'full', ); foreach ( $sizes as $key => $name ) { $new_sizes[ $name ] = $name; } return $new_sizes; } add_filter( 'generate_page_header_default_size', 'generate_blog_set_featured_image_size' ); /** * Set our featured image sizes. * * @since 1.10.0 * * @param string $size The existing size. * @return string The new size. */ function generate_blog_set_featured_image_size( $size ) { $settings = wp_parse_args( get_option( 'generate_blog_settings', array() ), generate_blog_get_defaults() ); if ( ! is_singular() ) { $size = $settings['post_image_size']; } if ( is_single() ) { $size = $settings['single_post_image_size']; } if ( is_page() ) { $size = $settings['page_post_image_size']; } $atts = generate_get_blog_image_attributes(); if ( ! empty( $atts ) ) { $values = array( $atts['width'], $atts['height'], $atts['crop'], ); $image_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( get_the_ID(), 'full' ), $values ); if ( $image_src && $image_src[3] && apply_filters( 'generate_use_featured_image_size_match', true ) ) { return $values; } else { return $size; } } return $size; } if ( ! function_exists( 'generate_get_blog_image_attributes' ) ) { /** * Build our image attributes * * @since 0.1 */ function generate_get_blog_image_attributes() { $settings = wp_parse_args( get_option( 'generate_blog_settings', array() ), generate_blog_get_defaults() ); if ( is_singular() ) { if ( is_singular( 'page' ) ) { $single = 'page_'; } else { $single = 'single_'; } } else { $single = ''; } $ignore_crop = array( '', '0', '9999' ); $atts = array( 'width' => ( in_array( $settings[ "{$single}post_image_width" ], $ignore_crop ) ) ? 9999 : absint( $settings[ "{$single}post_image_width" ] ), 'height' => ( in_array( $settings[ "{$single}post_image_height" ], $ignore_crop ) ) ? 9999 : absint( $settings[ "{$single}post_image_height" ] ), 'crop' => ( in_array( $settings[ "{$single}post_image_width" ], $ignore_crop ) || in_array( $settings[ "{$single}post_image_height" ], $ignore_crop ) ) ? false : true, ); // If there's no height or width, empty the array. if ( 9999 == $atts['width'] && 9999 == $atts['height'] ) { // phpcs:ignore $atts = array(); } return apply_filters( 'generate_blog_image_attributes', $atts ); } } if ( ! function_exists( 'generate_blog_setup' ) ) { add_action( 'wp', 'generate_blog_setup', 50 ); /** * Setup our blog functions and actions * * @since 0.1 */ function generate_blog_setup() { $settings = wp_parse_args( get_option( 'generate_blog_settings', array() ), generate_blog_get_defaults() ); // Move our featured images to above the title. if ( 'post-image-above-header' === $settings['post_image_position'] ) { remove_action( 'generate_after_entry_header', 'generate_post_image' ); add_action( 'generate_before_content', 'generate_post_image' ); // If we're using the Page Header add-on, move those as well. if ( function_exists( 'generate_page_header_post_image' ) ) { remove_action( 'generate_after_entry_header', 'generate_page_header_post_image' ); add_action( 'generate_before_content', 'generate_page_header_post_image' ); } } $page_header_content = false; if ( function_exists( 'generate_page_header_get_options' ) ) { $options = generate_page_header_get_options(); if ( $options && '' !== $options['content'] ) { $page_header_content = true; } // If our Page Header has no content, remove it. // This will allow the Blog add-on to add an image for us. if ( ! $page_header_content && is_singular() ) { remove_action( 'generate_before_content', 'generate_page_header' ); remove_action( 'generate_after_entry_header', 'generate_page_header' ); remove_action( 'generate_after_header', 'generate_page_header' ); } } // Remove the core theme featured image. // I would like to filter instead one day. remove_action( 'generate_after_header', 'generate_featured_page_header' ); remove_action( 'generate_before_content', 'generate_featured_page_header_inside_single' ); $location = generate_blog_get_singular_template(); if ( $settings[ $location . '_post_image' ] && is_singular() && ! $page_header_content ) { if ( 'below-title' === $settings[ $location . '_post_image_position' ] ) { add_action( 'generate_after_entry_header', 'generate_blog_single_featured_image' ); } if ( 'inside-content' === $settings[ $location . '_post_image_position' ] ) { add_action( 'generate_before_content', 'generate_blog_single_featured_image' ); } if ( 'above-content' === $settings[ $location . '_post_image_position' ] ) { add_action( 'generate_after_header', 'generate_blog_single_featured_image' ); } } } } add_filter( 'generate_featured_image_output', 'generate_blog_featured_image' ); /** * Remove featured image if set or using WooCommerce. * * @since 1.5 * @param string $output The existing output. * @return string The image HTML */ function generate_blog_featured_image( $output ) { $settings = wp_parse_args( get_option( 'generate_blog_settings', array() ), generate_blog_get_defaults() ); if ( ( function_exists( 'is_woocommerce' ) && is_woocommerce() ) || ! $settings['post_image'] ) { return false; } return $output; } /** * Build our featured images for single posts and pages. * * This function is way more complicated than it could be so it can * ensure compatibility with the Page Header add-on. * * @since 1.5 * * @return string The image HTML */ function generate_blog_single_featured_image() { $settings = wp_parse_args( get_option( 'generate_blog_settings', array() ), generate_blog_get_defaults() ); $image_id = get_post_thumbnail_id( get_the_ID(), 'full' ); if ( function_exists( 'generate_page_header_get_image' ) && generate_page_header_get_image( 'ID' ) ) { if ( intval( $image_id ) !== generate_page_header_get_image( 'ID' ) ) { $image_id = generate_page_header_get_image( 'ID' ); } } $location = generate_blog_get_singular_template(); if ( ( function_exists( 'is_woocommerce' ) && is_woocommerce() ) || ! $settings[ $location . '_post_image' ] || ! $image_id ) { return false; } $attrs = array( 'itemprop' => 'image', ); if ( function_exists( 'generate_get_schema_type' ) ) { if ( 'microdata' !== generate_get_schema_type() ) { $attrs = array(); } } $attrs['loading'] = false; $attrs = apply_filters( 'generate_single_featured_image_attrs', $attrs ); $image_html = apply_filters( 'post_thumbnail_html', // phpcs:ignore -- Core filter. wp_get_attachment_image( $image_id, apply_filters( 'generate_page_header_default_size', 'full' ), '', $attrs ), get_the_ID(), $image_id, apply_filters( 'generate_page_header_default_size', 'full' ), '' ); $location = generate_blog_get_singular_template(); $classes = array( is_page() ? 'page-header-image' : null, is_singular() && ! is_page() ? 'page-header-image-single' : null, 'above-content' === $settings[ $location . '_post_image_position' ] ? 'grid-container grid-parent' : null, ); $image_html = apply_filters( 'generate_single_featured_image_html', $image_html ); // phpcs:ignore -- No need to escape here. echo apply_filters( 'generate_single_featured_image_output', sprintf( '', $image_html, implode( ' ', $classes ) ), $image_html ); } add_filter( 'generate_blog_image_attributes', 'generate_blog_page_header_image_atts' ); /** * Filter our image attributes in case we're using differents atts in our Page Header * * @since 1.5 * * @param array $atts Our existing image attributes. * @return array Image attributes */ function generate_blog_page_header_image_atts( $atts ) { if ( ! function_exists( 'generate_page_header_get_options' ) ) { return $atts; } if ( ! is_singular() ) { return $atts; } $options = generate_page_header_get_options(); if ( $options && 'enable' === $options['image_resize'] ) { $ignore_crop = array( '', '0', '9999' ); $atts = array( 'width' => ( in_array( $options['image_width'], $ignore_crop ) ) ? 9999 : absint( $options['image_width'] ), 'height' => ( in_array( $options['image_height'], $ignore_crop ) ) ? 9999 : absint( $options['image_height'] ), 'crop' => ( in_array( $options['image_width'], $ignore_crop ) || in_array( $options['image_height'], $ignore_crop ) ) ? false : true, ); } return $atts; } add_filter( 'generate_single_featured_image_html', 'generate_blog_page_header_link' ); /** * Add our Page Header link to our featured image if set. * * @since 1.5 * * @param string $image_html Our existing image HTML. * @return string Our new image HTML. */ function generate_blog_page_header_link( $image_html ) { if ( ! function_exists( 'generate_page_header_get_options' ) ) { return $image_html; } $options = generate_page_header_get_options(); if ( ! empty( $options['image_link'] ) ) { return '' . $image_html . ''; } else { return $image_html; } } add_filter( 'body_class', 'generate_blog_remove_featured_image_class', 20 ); /** * Remove the featured image classes if they're disabled. * * @since 2.1.0 * @param array $classes The body classes. */ function generate_blog_remove_featured_image_class( $classes ) { if ( is_singular() ) { $settings = wp_parse_args( get_option( 'generate_blog_settings', array() ), generate_blog_get_defaults() ); if ( is_single() ) { $disable_single_featured_image = ! $settings['single_post_image']; $classes = generate_premium_remove_featured_image_class( $classes, $disable_single_featured_image ); } if ( is_page() && ! $settings['page_post_image'] ) { $disable_page_featured_image = ! $settings['page_post_image']; $classes = generate_premium_remove_featured_image_class( $classes, $disable_page_featured_image ); } } return $classes; }