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* Handle the header image setting in
* This is based on site-icon.js
* @see wp-admin/js/site-icon.js
/* global jQuery, wp */
( function ( $ ) {
var $chooseButton = $( '#activitypub-choose-from-library-button' ),
$headerImagePreviewWrapper = $( '#activitypub-header-image-preview-wrapper' ),
$headerImagePreview = $( '#activitypub-header-image-preview' ),
$hiddenDataField = $( '#activitypub_header_image' ),
$removeButton = $( '#activitypub-remove-header-image' ),
* We register our own handler because the Core one invokes the Customizer, which fails the request unnecessarily
* for users who don't have the 'customize' capability.
* See https://github.com/Automattic/wordpress-activitypub/issues/846
ImageCropperNoCustomizer = wp.media.controller.CustomizeImageCropper.extend( {
doCrop: function( attachment ) {
var cropDetails = attachment.get( 'cropDetails' ),
control = this.get( 'control' ),
ratio = cropDetails.width / cropDetails.height;
// Use crop measurements when flexible in both directions.
if ( control.params.flex_width && control.params.flex_height ) {
cropDetails.dst_width = cropDetails.width;
cropDetails.dst_height = cropDetails.height;
// Constrain flexible side based on image ratio and size of the fixed side.
} else {
cropDetails.dst_width = control.params.flex_width ? control.params.height * ratio : control.params.width;
cropDetails.dst_height = control.params.flex_height ? control.params.width / ratio : control.params.height;
return wp.ajax.post( 'crop-image', {
// where wp_customize: 'on' would be in Core, for no good reason I understand.
nonce: attachment.get( 'nonces' ).edit,
id: attachment.get( 'id' ),
context: control.id,
cropDetails: cropDetails
} );
} );
* Calculate image selection options based on the attachment dimensions.
* @since 6.5.0
* @param {Object} attachment The attachment object representing the image.
* @return {Object} The image selection options.
function calculateImageSelectOptions( attachment ) {
var realWidth = attachment.get( 'width' ),
realHeight = attachment.get( 'height' ),
xInit = 1500,
yInit = 500,
ratio = xInit / yInit,
xImg = xInit,
yImg = yInit,
if ( realWidth / realHeight > ratio ) {
yInit = realHeight;
xInit = yInit * ratio;
} else {
xInit = realWidth;
yInit = xInit / ratio;
x1 = ( realWidth - xInit ) / 2;
y1 = ( realHeight - yInit ) / 2;
imgSelectOptions = {
aspectRatio: xInit + ':' + yInit,
handles: true,
keys: true,
instance: true,
persistent: true,
imageWidth: realWidth,
imageHeight: realHeight,
minWidth: xImg > xInit ? xInit : xImg,
minHeight: yImg > yInit ? yInit : yImg,
x1: x1,
y1: y1,
x2: xInit + x1,
y2: yInit + y1,
return imgSelectOptions;
* Initializes the media frame for selecting or cropping an image.
* @since 6.5.0
$chooseButton.on( 'click', function () {
var $el = $( this );
var userId = $el.data( 'userId' );
var mediaQuery = { type: 'image' };
if ( userId ) {
mediaQuery.author = userId;
// Create the media frame.
frame = wp.media( {
button: {
// Set the text of the button.
text: $el.data( 'update' ),
// Don't close, we might need to crop.
close: false,
states: [
new wp.media.controller.Library( {
title: $el.data( 'choose-text' ),
library: wp.media.query( mediaQuery ),
date: false,
suggestedWidth: $el.data( 'size' ),
suggestedHeight: $el.data( 'size' ),
} ),
new ImageCropperNoCustomizer( {
control: {
params: {
width: $el.data( 'size' ),
height: $el.data( 'size' ),
imgSelectOptions: calculateImageSelectOptions,
} ),
} );
frame.on( 'cropped', function ( attachment ) {
$hiddenDataField.val( attachment.id );
switchToUpdate( attachment );
// Start over with a frame that is so fresh and so clean clean.
frame = null;
} );
// When an image is selected, run a callback.
frame.on( 'select', function () {
// Grab the selected attachment.
var attachment = frame.state().get( 'selection' ).first();
if (
attachment.attributes.height === $el.data( 'size' ) &&
$el.data( 'size' ) === attachment.attributes.width
) {
switchToUpdate( attachment.attributes );
// Set the value of the hidden input to the attachment id.
$hiddenDataField.val( attachment.id );
} else {
frame.setState( 'cropper' );
} );
} );
* Update the UI when a header is selected.
* @since 6.5.0
* @param {array} attributes The attributes for the attachment.
function switchToUpdate( attributes ) {
var i18nAppAlternativeString, i18nBrowserAlternativeString;
if ( attributes.alt ) {
i18nBrowserAlternativeString = wp.i18n.sprintf(
/* translators: %s: The selected image alt text. */
wp.i18n.__( 'Header Image preview: Current image: %s' ),
} else {
i18nAppAlternativeString = wp.i18n.sprintf(
/* translators: %s: The selected image filename. */
'Header Image preview: The current image has no alternative text. The file name is: %s'
i18nBrowserAlternativeString = wp.i18n.sprintf(
/* translators: %s: The selected image filename. */
'Header Image preview: The current image has no alternative text. The file name is: %s'
// Set activitypub-header-image-preview src.
$headerImagePreview.attr( {
src: attributes.url,
alt: i18nAppAlternativeString,
} );
// Remove hidden class from header image preview div and remove button.
$headerImagePreviewWrapper.removeClass( 'hidden' );
$removeButton.removeClass( 'hidden' );
// If the choose button is not in the update state, swap the classes.
if ( $chooseButton.attr( 'data-state' ) !== '1' ) {
$chooseButton.attr( {
class: $chooseButton.attr( 'data-alt-classes' ),
'data-alt-classes': $chooseButton.attr( 'class' ),
'data-state': '1',
} );
// Swap the text of the choose button.
$chooseButton.text( $chooseButton.attr( 'data-update-text' ) );
* Handles the click event of the remove button.
* @since 6.5.0
$removeButton.on( 'click', function () {
$hiddenDataField.val( 'false' );
$( this ).toggleClass( 'hidden' );
$headerImagePreviewWrapper.toggleClass( 'hidden' );
$headerImagePreview.attr( {
src: '',
alt: '',
} );
* Resets state to the button, for correct visual style and state.
* Updates the text of the button.
* Sets focus state to the button.
.attr( {
class: $chooseButton.attr( 'data-alt-classes' ),
'data-alt-classes': $chooseButton.attr( 'class' ),
'data-state': '',
} )
.text( $chooseButton.attr( 'data-choose-text' ) )
.trigger( 'focus' );
} );
} )( jQuery );