2020-04-07 13:03:04 +00:00

610 lines
22 KiB

* Theme Customizer enhancements for a better user experience.
* Contains handlers to make Theme Customizer preview reload changes asynchronously.
function generatepress_colors_live_update( id, selector, property, default_value, get_value ) {
default_value = typeof default_value !== 'undefined' ? default_value : 'initial';
get_value = typeof get_value !== 'undefined' ? get_value : '';
wp.customize( 'generate_settings[' + id + ']', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( newval ) {
default_value = ( '' !== get_value ) ? wp.customize.value('generate_settings[' + get_value + ']')() : default_value;
newval = ( '' !== newval ) ? newval : default_value;
if ( jQuery( 'style#' + id ).length ) {
jQuery( 'style#' + id ).html( selector + '{' + property + ':' + newval + ';}' );
} else {
jQuery( 'head' ).append( '<style id="' + id + '">' + selector + '{' + property + ':' + newval + '}</style>' );
setTimeout(function() {
jQuery( 'style#' + id ).not( ':last' ).remove();
}, 1000);
} );
} );
function generatepress_classes_live_update( id, classes, selector, prefix ) {
classes = typeof classes !== 'undefined' ? classes : '';
prefix = typeof prefix !== 'undefined' ? prefix : '';
wp.customize( 'generate_settings[' + id + ']', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( newval ) {
jQuery.each( classes, function( i, v ) {
jQuery( selector ).removeClass( prefix + v );
jQuery( selector ).addClass( prefix + newval );
} );
} );
function generatepress_typography_live_update( id, selector, property, unit, media, settings ) {
settings = typeof settings !== 'undefined' ? settings : 'generate_settings';
wp.customize( settings + '[' + id + ']', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( newval ) {
// Get our unit if applicable
unit = typeof unit !== 'undefined' ? unit : '';
var isTablet = ( 'tablet' == id.substring( 0, 6 ) ) ? true : false,
isMobile = ( 'mobile' == id.substring( 0, 6 ) ) ? true : false;
if ( isTablet ) {
if ( '' == wp.customize(settings + '[' + id + ']').get() ) {
var desktopID = id.replace( 'tablet_', '' );
newval = wp.customize(settings + '[' + desktopID + ']').get();
if ( isMobile ) {
if ( '' == wp.customize(settings + '[' + id + ']').get() ) {
var desktopID = id.replace( 'mobile_', '' );
newval = wp.customize(settings + '[' + desktopID + ']').get();
if ( 'buttons_font_size' == id && '' == wp.customize('generate_settings[buttons_font_size]').get() ) {
newval = wp.customize('generate_settings[body_font_size]').get();
// We're using a desktop value
if ( ! isTablet && ! isMobile ) {
var tabletValue = ( typeof wp.customize(settings + '[tablet_' + id + ']') !== 'undefined' ) ? wp.customize(settings + '[tablet_' + id + ']').get() : '',
mobileValue = ( typeof wp.customize(settings + '[mobile_' + id + ']') !== 'undefined' ) ? wp.customize(settings + '[mobile_' + id + ']').get() : '';
// The tablet setting exists, mobile doesn't
if ( '' !== tabletValue && '' == mobileValue ) {
media = generatepress_live_preview.desktop + ', ' +;
// The tablet setting doesn't exist, mobile does
if ( '' == tabletValue && '' !== mobileValue ) {
media = generatepress_live_preview.desktop + ', ' + generatepress_live_preview.tablet;
// The tablet setting doesn't exist, neither does mobile
if ( '' == tabletValue && '' == mobileValue ) {
media = generatepress_live_preview.desktop + ', ' + generatepress_live_preview.tablet + ', ' +;
// Check if media query
media_query = typeof media !== 'undefined' ? 'media="' + media + '"' : '';
jQuery( 'head' ).append( '<style id="' + id + '" ' + media_query + '>' + selector + '{' + property + ':' + newval + unit + ';}</style>' );
setTimeout(function() {
jQuery( 'style#' + id ).not( ':last' ).remove();
}, 1000);
setTimeout("jQuery('body').trigger('generate_spacing_updated');", 1000);
} );
} );
( function( $ ) {
// Update the site title in real time...
wp.customize( 'blogname', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( newval ) {
$( '.main-title a' ).html( newval );
} );
} );
//Update the site description in real time...
wp.customize( 'blogdescription', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( newval ) {
$( '.site-description' ).html( newval );
} );
} );
wp.customize( 'generate_settings[logo_width]', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( newval ) {
$( '.site-header .header-image' ).css( 'width', newval + 'px' );
if ( '' == newval ) {
$( '.site-header .header-image' ).css( 'width', '' );
} );
} );
* Body background color
* Empty: white
generatepress_colors_live_update( 'background_color', 'body', 'background-color', '#FFFFFF' );
* Text color
* Empty: black
generatepress_colors_live_update( 'text_color', 'body', 'color', '#000000' );
* Link color
* Empty: initial
generatepress_colors_live_update( 'link_color', 'a, a:visited', 'color', 'initial' );
* Link color hover
* Empty: initial
generatepress_colors_live_update( 'link_color_hover', 'a:hover', 'color', 'initial' );
* Live update for content & navigation colors thanks to our preset option.
* We only want to run this if GP Premium isn't already doing it.
if ( 'undefined' == typeof generate_colors_live_update ) {
* Blog post title color
* Empty: Body link color
generatepress_colors_live_update( 'blog_post_title_color', '.entry-title a, .entry-title a:visited', 'color', '', 'link_color' );
* Blog post title color on hover
* Empty: Body link color on hover
generatepress_colors_live_update( 'blog_post_title_hover_color', '.entry-title a:hover', 'color', '', 'link_color_hover' );
* Navigation background color
* Empty: Transparent
generatepress_colors_live_update( 'navigation_background_color', '.main-navigation', 'background-color', 'transparent' );
* Primary navigation text color
* Empty: link_color
generatepress_colors_live_update( 'navigation_text_color',
'.main-navigation .main-nav ul li a,\
.main-navigation .mobile-bar-items a,\
.main-navigation .mobile-bar-items a:hover,\
.main-navigation .mobile-bar-items a:focus',
* Primary navigation text color hover
* Empty: link_color_hover
generatepress_colors_live_update( 'navigation_text_hover_color',
'.navigation-search input[type="search"],\
.navigation-search input[type="search"]:active,\
.navigation-search input[type="search"]:focus,\
.main-navigation .main-nav ul li:hover > a,\
.main-navigation .main-nav ul li:focus > a,\
.main-navigation .main-nav ul li.sfHover > a',
* Primary navigation menu item hover
* Empty: transparent
generatepress_colors_live_update( 'navigation_background_hover_color',
'.navigation-search input[type="search"],\
.navigation-search input[type="search"]:focus,\
.main-navigation .main-nav ul li:hover > a,\
.main-navigation .main-nav ul li:focus > a,\
.main-navigation .main-nav ul li.sfHover > a',
* Primary sub-navigation color
* Empty: transparent
generatepress_colors_live_update( 'subnavigation_background_color', '.main-navigation ul ul', 'background-color', 'transparent' );
* Primary sub-navigation text color
* Empty: link_color
generatepress_colors_live_update( 'subnavigation_text_color', '.main-navigation .main-nav ul ul li a', 'color', 'link_color' );
* Primary sub-navigation hover
var subnavigation_hover = '.main-navigation .main-nav ul ul li:hover > a, \
.main-navigation .main-nav ul ul li:focus > a, \
.main-navigation .main-nav ul ul li.sfHover > a';
* Primary sub-navigation text hover
* Empty: link_color_hover
generatepress_colors_live_update( 'subnavigation_text_hover_color', subnavigation_hover, 'color', '', 'link_color_hover' );
* Primary sub-navigation background hover
* Empty: transparent
generatepress_colors_live_update( 'subnavigation_background_hover_color', subnavigation_hover, 'background-color', 'transparent' );
* Navigation current selectors
var navigation_current = '.main-navigation .main-nav ul li[class*="current-menu-"] > a, \
.main-navigation .main-nav ul li[class*="current-menu-"]:hover > a, \
.main-navigation .main-nav ul li[class*="current-menu-"].sfHover > a';
* Primary navigation current text
* Empty: link_color
generatepress_colors_live_update( 'navigation_text_current_color', navigation_current, 'color', '', 'link_color' );
* Primary navigation current background
* Empty: transparent
generatepress_colors_live_update( 'navigation_background_current_color', navigation_current, 'background-color', 'transparent' );
* Primary sub-navigation current selectors
var subnavigation_current = '.main-navigation .main-nav ul ul li[class*="current-menu-"] > a,\
.main-navigation .main-nav ul ul li[class*="current-menu-"]:hover > a, \
.main-navigation .main-nav ul ul li[class*="current-menu-"].sfHover > a';
* Primary sub-navigation current text
* Empty: link_color
generatepress_colors_live_update( 'subnavigation_text_current_color', subnavigation_current, 'color', '', 'link_color' );
* Primary navigation current item background
* Empty: transparent
generatepress_colors_live_update( 'subnavigation_background_current_color', subnavigation_current, 'background-color', 'transparent' );
* Container width
wp.customize( 'generate_settings[container_width]', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( newval ) {
if ( jQuery( 'style#container_width' ).length ) {
jQuery( 'style#container_width' ).html( 'body .grid-container, .wp-block-group__inner-container{max-width:' + newval + 'px;}' );
} else {
jQuery( 'head' ).append( '<style id="container_width">body .grid-container, .wp-block-group__inner-container{max-width:' + newval + 'px;}</style>' );
setTimeout(function() {
jQuery( 'style#container_width' ).not( ':last' ).remove();
}, 100);
} );
} );
* Live update for typography options.
* We only want to run this if GP Premium isn't already doing it.
if ( 'undefined' == typeof gp_premium_typography_live_update ) {
* Body font size, weight and transform
generatepress_typography_live_update( 'body_font_size', 'body, button, input, select, textarea', 'font-size', 'px' );
generatepress_typography_live_update( 'body_line_height', 'body', 'line-height', '' );
generatepress_typography_live_update( 'paragraph_margin', 'p, .entry-content > [class*="wp-block-"]:not(:last-child)', 'margin-bottom', 'em' );
generatepress_typography_live_update( 'body_font_weight', 'body, button, input, select, textarea', 'font-weight' );
generatepress_typography_live_update( 'body_font_transform', 'body, button, input, select, textarea', 'text-transform' );
* H1 font size, weight and transform
generatepress_typography_live_update( 'heading_1_font_size', 'h1', 'font-size', 'px', generatepress_live_preview.desktop );
generatepress_typography_live_update( 'mobile_heading_1_font_size', 'h1', 'font-size', 'px', );
generatepress_typography_live_update( 'heading_1_weight', 'h1', 'font-weight' );
generatepress_typography_live_update( 'heading_1_transform', 'h1', 'text-transform' );
generatepress_typography_live_update( 'heading_1_line_height', 'h1', 'line-height', 'em' );
* H2 font size, weight and transform
generatepress_typography_live_update( 'heading_2_font_size', 'h2', 'font-size', 'px', generatepress_live_preview.desktop );
generatepress_typography_live_update( 'mobile_heading_2_font_size', 'h2', 'font-size', 'px', );
generatepress_typography_live_update( 'heading_2_weight', 'h2', 'font-weight' );
generatepress_typography_live_update( 'heading_2_transform', 'h2', 'text-transform' );
generatepress_typography_live_update( 'heading_2_line_height', 'h2', 'line-height', 'em' );
* H3 font size, weight and transform
generatepress_typography_live_update( 'heading_3_font_size', 'h3', 'font-size', 'px' );
generatepress_typography_live_update( 'heading_3_weight', 'h3', 'font-weight' );
generatepress_typography_live_update( 'heading_3_transform', 'h3', 'text-transform' );
generatepress_typography_live_update( 'heading_3_line_height', 'h3', 'line-height', 'em' );
* Content layout
generatepress_classes_live_update( 'content_layout_setting', [ 'one-container', 'separate-containers' ], 'body' );
* Top bar width
wp.customize( 'generate_settings[top_bar_width]', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( newval ) {
if ( 'full' == newval ) {
$( '.top-bar' ).removeClass( 'grid-container' ).removeClass( 'grid-parent' );
if ( 'contained' == wp.customize.value('generate_settings[top_bar_inner_width]')() ) {
$( '.inside-top-bar' ).addClass( 'grid-container' ).addClass( 'grid-parent' );
if ( 'contained' == newval ) {
$( '.top-bar' ).addClass( 'grid-container' ).addClass( 'grid-parent' );
$( '.inside-top-bar' ).removeClass( 'grid-container' ).removeClass( 'grid-parent' );
} );
} );
* Inner top bar width
wp.customize( 'generate_settings[top_bar_inner_width]', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( newval ) {
if ( 'full' == newval ) {
$( '.inside-top-bar' ).removeClass( 'grid-container' ).removeClass( 'grid-parent' );
if ( 'contained' == newval ) {
$( '.inside-top-bar' ).addClass( 'grid-container' ).addClass( 'grid-parent' );
} );
} );
* Top bar alignment
generatepress_classes_live_update( 'top_bar_alignment', [ 'left', 'center', 'right' ], '.top-bar', 'top-bar-align-' );
* Header layout
wp.customize( 'generate_settings[header_layout_setting]', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( newval ) {
if ( 'fluid-header' == newval ) {
$( '.site-header' ).removeClass( 'grid-container' ).removeClass( 'grid-parent' );
if ( 'contained' == wp.customize.value('generate_settings[header_inner_width]')() ) {
$( '.inside-header' ).addClass( 'grid-container' ).addClass( 'grid-parent' );
if ( 'contained-header' == newval ) {
$( '.site-header' ).addClass( 'grid-container' ).addClass( 'grid-parent' );
$( '.inside-header' ).removeClass( 'grid-container' ).removeClass( 'grid-parent' );
} );
} );
* Inner Header layout
wp.customize( 'generate_settings[header_inner_width]', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( newval ) {
if ( 'full-width' == newval ) {
$( '.inside-header' ).removeClass( 'grid-container' ).removeClass( 'grid-parent' );
if ( 'contained' == newval ) {
$( '.inside-header' ).addClass( 'grid-container' ).addClass( 'grid-parent' );
} );
} );
* Header alignment
generatepress_classes_live_update( 'header_alignment_setting', [ 'left', 'center', 'right' ], 'body', 'header-aligned-' );
* Navigation width
wp.customize( 'generate_settings[nav_layout_setting]', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( newval ) {
if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'sticky-enabled' ) ) {
wp.customize.preview.send( 'refresh' );
} else {
if ( 'fluid-nav' == newval ) {
$( '.main-navigation' ).removeClass( 'grid-container' ).removeClass( 'grid-parent' );
if ( 'full-width' !== wp.customize.value('generate_settings[nav_inner_width]')() ) {
$( '.main-navigation .inside-navigation' ).addClass( 'grid-container' ).addClass( 'grid-parent' );
if ( 'contained-nav' == newval ) {
$( '.main-navigation' ).addClass( 'grid-container' ).addClass( 'grid-parent' );
$( '.main-navigation .inside-navigation' ).removeClass( 'grid-container' ).removeClass( 'grid-parent' );
} );
} );
* Inner navigation width
wp.customize( 'generate_settings[nav_inner_width]', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( newval ) {
if ( 'full-width' == newval ) {
$( '.main-navigation .inside-navigation' ).removeClass( 'grid-container' ).removeClass( 'grid-parent' );
if ( 'contained' == newval ) {
$( '.main-navigation .inside-navigation' ).addClass( 'grid-container' ).addClass( 'grid-parent' );
} );
} );
* Navigation position
wp.customize( 'generate_settings[nav_position_setting]', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( newval ) {
$( 'body' ).trigger( 'generate_navigation_location_updated' );
// Update navigation alignment settings.
$( 'body' ).removeClass( 'nav-aligned-center' );
$( 'body' ).removeClass( 'nav-aligned-left' );
$( 'body' ).removeClass( 'nav-aligned-right' );
$( 'body' ).addClass( 'nav-aligned-' + wp.customize.value('generate_settings[nav_alignment_setting]')() );
if ( $( '.gen-sidebar-nav' ).length ) {
wp.customize.preview.send( 'refresh' );
return false;
if ( 'nav-left-sidebar' == newval ) {
wp.customize.preview.send( 'refresh' );
return false;
if ( 'nav-right-sidebar' == newval ) {
wp.customize.preview.send( 'refresh' );
return false;
if ( '' !== wp.customize.value('generate_settings[nav_drop_point]')() ) {
wp.customize.preview.send( 'refresh' );
return false;
var classes = [ 'nav-below-header', 'nav-above-header', 'nav-float-right', 'nav-float-left', 'nav-left-sidebar', 'nav-right-sidebar' ];
if ( 'nav-left-sidebar' !== newval && 'nav-right-sidebar' !== newval ) {
$.each( classes, function( i, v ) {
$( 'body' ).removeClass( v );
$( 'body' ).addClass( newval );
if ( 'nav-below-header' == newval ) {
$( '#site-navigation:first' ).insertAfter( '.site-header' ).show();
if ( 'nav-above-header' == newval ) {
if ( $( '.top-bar:not(.secondary-navigation .top-bar)' ).length ) {
$( '#site-navigation:first' ).insertAfter( '.top-bar' ).show();
} else {
$( '#site-navigation:first' ).prependTo( 'body' ).show();
if ( 'nav-float-right' == newval ) {
if ( ! $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'using-floats' ) && $( '.header-widget' ).length ) {
$( '#site-navigation:first' ).insertBefore( '.header-widget' ).show();
} else {
$( '#site-navigation:first' ).appendTo( '.inside-header' ).show();
if ( 'nav-float-left' == newval ) {
$( '#site-navigation:first' ).appendTo( '.inside-header' ).show();
if ( '' == newval ) {
if ( $( '.gen-sidebar-nav' ).length ) {
wp.customize.preview.send( 'refresh' );
} else {
$( '#site-navigation:first' ).hide();
} );
} );
* Navigation alignment
generatepress_classes_live_update( 'nav_alignment_setting', [ 'left', 'center', 'right' ], 'body', 'nav-aligned-' );
* Footer width
wp.customize( 'generate_settings[footer_layout_setting]', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( newval ) {
if ( 'fluid-footer' == newval ) {
$( '.site-footer' ).removeClass( 'grid-container' ).removeClass( 'grid-parent' );
if ( 'contained-footer' == newval ) {
$( '.site-footer' ).addClass( 'grid-container' ).addClass( 'grid-parent' );
} );
} );
* Inner footer width
wp.customize( 'generate_settings[footer_inner_width]', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( newval ) {
if ( 'full-width' == newval ) {
if ( $( '.footer-widgets-container' ).length ) {
$( '.footer-widgets-container' ).removeClass( 'grid-container' ).removeClass( 'grid-parent' );
} else {
$( '.inside-footer-widgets' ).removeClass( 'grid-container' ).removeClass( 'grid-parent' );
$( '.inside-site-info' ).removeClass( 'grid-container' ).removeClass( 'grid-parent' );
if ( 'contained' == newval ) {
if ( $( '.footer-widgets-container' ).length ) {
$( '.footer-widgets-container' ).addClass( 'grid-container' ).addClass( 'grid-parent' );
} else {
$( '.inside-footer-widgets' ).addClass( 'grid-container' ).addClass( 'grid-parent' );
$( '.inside-site-info' ).addClass( 'grid-container' ).addClass( 'grid-parent' );
} );
} );
* Footer bar alignment
generatepress_classes_live_update( 'footer_bar_alignment', [ 'left', 'center', 'right' ], '.site-footer', 'footer-bar-align-' );
jQuery( 'body' ).on( 'generate_spacing_updated', function() {
var containerAlignment = wp.customize( 'generate_settings[container_alignment]' ).get(),
containerWidth = wp.customize( 'generate_settings[container_width]' ).get(),
contentLeft = generatepress_live_preview.contentLeft,
contentRight = generatepress_live_preview.contentRight;
if ( 'text' === containerAlignment ) {
if ( typeof wp.customize( 'generate_spacing_settings[content_left]' ) !== 'undefined' ) {
contentLeft = wp.customize( 'generate_spacing_settings[content_left]' ).get();
if ( typeof wp.customize( 'generate_spacing_settings[content_right]' ) !== 'undefined' ) {
contentRight = wp.customize( 'generate_spacing_settings[content_right]' ).get();
var newContainerWidth = Number( containerWidth ) + Number( contentLeft ) + Number( contentRight );
if ( jQuery( 'style#wide_container_width' ).length ) {
jQuery( 'style#wide_container_width' ).html( '#page{max-width:' + newContainerWidth + 'px;}' );
} else {
jQuery( 'head' ).append( '<style id="wide_container_width">#page{max-width:' + newContainerWidth + 'px;}</style>' );
setTimeout(function() {
jQuery( 'style#wide_container_width' ).not( ':last' ).remove();
}, 100);
} );
} )( jQuery );