'date_created AS date', 'where' => '', 'groupby' => '', ); // Default to 'monthly'. $sql_clauses['groupby'] = Reports\get_groupby_date_string( 'MONTH', 'date_created' ); $sql_clauses['orderby'] = 'MONTH(date_created)'; // Now drill down to the smallest unit. if ( $hour_by_hour ) { $sql_clauses['groupby'] = Reports\get_groupby_date_string( 'HOUR', 'date_created' ); $sql_clauses['orderby'] = 'HOUR(date_created)'; } elseif ( $day_by_day ) { $sql_clauses['groupby'] = Reports\get_groupby_date_string( 'DATE', 'date_created' ); $sql_clauses['orderby'] = 'DATE(date_created)'; } if ( ! empty( $currency ) && array_key_exists( strtoupper( $currency ), edd_get_currencies() ) ) { $sql_clauses['where'] = $wpdb->prepare( " AND currency = %s ", strtoupper( $currency ) ); } // Revenue calculations should include gross statuses to negate refunds properly. $statuses = edd_get_gross_order_statuses(); $statuses = apply_filters( 'edd_payment_stats_post_statuses', $statuses ); $statuses = "'" . implode( "', '", $statuses ) . "'"; $earnings_results = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT SUM({$column}) AS earnings, {$sql_clauses['select']} FROM {$wpdb->edd_orders} edd_o WHERE date_created >= %s AND date_created <= %s AND status IN( {$statuses} ) AND type IN ( 'sale', 'refund' ) {$sql_clauses['where']} GROUP BY {$sql_clauses['groupby']} ORDER BY {$sql_clauses['orderby']} ASC", $dates['start']->copy()->format( 'mysql' ), $dates['end']->copy()->format( 'mysql' ) ) ); // Sales counts should count by 'net' statuses, which excludes refunds. $statuses = edd_get_net_order_statuses(); $statuses = apply_filters( 'edd_payment_stats_post_statuses', $statuses ); $statuses = "'" . implode( "', '", $statuses ) . "'"; $sales_results = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT COUNT(id) AS sales, {$sql_clauses['select']} FROM {$wpdb->edd_orders} edd_o WHERE date_created >= %s AND date_created <= %s AND status IN( {$statuses} ) AND type = 'sale' {$sql_clauses['where']} GROUP BY {$sql_clauses['groupby']} ORDER BY {$sql_clauses['orderby']} ASC", $dates['start']->copy()->format( 'mysql' ), $dates['end']->copy()->format( 'mysql' ) ) ); $sales = array(); $earnings = array(); /** * Initialise all arrays with timestamps and set values to 0. * * We use the Chart based dates for this loop, so the graph shows in the proper date ranges while the actual DB queries are all UTC based. */ while ( strtotime( $chart_dates['start']->copy()->format( 'mysql' ) ) <= strtotime( $chart_dates['end']->copy()->format( 'mysql' ) ) ) { $timestamp = $chart_dates['start']->copy()->format( 'U' ); $date_on_chart = $chart_dates['start']; $sales[ $timestamp ][0] = $date_on_chart->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ); $sales[ $timestamp ][1] = 0; $earnings[ $timestamp ][0] = $date_on_chart->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ); $earnings[ $timestamp ][1] = 0.00; // Loop through each date there were sales/earnings, which we queried from the database. foreach ( $earnings_results as $earnings_result ) { $date_of_db_value = edd_get_edd_timezone_equivalent_date_from_utc( EDD()->utils->date( $earnings_result->date ) ); // Add any sales/earnings that happened during this hour. if ( $hour_by_hour ) { // If the date of this db value matches the date on this line graph/chart, set the y axis value for the chart to the number in the DB result. if ( $date_of_db_value->format( 'Y-m-d H' ) === $date_on_chart->format( 'Y-m-d H' ) ) { $earnings[ $timestamp ][1] += $earnings_result->earnings; } // Add any sales/earnings that happened during this day. } elseif ( $day_by_day ) { // If the date of this db value matches the date on this line graph/chart, set the y axis value for the chart to the number in the DB result. if ( $date_of_db_value->format( 'Y-m-d' ) === $date_on_chart->format( 'Y-m-d' ) ) { $earnings[ $timestamp ][1] += $earnings_result->earnings; } // Add any sales/earnings that happened during this month. } else { // If the date of this db value matches the date on this line graph/chart, set the y axis value for the chart to the number in the DB result. if ( $date_of_db_value->format( 'Y-m' ) === $date_on_chart->format( 'Y-m' ) ) { $earnings[ $timestamp ][1] += $earnings_result->earnings; } } } // Loop through each date there were sales/earnings, which we queried from the database. foreach ( $sales_results as $sales_result ) { $date_of_db_value = edd_get_edd_timezone_equivalent_date_from_utc( EDD()->utils->date( $sales_result->date ) ); // Add any sales/earnings that happened during this hour. if ( $hour_by_hour ) { // If the date of this db value matches the date on this line graph/chart, set the y axis value for the chart to the number in the DB result. if ( $date_of_db_value->format( 'Y-m-d H' ) === $date_on_chart->format( 'Y-m-d H' ) ) { $sales[ $timestamp ][1] += $sales_result->sales; } // Add any sales/earnings that happened during this day. } elseif ( $day_by_day ) { // If the date of this db value matches the date on this line graph/chart, set the y axis value for the chart to the number in the DB result. if ( $date_of_db_value->format( 'Y-m-d' ) === $date_on_chart->format( 'Y-m-d' ) ) { $sales[ $timestamp ][1] += $sales_result->sales; } // Add any sales/earnings that happened during this month. } else { // If the date of this db value matches the date on this line graph/chart, set the y axis value for the chart to the number in the DB result. if ( $date_of_db_value->format( 'Y-m' ) === $date_on_chart->format( 'Y-m' ) ) { $sales[ $timestamp ][1] += $sales_result->sales; } } } // Move the chart along to the next hour/day/month to get ready for the next loop. if ( $hour_by_hour ) { $chart_dates['start']->addHour( 1 ); } elseif ( $day_by_day ) { $chart_dates['start']->addDays( 1 ); } else { $chart_dates['start']->addMonth( 1 ); } } return array( 'sales' => array_values( $sales ), 'earnings' => array_values( $earnings ), ); } /** * The callback function which fetches the data for the edd_overview_refunds_chart reports endpoint. * * @since 3.0 */ function edd_overview_refunds_chart() { global $wpdb; $dates = Reports\get_dates_filter( 'objects' ); $chart_dates = Reports\parse_dates_for_range( null, 'now', false ); $day_by_day = Reports\get_dates_filter_day_by_day(); $hour_by_hour = Reports\get_dates_filter_hour_by_hour(); $column = Reports\get_taxes_excluded_filter() ? 'total - tax' : 'total'; $currency = Reports\get_filter_value( 'currencies' ); $sql_clauses = array( 'select' => 'date_created AS date', 'where' => '', ); // Default to 'monthly'. $sql_clauses['groupby'] = Reports\get_groupby_date_string( 'MONTH', 'date_created' ); $sql_clauses['orderby'] = 'MONTH(date_created)'; // Now drill down to the smallest unit. if ( $hour_by_hour ) { $sql_clauses['groupby'] = Reports\get_groupby_date_string( 'HOUR', 'date_created' ); $sql_clauses['orderby'] = 'HOUR(date_created)'; } elseif ( $day_by_day ) { $sql_clauses['groupby'] = Reports\get_groupby_date_string( 'DATE', 'date_created' ); $sql_clauses['orderby'] = 'DATE(date_created)'; } if ( empty( $currency ) || 'convert' === $currency ) { $column = sprintf( '(%s) / rate', $column ); } else { $sql_clauses['where'] = $wpdb->prepare( " AND currency = %s ", strtoupper( $currency ) ); } $results = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT COUNT(id) AS number, SUM({$column}) AS amount, {$sql_clauses['select']} FROM {$wpdb->edd_orders} edd_o WHERE status IN (%s, %s) AND date_created >= %s AND date_created <= %s AND type = 'refund' {$sql_clauses['where']} GROUP BY {$sql_clauses['groupby']} ORDER BY {$sql_clauses['orderby']} ASC", esc_sql( 'complete' ), esc_sql( 'partially_refunded' ), $dates['start']->copy()->format( 'mysql' ), $dates['end']->copy()->format( 'mysql' ) ) ); $number = array(); $amount = array(); // Initialise all arrays with timestamps and set values to 0. while ( strtotime( $chart_dates['start']->copy()->format( 'mysql' ) ) <= strtotime( $chart_dates['end']->copy()->format( 'mysql' ) ) ) { $timestamp = $chart_dates['start']->copy()->format( 'U' ); $date_on_chart = $chart_dates['start']; $number[ $timestamp ][0] = $date_on_chart->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ); $number[ $timestamp ][1] = 0; $amount[ $timestamp ][0] = $date_on_chart->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ); $amount[ $timestamp ][1] = 0.00; // Loop through each date there were refunds, which we queried from the database. foreach ( $results as $result ) { $date_of_db_value = edd_get_edd_timezone_equivalent_date_from_utc( EDD()->utils->date( $result->date ) ); // Add any refunds that happened during this hour. if ( $hour_by_hour ) { // If the date of this db value matches the date on this line graph/chart, set the y axis value for the chart to the number in the DB result. if ( $date_of_db_value->format( 'Y-m-d H' ) === $date_on_chart->format( 'Y-m-d H' ) ) { $number[ $timestamp ][1] += $result->number; $amount[ $timestamp ][1] += abs( $result->amount ); } // Add any refunds that happened during this day. } elseif ( $day_by_day ) { // If the date of this db value matches the date on this line graph/chart, set the y axis value for the chart to the number in the DB result. if ( $date_of_db_value->format( 'Y-m-d' ) === $date_on_chart->format( 'Y-m-d' ) ) { $number[ $timestamp ][1] += $result->number; $amount[ $timestamp ][1] += abs( $result->amount ); } // Add any refunds that happened during this month. } else { // If the date of this db value matches the date on this line graph/chart, set the y axis value for the chart to the number in the DB result. if ( $date_of_db_value->format( 'Y-m' ) === $date_on_chart->format( 'Y-m' ) ) { $number[ $timestamp ][1] += $result->number; $amount[ $timestamp ][1] += abs( $result->amount ); } } } // Move the chart along to the next hour/day/month to get ready for the next loop. if ( $hour_by_hour ) { $chart_dates['start']->addHour( 1 ); } elseif ( $day_by_day ) { $chart_dates['start']->addDays( 1 ); } else { $chart_dates['start']->addMonth( 1 ); } } return array( 'number' => array_values( $number ), 'amount' => array_values( $amount ), ); }