array( 'id' => 'paypal_email', 'name' => __( 'PayPal Email', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), 'desc' => __( 'Enter your PayPal account\'s email', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), 'type' => 'text', 'size' => 'regular', ), 'paypal_image_url' => array( 'id' => 'paypal_image_url', 'name' => __( 'PayPal Image', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), 'desc' => __( 'Upload an image to display on the PayPal checkout page.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), 'type' => 'upload', 'size' => 'regular', ), ); $pdt_desc = sprintf( __( 'Enter your PayPal Identity Token in order to enable Payment Data Transfer (PDT). This allows payments to be verified without relying on the PayPal IPN. See our documentation for further information.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), '' ); $paypal_settings['paypal_identify_token'] = array( 'id' => 'paypal_identity_token', 'name' => __( 'PayPal Identity Token', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => $pdt_desc, 'size' => 'regular', ); $desc = sprintf( __( 'If you are unable to use Payment Data Transfer and payments are not getting marked as complete, then check this box. This forces the site to use a slightly less secure method of verifying purchases. See our FAQ for further information.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), '' ); $paypal_settings['disable_paypal_verification'] = array( 'id' => 'disable_paypal_verification', 'name' => __( 'Disable PayPal IPN Verification', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), 'check' => __( 'Disabled', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), 'desc' => $desc, 'type' => 'checkbox_description', ); $api_key_settings = array( 'paypal_api_keys_desc' => array( 'id' => 'paypal_api_keys_desc', 'name' => __( 'API Credentials', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), 'type' => 'descriptive_text', 'desc' => sprintf( __( 'API credentials are necessary to process PayPal refunds from inside WordPress. These can be obtained from your PayPal account.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), '' ) ), 'paypal_live_api_username' => array( 'id' => 'paypal_live_api_username', 'name' => __( 'Live API Username', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), 'desc' => __( 'Your PayPal live API username. ', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), 'type' => 'text', 'size' => 'regular' ), 'paypal_live_api_password' => array( 'id' => 'paypal_live_api_password', 'name' => __( 'Live API Password', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), 'desc' => __( 'Your PayPal live API password.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), 'type' => 'text', 'size' => 'regular' ), 'paypal_live_api_signature' => array( 'id' => 'paypal_live_api_signature', 'name' => __( 'Live API Signature', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), 'desc' => __( 'Your PayPal live API signature.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), 'type' => 'text', 'size' => 'regular' ), 'paypal_test_api_username' => array( 'id' => 'paypal_test_api_username', 'name' => __( 'Test API Username', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), 'desc' => __( 'Your PayPal test API username.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), 'type' => 'text', 'size' => 'regular' ), 'paypal_test_api_password' => array( 'id' => 'paypal_test_api_password', 'name' => __( 'Test API Password', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), 'desc' => __( 'Your PayPal test API password.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), 'type' => 'text', 'size' => 'regular' ), 'paypal_test_api_signature' => array( 'id' => 'paypal_test_api_signature', 'name' => __( 'Test API Signature', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), 'desc' => __( 'Your PayPal test API signature.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), 'type' => 'text', 'size' => 'regular' ) ); $paypal_settings = array_merge( $paypal_settings, $api_key_settings ); $paypal_settings = apply_filters( 'edd_paypal_settings', $paypal_settings ); $gateway_settings['paypal'] = $paypal_settings; return $gateway_settings; } add_filter( 'edd_settings_gateways', 'edd_register_paypal_gateway_settings', 1, 1 ); /** * Process PayPal Purchase * * @since 1.0 * @param array $purchase_data Purchase Data * @return void */ function edd_process_paypal_purchase( $purchase_data ) { if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $purchase_data['gateway_nonce'], 'edd-gateway' ) ) { wp_die( __( 'Nonce verification has failed', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), __( 'Error', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), array( 'response' => 403 ) ); } // Collect payment data $payment_data = array( 'price' => $purchase_data['price'], 'date' => $purchase_data['date'], 'user_email' => $purchase_data['user_email'], 'purchase_key' => $purchase_data['purchase_key'], 'currency' => edd_get_currency(), 'downloads' => $purchase_data['downloads'], 'user_info' => $purchase_data['user_info'], 'cart_details' => $purchase_data['cart_details'], 'gateway' => 'paypal', 'status' => ! empty( $purchase_data['buy_now'] ) ? 'private' : 'pending' ); // Record the pending payment $payment = edd_insert_payment( $payment_data ); // Check payment if ( ! $payment ) { // Record the error edd_record_gateway_error( __( 'Payment Error', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), sprintf( __( 'Payment creation failed before sending buyer to PayPal. Payment data: %s', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), json_encode( $payment_data ) ), $payment ); // Problems? send back edd_send_back_to_checkout( '?payment-mode=' . $purchase_data['post_data']['edd-gateway'] ); } else { // Only send to PayPal if the pending payment is created successfully $listener_url = add_query_arg( 'edd-listener', 'IPN', home_url( 'index.php' ) ); // Set the session data to recover this payment in the event of abandonment or error. EDD()->session->set( 'edd_resume_payment', $payment ); // Get the success url $return_url = add_query_arg( array( 'payment-confirmation' => 'paypal', 'payment-id' => urlencode( $payment ), ), get_permalink( edd_get_option( 'success_page', false ) ) ); // Get the PayPal redirect uri $paypal_redirect = trailingslashit( edd_get_paypal_redirect() ) . '?'; // Setup PayPal arguments $paypal_args = array( 'business' => edd_get_option( 'paypal_email', false ), 'email' => $purchase_data['user_email'], 'first_name' => $purchase_data['user_info']['first_name'], 'last_name' => $purchase_data['user_info']['last_name'], 'invoice' => $purchase_data['purchase_key'], 'no_shipping' => '1', 'shipping' => '0', 'no_note' => '1', 'currency_code' => edd_get_currency(), 'charset' => get_bloginfo( 'charset' ), 'custom' => $payment, 'rm' => '2', 'return' => esc_url_raw( $return_url ), 'cancel_return' => esc_url_raw( edd_get_failed_transaction_uri( '?payment-id=' . sanitize_key( $payment ) ) ), 'notify_url' => esc_url_raw( $listener_url ), 'image_url' => esc_url_raw( edd_get_paypal_image_url() ), 'cbt' => get_bloginfo( 'name' ), 'bn' => 'EasyDigitalDownloads_SP' ); if ( ! empty( $purchase_data['user_info']['address'] ) ) { $paypal_args['address1'] = $purchase_data['user_info']['address']['line1']; $paypal_args['address2'] = $purchase_data['user_info']['address']['line2']; $paypal_args['city'] = $purchase_data['user_info']['address']['city']; $paypal_args['country'] = $purchase_data['user_info']['address']['country']; } $paypal_extra_args = array( 'cmd' => '_cart', 'upload' => '1' ); $paypal_args = array_merge( $paypal_extra_args, $paypal_args ); // Add cart items $i = 1; $paypal_sum = 0; if ( is_array( $purchase_data['cart_details'] ) && ! empty( $purchase_data['cart_details'] ) ) { foreach ( $purchase_data['cart_details'] as $item ) { $item_amount = round( ( $item['subtotal'] / $item['quantity'] ) - ( $item['discount'] / $item['quantity'] ), 2 ); if ( $item_amount <= 0 ) { $item_amount = 0; } $paypal_args['item_name_' . $i ] = stripslashes_deep( html_entity_decode( edd_get_cart_item_name( $item ), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8' ) ); $paypal_args['quantity_' . $i ] = $item['quantity']; $paypal_args['amount_' . $i ] = $item_amount; if ( edd_use_skus() ) { $paypal_args['item_number_' . $i ] = edd_get_download_sku( $item['id'] ); } $paypal_sum += ( $item_amount * $item['quantity'] ); $i++; } } // Calculate discount $discounted_amount = 0.00; if ( ! empty( $purchase_data['fees'] ) ) { $i = empty( $i ) ? 1 : $i; foreach ( $purchase_data['fees'] as $fee ) { if ( empty( $fee['download_id'] ) && floatval( $fee['amount'] ) > '0' ) { // this is a positive fee $paypal_args['item_name_' . $i ] = stripslashes_deep( html_entity_decode( wp_strip_all_tags( $fee['label'] ), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8' ) ); $paypal_args['quantity_' . $i ] = '1'; $paypal_args['amount_' . $i ] = edd_sanitize_amount( $fee['amount'] ); $i++; } else if ( empty( $fee['download_id'] ) ) { // This is a negative fee (discount) not assigned to a specific Download $discounted_amount += abs( $fee['amount'] ); } } } $price_before_discount = $purchase_data['price']; if ( $discounted_amount > '0' ) { $paypal_args['discount_amount_cart'] = edd_sanitize_amount( $discounted_amount ); /* * Add the discounted amount back onto the price to get the "price before discount". We do this * to avoid double applying any discounts below. * @link */ $price_before_discount += $paypal_args['discount_amount_cart']; } // Check if there are any additional discounts we need to add that we haven't already accounted for. if( $paypal_sum > $price_before_discount ) { $difference = round( $paypal_sum - $price_before_discount, 2 ); if ( ! isset( $paypal_args['discount_amount_cart'] ) ) { $paypal_args['discount_amount_cart'] = 0; } $paypal_args['discount_amount_cart'] += $difference; } // Add taxes to the cart if ( edd_use_taxes() ) { $paypal_args['tax_cart'] = edd_sanitize_amount( $purchase_data['tax'] ); } $paypal_args = apply_filters( 'edd_paypal_redirect_args', $paypal_args, $purchase_data ); edd_debug_log( 'PayPal arguments: ' . print_r( $paypal_args, true ) ); // Build query $paypal_redirect .= http_build_query( $paypal_args ); // Fix for some sites that encode the entities $paypal_redirect = str_replace( '&', '&', $paypal_redirect ); // Allow paypal as a redirect destination. add_filter( 'allowed_redirect_hosts', 'edd_allow_redirect_to_paypal', 10 ); // Redirect to PayPal. edd_redirect( $paypal_redirect ); } } add_action( 'edd_gateway_paypal', 'edd_process_paypal_purchase' ); /** * Add to the list of allowed hosts that wp_safe_redirect can redirect to. * * @since 3.0 * @param array $redirects - The list of urls that wp_safe_redirect can redirect to. * @return array */ function edd_allow_redirect_to_paypal( $redirects ) { $redirects[] = ''; $redirects[] = ''; $redirects[] = ''; $redirects[] = ''; return $redirects; } /** * Listens for a PayPal IPN requests and then sends to the processing function * * @since 1.0 * @return void */ function edd_listen_for_paypal_ipn() { // Regular PayPal IPN if ( isset( $_GET['edd-listener'] ) && 'ipn' === strtolower( $_GET['edd-listener'] ) ) { edd_debug_log( 'PayPal IPN endpoint loaded' ); /** * This is necessary to delay execution of PayPal PDT and to avoid a race condition causing the order status * updates to be triggered twice. * * @since 2.9.4 * @see */ $token = edd_get_option( 'paypal_identity_token' ); if ( $token ) { sleep( 5 ); } do_action( 'edd_verify_paypal_ipn' ); } } add_action( 'init', 'edd_listen_for_paypal_ipn' ); /** * Process PayPal IPN * * @since 1.0 * @return void */ function edd_process_paypal_ipn() { // Check the request method is POST if ( isset( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST' ) { return; } edd_debug_log( 'edd_process_paypal_ipn() running during PayPal IPN processing' ); // Set initial post data to empty string $post_data = ''; // Fallback just in case post_max_size is lower than needed if ( ini_get( 'allow_url_fopen' ) ) { $post_data = file_get_contents( 'php://input' ); } else { // If allow_url_fopen is not enabled, then make sure that post_max_size is large enough ini_set( 'post_max_size', '12M' ); } // Start the encoded data collection with notification command $encoded_data = 'cmd=_notify-validate'; // Get current arg separator $arg_separator = edd_get_php_arg_separator_output(); // Verify there is a post_data if ( $post_data || strlen( $post_data ) > 0 ) { // Append the data $encoded_data .= $arg_separator . $post_data; } else { // Check if POST is empty if ( empty( $_POST ) ) { // Nothing to do return; } else { // Loop through each POST foreach ( $_POST as $key => $value ) { // Encode the value and append the data $encoded_data .= $arg_separator . "$key=" . urlencode( $value ); } } } // Convert collected post data to an array parse_str( $encoded_data, $encoded_data_array ); foreach ( $encoded_data_array as $key => $value ) { if ( false !== strpos( $key, 'amp;' ) ) { $new_key = str_replace( '&', '&', $key ); $new_key = str_replace( 'amp;', '&', $new_key ); unset( $encoded_data_array[ $key ] ); $encoded_data_array[ $new_key ] = $value; } } /** * PayPal Web IPN Verification * * Allows filtering the IPN Verification data that PayPal passes back in via IPN with PayPal Standard * * @since 2.8.13 * * @param array $data The PayPal Web Accept Data */ $encoded_data_array = apply_filters( 'edd_process_paypal_ipn_data', $encoded_data_array ); edd_debug_log( 'encoded_data_array data array: ' . print_r( $encoded_data_array, true ) ); if ( ! edd_get_option( 'disable_paypal_verification' ) ) { // Validate the IPN $remote_post_vars = array( 'method' => 'POST', 'timeout' => 45, 'redirection' => 5, 'httpversion' => '1.1', 'blocking' => true, 'headers' => array( 'host' => '', 'connection' => 'close', 'content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'post' => '/cgi-bin/webscr HTTP/1.1', 'user-agent' => 'EDD IPN Verification/' . EDD_VERSION . '; ' . get_bloginfo( 'url' ) ), 'sslverify' => false, 'body' => $encoded_data_array ); edd_debug_log( 'Attempting to verify PayPal IPN. Data sent for verification: ' . print_r( $remote_post_vars, true ) ); // Get response $api_response = wp_remote_post( edd_get_paypal_redirect( true, true ), $remote_post_vars ); if ( is_wp_error( $api_response ) ) { edd_record_gateway_error( __( 'IPN Error', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), sprintf( __( 'Invalid IPN verification response. IPN data: %s', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), json_encode( $api_response ) ) ); edd_debug_log( 'Invalid IPN verification response. IPN data: ' . print_r( $api_response, true ) ); return; // Something went wrong } if ( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $api_response ) !== 'VERIFIED' && edd_get_option( 'disable_paypal_verification', false ) ) { edd_record_gateway_error( __( 'IPN Error', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), sprintf( __( 'Invalid IPN verification response. IPN data: %s', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), json_encode( $api_response ) ) ); edd_debug_log( 'Invalid IPN verification response. IPN data: ' . print_r( $api_response, true ) ); return; // Response not okay } edd_debug_log( 'IPN verified successfully' ); } // Check if $post_data_array has been populated if ( ! is_array( $encoded_data_array ) && ! empty( $encoded_data_array ) ) { return; } $defaults = array( 'txn_type' => '', 'payment_status' => '' ); $encoded_data_array = wp_parse_args( $encoded_data_array, $defaults ); $payment_id = 0; if ( ! empty( $encoded_data_array[ 'parent_txn_id' ] ) ) { $payment_id = edd_get_purchase_id_by_transaction_id( $encoded_data_array[ 'parent_txn_id' ] ); } elseif ( ! empty( $encoded_data_array[ 'txn_id' ] ) ) { $payment_id = edd_get_purchase_id_by_transaction_id( $encoded_data_array[ 'txn_id' ] ); } if ( empty( $payment_id ) ) { $payment_id = ! empty( $encoded_data_array[ 'custom' ] ) ? absint( $encoded_data_array[ 'custom' ] ) : 0; } if ( has_action( 'edd_paypal_' . $encoded_data_array['txn_type'] ) ) { // Allow PayPal IPN types to be processed separately do_action( 'edd_paypal_' . $encoded_data_array['txn_type'], $encoded_data_array, $payment_id ); } else { // Fallback to web accept just in case the txn_type isn't present do_action( 'edd_paypal_web_accept', $encoded_data_array, $payment_id ); } exit; } add_action( 'edd_verify_paypal_ipn', 'edd_process_paypal_ipn' ); /** * Process web accept (one time) payment IPNs * * @since 1.3.4 * @param array $data IPN Data * @param int $payment_id Payment ID * @return void */ function edd_process_paypal_web_accept_and_cart( $data, $payment_id ) { /** * PayPal Web Accept Data * * Allows filtering the Web Accept data that PayPal passes back in via IPN with PayPal Standard * * @since 2.8.13 * * @param array $data The PayPal Web Accept Data * @param int $payment_id The Payment ID associated with this IPN request */ $data = apply_filters( 'edd_paypal_web_accept_and_cart_data', $data, $payment_id ); if ( $data['txn_type'] != 'web_accept' && $data['txn_type'] != 'cart' && $data['payment_status'] != 'Refunded' ) { return; } if ( empty( $payment_id ) ) { return; } $payment = new EDD_Payment( $payment_id ); // Collect payment details $purchase_key = isset( $data['invoice'] ) ? $data['invoice'] : false; if ( ! $purchase_key && ! empty( $data['item_number'] ) ) { $purchase_key = $data['item_number']; } $paypal_amount = $data['mc_gross']; $payment_status = strtolower( $data['payment_status'] ); $currency_code = strtolower( $data['mc_currency'] ); $business_email = isset( $data['business'] ) && is_email( $data['business'] ) ? trim( $data['business'] ) : trim( $data['receiver_email'] ); if ( $payment->gateway != 'paypal' ) { return; // this isn't a PayPal standard IPN } // Verify payment recipient if ( strcasecmp( $business_email, trim( edd_get_option( 'paypal_email', false ) ) ) != 0 ) { edd_record_gateway_error( __( 'IPN Error', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), sprintf( __( 'Invalid business email in IPN response. IPN data: %s', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), json_encode( $data ) ), $payment_id ); edd_debug_log( 'Invalid business email in IPN response. IPN data: ' . print_r( $data, true ) ); edd_update_payment_status( $payment_id, 'failed' ); edd_insert_payment_note( $payment_id, __( 'Payment failed due to invalid PayPal business email.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ) ); return; } // Verify payment currency if ( $currency_code != strtolower( $payment->currency ) ) { edd_record_gateway_error( __( 'IPN Error', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), sprintf( __( 'Invalid currency in IPN response. IPN data: %s', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), json_encode( $data ) ), $payment_id ); edd_debug_log( 'Invalid currency in IPN response. IPN data: ' . print_r( $data, true ) ); edd_update_payment_status( $payment_id, 'failed' ); edd_insert_payment_note( $payment_id, __( 'Payment failed due to invalid currency in PayPal IPN.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ) ); return; } if ( empty( $payment->email ) ) { // This runs when a Buy Now purchase was made. It bypasses checkout so no personal info is collected until PayPal // Setup and store the customers's details $address = array(); $address['line1'] = ! empty( $data['address_street'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $data['address_street'] ) : false; $address['city'] = ! empty( $data['address_city'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $data['address_city'] ) : false; $address['state'] = ! empty( $data['address_state'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $data['address_state'] ) : false; $address['country'] = ! empty( $data['address_country_code'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $data['address_country_code'] ) : false; $address['zip'] = ! empty( $data['address_zip'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $data['address_zip'] ) : false; $payment->email = sanitize_text_field( $data['payer_email'] ); $payment->first_name = sanitize_text_field( $data['first_name'] ); $payment->last_name = sanitize_text_field( $data['last_name'] ); $payment->address = $address; if ( empty( $payment->customer_id ) ) { $customer = new EDD_Customer( $payment->email ); if ( ! $customer || $customer->id < 1 ) { $customer->create( array( 'email' => $payment->email, 'name' => $payment->first_name . ' ' . $payment->last_name, 'user_id' => $payment->user_id ) ); } $payment->customer_id = $customer->id; } $payment->save(); } if( empty( $customer ) ) { $customer = new EDD_Customer( $payment->customer_id ); } // Record the payer email on the EDD_Customer record if it is different than the email entered on checkout if( ! empty( $data['payer_email'] ) && ! in_array( strtolower( $data['payer_email'] ), array_map( 'strtolower', $customer->emails ) ) ) { $customer->add_email( strtolower( $data['payer_email'] ) ); } if ( $payment_status == 'refunded' || $payment_status == 'reversed' ) { // Process a refund edd_process_paypal_refund( $data, $payment_id ); } else { if ( edd_get_payment_status( $payment_id ) == 'complete' ) { return; // Only complete payments once } // Retrieve the total purchase amount (before PayPal) $payment_amount = edd_get_payment_amount( $payment_id ); if ( number_format( (float) $paypal_amount, 2 ) < number_format( (float) $payment_amount, 2 ) ) { // The prices don't match edd_record_gateway_error( __( 'IPN Error', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), sprintf( __( 'Invalid payment amount in IPN response. IPN data: %s', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), json_encode( $data ) ), $payment_id ); edd_debug_log( 'Invalid payment amount in IPN response. IPN data: ' . printf( $data, true ) ); edd_update_payment_status( $payment_id, 'failed' ); edd_insert_payment_note( $payment_id, __( 'Payment failed due to invalid amount in PayPal IPN.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ) ); return; } if ( $purchase_key != edd_get_payment_key( $payment_id ) ) { // Purchase keys don't match edd_debug_log( 'Invalid purchase key in IPN response. IPN data: ' . printf( $data, true ) ); edd_record_gateway_error( __( 'IPN Error', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), sprintf( __( 'Invalid purchase key in IPN response. IPN data: %s', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), json_encode( $data ) ), $payment_id ); edd_update_payment_status( $payment_id, 'failed' ); edd_insert_payment_note( $payment_id, __( 'Payment failed due to invalid purchase key in PayPal IPN.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ) ); return; } if ( 'completed' == $payment_status || edd_is_test_mode() ) { edd_insert_payment_note( $payment_id, sprintf( __( 'PayPal Transaction ID: %s', 'easy-digital-downloads' ) , $data['txn_id'] ) ); edd_set_payment_transaction_id( $payment_id, $data['txn_id'], number_format( (float) $paypal_amount, 2 ) ); edd_update_payment_status( $payment_id, 'complete' ); } else if ( 'pending' == $payment_status && isset( $data['pending_reason'] ) ) { // Look for possible pending reasons, such as an echeck $note = ''; switch( strtolower( $data['pending_reason'] ) ) { case 'echeck' : $note = __( 'Payment made via eCheck and will clear automatically in 5-8 days', 'easy-digital-downloads' ); $payment->status = 'processing'; $payment->save(); break; case 'address' : $note = __( 'Payment requires a confirmed customer address and must be accepted manually through PayPal', 'easy-digital-downloads' ); break; case 'intl' : $note = __( 'Payment must be accepted manually through PayPal due to international account regulations', 'easy-digital-downloads' ); break; case 'multi-currency' : $note = __( 'Payment received in non-shop currency and must be accepted manually through PayPal', 'easy-digital-downloads' ); break; case 'paymentreview' : case 'regulatory_review' : $note = __( 'Payment is being reviewed by PayPal staff as high-risk or in possible violation of government regulations', 'easy-digital-downloads' ); break; case 'unilateral' : $note = __( 'Payment was sent to non-confirmed or non-registered email address.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ); break; case 'upgrade' : $note = __( 'PayPal account must be upgraded before this payment can be accepted', 'easy-digital-downloads' ); break; case 'verify' : $note = __( 'PayPal account is not verified. Verify account in order to accept this payment', 'easy-digital-downloads' ); break; case 'other' : $note = __( 'Payment is pending for unknown reasons. Contact PayPal support for assistance', 'easy-digital-downloads' ); break; } if ( ! empty( $note ) ) { edd_debug_log( 'Payment not marked as completed because: ' . $note ); edd_insert_payment_note( $payment_id, $note ); } } } } add_action( 'edd_paypal_web_accept', 'edd_process_paypal_web_accept_and_cart', 10, 2 ); /** * Process PayPal IPN Refunds * * @since 1.3.4 * @param array $data IPN Data * @return void */ function edd_process_paypal_refund( $data, $payment_id = 0 ) { /** * PayPal Process Refund Data * * Allows filtering the Refund data that PayPal passes back in via IPN with PayPal Standard * * @since 2.8.13 * * @param array $data The PayPal Refund data * @param int $payment_id The Payment ID associated with this IPN request */ $data = apply_filters( 'edd_process_paypal_refund_data', $data, $payment_id ); // Collect payment details if ( empty( $payment_id ) ) { return; } if ( get_post_status( $payment_id ) == 'refunded' ) { return; // Only refund payments once } $payment_amount = edd_get_payment_amount( $payment_id ); $refund_amount = $data['mc_gross'] * -1; if ( number_format( (float) $refund_amount, 2 ) < number_format( (float) $payment_amount, 2 ) ) { edd_insert_payment_note( $payment_id, sprintf( __( 'Partial PayPal refund processed: %s', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $data['parent_txn_id'] ) ); return; // This is a partial refund } edd_insert_payment_note( $payment_id, sprintf( __( 'PayPal Payment #%s Refunded for reason: %s', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $data['parent_txn_id'], $data['reason_code'] ) ); edd_insert_payment_note( $payment_id, sprintf( __( 'PayPal Refund Transaction ID: %s', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $data['txn_id'] ) ); edd_update_payment_status( $payment_id, 'refunded' ); } /** * Get PayPal Redirect * * @since * @param bool $ssl_check Is SSL? * @param bool $ipn Is this an IPN verification check? * @return string */ function edd_get_paypal_redirect( $ssl_check = false, $ipn = false ) { $protocol = 'http://'; if ( is_ssl() || ! $ssl_check ) { $protocol = 'https://'; } // Check the current payment mode if ( edd_is_test_mode() ) { // Test mode if ( $ipn ) { $paypal_uri = ''; } else { $paypal_uri = $protocol . ''; } } else { // Live mode if ( $ipn ) { $paypal_uri = ''; } else { $paypal_uri = $protocol . ''; } } return apply_filters( 'edd_paypal_uri', $paypal_uri, $ssl_check, $ipn ); } /** * Get the image for the PayPal purchase page. * * @since 2.8 * @return string */ function edd_get_paypal_image_url() { $image_url = trim( edd_get_option( 'paypal_image_url', '' ) ); return apply_filters( 'edd_paypal_image_url', $image_url ); } /** * Shows "Purchase Processing" message for PayPal payments are still pending on site return. * * This helps address the Race Condition, as detailed in issue #1839 * * @since 1.9 * @return string */ function edd_paypal_success_page_content( $content ) { if ( ! isset( $_GET['payment-id'] ) && ! edd_get_purchase_session() ) { return $content; } edd_empty_cart(); $payment_id = isset( $_GET['payment-id'] ) ? absint( $_GET['payment-id'] ) : false; if ( ! $payment_id ) { $session = edd_get_purchase_session(); $payment_id = edd_get_purchase_id_by_key( $session['purchase_key'] ); } $payment = new EDD_Payment( $payment_id ); if ( $payment->ID > 0 && 'pending' == $payment->status ) { // Payment is still pending so show processing indicator to fix the Race Condition, issue # ob_start(); edd_get_template_part( 'payment', 'processing' ); $content = ob_get_clean(); } return $content; } add_filter( 'edd_payment_confirm_paypal', 'edd_paypal_success_page_content' ); /** * Mark payment as complete on return from PayPal if a PayPal Identity Token is present. * * See * * @since 2.8.13 * @return void */ function edd_paypal_process_pdt_on_return() { if ( ! isset( $_GET['payment-id'] ) || ! isset( $_GET['tx'] ) ) { return; } $token = edd_get_option( 'paypal_identity_token' ); if ( ! edd_is_success_page() || ! $token || ! edd_is_gateway_active( 'paypal' ) ) { return; } $payment_id = isset( $_GET['payment-id'] ) ? absint( $_GET['payment-id'] ) : false; if ( empty( $payment_id ) ) { return; } $purchase_session = edd_get_purchase_session(); $payment = new EDD_Payment( $payment_id ); // If there is no purchase session, don't try and fire PDT. if ( empty( $purchase_session ) ) { return; } // Do not fire a PDT verification if the purchase session does not match the payment-id PDT is asking to verify. if ( ! empty( $purchase_session['purchase_key'] ) && $payment->key !== $purchase_session['purchase_key'] ) { return; } if ( $token && ! empty( $_GET['tx'] ) && $payment->ID > 0 ) { // An identity token has been provided in settings so let's immediately verify the purchase $remote_post_vars = array( 'method' => 'POST', 'timeout' => 45, 'redirection' => 5, 'httpversion' => '1.1', 'blocking' => true, 'headers' => array( 'host' => '', 'connection' => 'close', 'content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'post' => '/cgi-bin/webscr HTTP/1.1', 'user-agent' => 'EDD PDT Verification/' . EDD_VERSION . '; ' . get_bloginfo( 'url' ) ), 'sslverify' => false, 'body' => array( 'tx' => sanitize_text_field( $_GET['tx'] ), 'at' => $token, 'cmd' => '_notify-synch', ) ); // Sanitize the data for debug logging. $debug_args = $remote_post_vars; $debug_args['body']['at'] = str_pad( substr( $debug_args['body']['at'], -6 ), strlen( $debug_args['body']['at'] ), '*', STR_PAD_LEFT ); edd_debug_log( 'Attempting to verify PayPal payment with PDT. Args: ' . print_r( $debug_args, true ) ); edd_debug_log( 'Sending PDT Verification request to ' . edd_get_paypal_redirect() ); $request = wp_remote_post( edd_get_paypal_redirect(), $remote_post_vars ); if ( ! is_wp_error( $request ) ) { $body = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $request ); // parse the data $lines = explode( "\n", trim( $body ) ); $data = array(); if ( strcmp ( $lines[0], "SUCCESS" ) == 0 ) { for ( $i = 1; $i < count( $lines ); $i++ ) { $parsed_line = explode( "=", $lines[ $i ],2 ); $data[ urldecode( $parsed_line[0] ) ] = urldecode( $parsed_line[1] ); } if ( isset( $data['mc_gross'] ) ) { $total = $data['mc_gross']; } else if ( isset( $data['payment_gross'] ) ) { $total = $data['payment_gross']; } else if ( isset( $_REQUEST['amt'] ) ) { $total = $_REQUEST['amt']; } else { $total = null; } if ( is_null( $total ) ) { edd_debug_log( 'Attempt to verify PayPal payment with PDT failed due to payment total missing' ); $payment->add_note( __( 'Payment could not be verified while validating PayPal PDT. Missing payment total fields.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ) ); $payment->status = 'pending'; } elseif ( (float) $total < (float) $payment->total ) { /** * Here we account for payments that are less than the expected results only. There are times that * PayPal will sometimes round and have $0.01 more than the amount. The goal here is to protect store owners * from getting paid less than expected. */ edd_debug_log( 'Attempt to verify PayPal payment with PDT failed due to payment total discrepancy' ); $payment->add_note( sprintf( __( 'Payment failed while validating PayPal PDT. Amount expected: %f. Amount Received: %f', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $payment->total, $data['payment_gross'] ) ); $payment->status = 'failed'; } else { // Verify the status switch( strtolower( $data['payment_status'] ) ) { case 'completed': $payment->status = 'complete'; break; case 'failed': $payment->status = 'failed'; break; default: $payment->status = 'pending'; break; } } $payment->transaction_id = sanitize_text_field( $_GET['tx'] ); $payment->save(); } elseif ( strcmp ( $lines[0], "FAIL" ) == 0 ) { edd_debug_log( 'Attempt to verify PayPal payment with PDT failed due to PDT failure response: ' . print_r( $body, true ) ); $payment->add_note( __( 'Payment failed while validating PayPal PDT.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ) ); $payment->status = 'failed'; $payment->save(); } else { edd_debug_log( 'Attempt to verify PayPal payment with PDT met with an unexpected result: ' . print_r( $body, true ) ); $payment->add_note( __( 'PayPal PDT encountered an unexpected result, payment set to pending', 'easy-digital-downloads' ) ); $payment->status = 'pending'; $payment->save(); } } else { edd_debug_log( 'Attempt to verify PayPal payment with PDT failed. Request return: ' . print_r( $request, true ) ); } } } add_action( 'template_redirect', 'edd_paypal_process_pdt_on_return' ); /** * Given a Payment ID, extract the transaction ID * * @since 2.1 * @since 3.0 Updated to use EDD_Note class. * * @param string $payment_id Payment ID. * @return string Transaction ID. */ function edd_paypal_get_payment_transaction_id( $payment_id ) { $transaction_id = ''; $notes = edd_get_payment_notes( $payment_id ); foreach ( $notes as $note ) { if ( preg_match( '/^PayPal Transaction ID: ([^\s]+)/', $note->content, $match ) ) { $transaction_id = $match[1]; continue; } } return apply_filters( 'edd_paypal_set_payment_transaction_id', $transaction_id, $payment_id ); } add_filter( 'edd_get_payment_transaction_id-paypal', 'edd_paypal_get_payment_transaction_id', 10, 1 ); /** * Given a transaction ID, generate a link to the PayPal transaction ID details * * @since 2.2 * @param string $transaction_id The Transaction ID * @param int $payment_id The payment ID for this transaction * @return string A link to the PayPal transaction details */ function edd_paypal_link_transaction_id( $transaction_id, $payment_id ) { $payment = new EDD_Payment( $payment_id ); $sandbox = 'test' === $payment->mode ? 'sandbox.' : ''; $paypal_base_url = 'https://' . $sandbox . ''; $transaction_url = '' . esc_html( $transaction_id ) . ''; return apply_filters( 'edd_paypal_link_payment_details_transaction_id', $transaction_url ); } add_filter( 'edd_payment_details_transaction_id-paypal', 'edd_paypal_link_transaction_id', 10, 2 ); /** * Shows a checkbox to automatically refund payments in PayPal. * * @param Order $order * * @since 3.0 * @return void */ function edd_paypal_refund_checkbox( Order $order ) { if ( 'paypal' !== $order->gateway ) { return; } // If our credentials are not set, return early. $key = $order->mode; $username = edd_get_option( 'paypal_' . $key . '_api_username' ); $password = edd_get_option( 'paypal_' . $key . '_api_password' ); $signature = edd_get_option( 'paypal_' . $key . '_api_signature' ); if ( empty( $username ) || empty( $password ) || empty( $signature ) ) { return; } ?>
gateway ) || 'paypal' !== $order->gateway ) { return; } // Get our data out of the serialized string. parse_str( $_POST['data'], $form_data ); if ( empty( $form_data['edd-paypal-refund'] ) ) { edd_add_note( array( 'object_id' => $order_id, 'object_type' => 'order', 'user_id' => is_admin() ? get_current_user_id() : 0, 'content' => __( 'Transaction not refunded in PayPal, as checkbox was not selected.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ) ) ); return; } $refund = edd_get_order( $refund_id ); if ( empty( $refund->total ) ) { return; } edd_refund_paypal_purchase( $order, $refund ); } add_action( 'edd_refund_order', 'edd_paypal_maybe_refund_transaction', 10, 3 ); /** * Refunds a purchase made via PayPal. * * @since 2.6.0 * * @param EDD_Payment|Order|int $payment_id_or_object The ID or object of the order to refund. * @param Order|null $refund_object Optional. The refund object associated with this * transaction refund. If provided, then the refund * amount is used as the transaction refund amount (used for * partial refunds), and an EDD transaction record will be * inserted. * * @return void */ function edd_refund_paypal_purchase( $payment_id_or_object, $refund_object = null ) { /* * Internally we want to work with an Order object, but we also need * an EDD_Payment object for backwards compatibility in the hooks. */ $order = $payment = false; if ( $payment_id_or_object instanceof Order ) { $order = $payment_id_or_object; $payment = edd_get_payment( $order->id ); } elseif ( $payment_id_or_object instanceof EDD_Payment ) { $payment = $payment_id_or_object; $order = edd_get_order( $payment_id_or_object->ID ); } elseif ( is_numeric( $payment_id_or_object ) ) { $order = edd_get_order( $payment_id_or_object ); $payment = edd_get_payment( $payment_id_or_object ); } if ( empty( $order ) || ! $order instanceof Order ) { return; } // Set PayPal API key credentials. $credentials = array( 'api_endpoint' => 'test' == $order->mode ? '' : '', 'api_username' => edd_get_option( 'paypal_' . $order->mode . '_api_username' ), 'api_password' => edd_get_option( 'paypal_' . $order->mode . '_api_password' ), 'api_signature' => edd_get_option( 'paypal_' . $order->mode . '_api_signature' ) ); $credentials = apply_filters( 'edd_paypal_refund_api_credentials', $credentials, $payment ); $body = array( 'USER' => $credentials['api_username'], 'PWD' => $credentials['api_password'], 'SIGNATURE' => $credentials['api_signature'], 'VERSION' => '124', 'METHOD' => 'RefundTransaction', 'TRANSACTIONID' => $order->get_transaction_id(), 'REFUNDTYPE' => 'Full' ); // If a refund object is supplied, let's check if this should be a partial refund instead. if ( $refund_object instanceof Order && abs( $refund_object->total ) !== abs( $order->total ) ) { $body['REFUNDTYPE'] = 'Partial'; $body['AMT'] = abs( $refund_object->total ); /* Translators: %d - order ID number; %s - formatted refund amount */ edd_debug_log( sprintf( 'Processing partial PayPal refund for order #%d. Amount: %s.', $order->id, edd_currency_filter( $refund_object->total, $refund_object->currency ) ) ); } else { /* Translators: %d - order ID number */ edd_debug_log( sprintf( 'Processing full PayPal refund for order #%d.', $order->id ) ); } $body = apply_filters( 'edd_paypal_refund_body_args', $body, $payment ); // Prepare the headers of the refund request. $headers = array( 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Cache-Control' => 'no-cache' ); $headers = apply_filters( 'edd_paypal_refund_header_args', $headers, $payment ); // Prepare args of the refund request. $args = array( 'body' => $body, 'headers' => $headers, 'httpversion' => '1.1' ); $args = apply_filters( 'edd_paypal_refund_request_args', $args, $payment ); $error_msg = ''; $request = wp_remote_post( $credentials['api_endpoint'], $args ); if ( is_wp_error( $request ) ) { $success = false; $error_msg = $request->get_error_message(); } else { $body = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $request ); if ( is_string( $body ) ) { wp_parse_str( $body, $body ); } if ( isset( $body['ACK'] ) && 'success' === strtolower( $body['ACK'] ) ) { $success = true; } else { $success = false; if ( isset( $body['L_LONGMESSAGE0'] ) ) { $error_msg = $body['L_LONGMESSAGE0']; } else { $error_msg = __( 'PayPal refund failed for unknown reason.', 'easy-digital-downloads' ); } } } if ( $success ) { edd_update_order_meta( $order->id, '_edd_paypal_refunded', true ); // Add a note to the original order, and, if provided, the new refund object. if ( isset( $body['GROSSREFUNDAMT'] ) ) { /* Translators: %1$s - amount refunded; %2$s - transaction ID. */ $note_message = sprintf( __( '%1$s refunded in PayPal. Transaction ID: %2$s', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), edd_currency_filter( edd_format_amount( $body['GROSSREFUNDAMT'] ) ), esc_html( $body['REFUNDTRANSACTIONID'] ) ); } else { /* Translators: %s - transaction ID. */ $note_message = sprintf( __( 'PayPal refund transaction ID: %s', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), esc_html( $body['REFUNDTRANSACTIONID'] ) ); } $note_object_ids = array( $order->id ); if ( $refund_object instanceof Order ) { $note_object_ids[] = $refund_object->id; } foreach ( $note_object_ids as $note_object_id ) { edd_add_note( array( 'object_id' => $note_object_id, 'object_type' => 'order', 'user_id' => is_admin() ? get_current_user_id() : 0, 'content' => $note_message ) ); } // Add a negative transaction. if ( $refund_object instanceof Order && isset( $body['REFUNDTRANSACTIONID'] ) && isset( $body['GROSSREFUNDAMT'] ) ) { edd_add_order_transaction( array( 'object_id' => $refund_object->id, 'object_type' => 'order', 'transaction_id' => sanitize_text_field( $body['REFUNDTRANSACTIONID'] ), 'gateway' => 'paypal', 'status' => 'complete', 'total' => edd_negate_amount( $body['GROSSREFUNDAMT'] ) ) ); } } else { edd_add_note( array( 'object_id' => $order->id, 'object_type' => 'order', 'user_id' => is_admin() ? get_current_user_id() : 0, 'content' => sprintf( __( 'PayPal refund failed: %s', 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $error_msg ) ) ); } // Run hook letting people know the payment has been refunded successfully. do_action( 'edd_paypal_refund_purchase', $payment ); }