_access_token = $config['access_token']; $this->_access_region_descriptor = $config['access_region_descriptor']; $this->_new_access_required = $config['new_access_required']; } public function containers() { return $this->_wp_remote_get( '' ); } public function container_get( $container ) { return $this->_wp_remote_head( '/' . $container ); } public function container_cdn_enable( $container ) { return $this->_wp_remote_put( '/' . $container, array( 'X-Cdn-Enabled' => 'True' ) ); } private function _wp_remote_get( $uri ) { if ( !empty( $this->_access_region_descriptor['object-cdn.publicURL'] ) ) { $url_base = $this->_access_region_descriptor['object-cdn.publicURL']; $result = wp_remote_get( $url_base . $uri . '?format=json', array( 'headers' => 'X-Auth-Token: ' . $this->_access_token //'sslcertificates' => dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/Cdn_RackSpace_Api_CaCert.pem' ) ); $r = self::_decode_response_json( $result ); if ( !$r['auth_required'] ) return $r['response_json']; } $new_object = call_user_func( $this->_new_access_required ); return $new_object->_wp_remote_get( $uri ); } private function _wp_remote_head( $uri, $method = 'GET' ) { if ( !empty( $this->_access_region_descriptor['object-cdn.publicURL'] ) ) { $url_base = $this->_access_region_descriptor['object-cdn.publicURL']; $result = wp_remote_get( $url_base . $uri . '?format=json', array( 'headers' => 'X-Auth-Token: ' . $this->_access_token, //'sslcertificates' => dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/Cdn_RackSpace_Api_CaCert.pem', 'method' => 'HEAD' ) ); $r = self::_decode_response( $result ); if ( !$r['auth_required'] ) return $result['headers']; } $new_object = call_user_func( $this->_new_access_required ); return $new_object->_wp_remote_head( $uri, $body ); } private function _wp_remote_put( $uri, $body = array(), $headers = array() ) { if ( !empty( $this->_access_region_descriptor['object-cdn.publicURL'] ) ) { $url_base = $this->_access_region_descriptor['object-cdn.publicURL']; $headers['X-Auth-Token'] = $this->_access_token; $result = wp_remote_post( $url_base . $uri, array( 'headers' => $headers, 'body' => $body, //'sslcertificates' => dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/Cdn_RackSpace_Api_CaCert.pem', 'method' => 'PUT' ) ); $r = self::_decode_response( $result ); if ( !$r['auth_required'] ) return; } $new_object = call_user_func( $this->_new_access_required ); return $new_object->_wp_remote_put( $uri, $body, $headers ); } static private function _decode_response_json( $result ) { if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) throw new \Exception( 'Failed to reach API endpoint' ); if ( empty( $result['body'] ) ) $response_json = array(); else { $response_json = @json_decode( $result['body'], true ); if ( is_null( $response_json ) ) throw new \Exception( 'Failed to reach API endpoint, got unexpected response ' . $result['body'] ); } if ( $result['response']['code'] != '200' && $result['response']['code'] != '201' && $result['response']['code'] != '202' && $result['response']['code'] != '204' ) throw new \Exception( $result['body'] ); return array( 'response_json' => $response_json, 'auth_required' => false ); } static private function _decode_response( $result ) { if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) throw new \Exception( 'Failed to reach API endpoint' ); if ( $result['response']['code'] != '200' && $result['response']['code'] != '201' && $result['response']['code'] != '202' && $result['response']['code'] != '204' ) { if ( $result['response']['message'] == 'Unauthorized' ) return array( 'auth_required' => true ); throw new \Exception( 'Failed to reach API endpoint, got unexpected response ' . $result['response']['message'] ); } return array( 'auth_required' => false ); } }