action: 'edd_process_refund_form', data: refundData, order_id: $('input[name="edd_payment_id"]').val() }; $.ajax({ type : 'POST', data : postData, url : ajaxurl, success: function success(response) { const message_target = $('.edd-submit-refund-message'), url_target = $('.edd-submit-refund-url'); if ( response.success ) { message_target.text('success'); url_target.attr( 'href', ).show(); $( '#edd-submit-refund-status' ).show(); url_target.focus(); $( '#edd-refund-order-dialog' ).addClass( 'did-refund' ); } else { message_target.html('fail'); url_target.hide(); $('#edd-submit-refund-status').show(); $( '#edd-submit-refund-submit' ).attr( 'disabled', false ).removeClass( 'updating-message' ).addClass( 'button-primary' ); } } } ).fail( function ( data ) { const message_target = $('.edd-submit-refund-message'), url_target = $('.edd-submit-refund-url'), json = data.responseJSON; message_target.text( ).addClass( 'fail' ); url_target.hide(); $( '#edd-submit-refund-status' ).show(); $( '#edd-submit-refund-submit' ).attr( 'disabled', false ).removeClass( 'updating-message' ).addClass( 'button-primary' ); return false; }); }); // Initialize WP toggle behavior for the modal. $( document.body ).on( 'click', '.refund-items .toggle-row', function () { $( this ).closest( 'tr' ).toggleClass( 'is-expanded' ); } );