
483 lines
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namespace PayWithAmazon;
// Exit if accessed directly
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;
/* Interface class to showcase the public API methods for Pay With Amazon */
interface ClientInterface
/* Takes user configuration array from the user as input
* Takes JSON file path with configuration information as input
* Validates the user configuation array against existing config array
public function __construct($config = null);
/* Setter for sandbox
* Sets the boolean value for config['sandbox'] variable
public function setSandbox($value);
/* Setter for config['client_id']
* Sets the value for config['client_id'] variable
public function setClientId($value);
/* Setter for Proxy
* input $proxy [array]
* @param $proxy['proxy_user_host'] - hostname for the proxy
* @param $proxy['proxy_user_port'] - hostname for the proxy
* @param $proxy['proxy_user_name'] - if your proxy required a username
* @param $proxy['proxy_user_password'] - if your proxy required a passowrd
public function setProxy($proxy);
/* Setter for $_mwsServiceUrl
* Set the URL to which the post request has to be made for unit testing
public function setMwsServiceUrl($url);
/* Getter
* Gets the value for the key if the key exists in config
public function __get($name);
/* Getter for parameters string
* Gets the value for the parameters string for unit testing
public function getParameters();
/* GetUserInfo convenience funtion - Returns user's profile information from Amazon using the access token returned by the Button widget.
* @see
* @param $access_token [String]
public function getUserInfo($access_token);
/* GetOrderReferenceDetails API call - Returns details about the Order Reference object and its current state.
* @see
* @param requestParameters['merchant_id'] - [String]
* @param requestParameters['amazon_order_reference_id'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['address_consent_token'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['mws_auth_token'] - [String]
public function getOrderReferenceDetails($requestParameters = array());
/* SetOrderReferenceDetails API call - Sets order reference details such as the order total and a description for the order.
* @see
* @param requestParameters['merchant_id'] - [String]
* @param requestParameters['amazon_order_reference_id'] - [String]
* @param requestParameters['amount'] - [String]
* @param requestParameters['currency_code'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['platform_id'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['seller_note'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['seller_order_id'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['store_name'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['custom_information'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['mws_auth_token'] - [String]
public function setOrderReferenceDetails($requestParameters = array());
/* ConfirmOrderReferenceDetails API call - Confirms that the order reference is free of constraints and all required information has been set on the order reference.
* @see
* @param requestParameters['merchant_id'] - [String]
* @param requestParameters['amazon_order_reference_id'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['mws_auth_token'] - [String]
public function confirmOrderReference($requestParameters = array());
/* CancelOrderReferenceDetails API call - Cancels a previously confirmed order reference.
* @see
* @param requestParameters['merchant_id'] - [String]
* @param requestParameters['amazon_order_reference_id'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['cancelation_reason'] [String]
* @optional requestParameters['mws_auth_token'] - [String]
public function cancelOrderReference($requestParameters = array());
/* CloseOrderReferenceDetails API call - Confirms that an order reference has been fulfilled (fully or partially)
* and that you do not expect to create any new authorizations on this order reference.
* @see
* @param requestParameters['merchant_id'] - [String]
* @param requestParameters['amazon_order_reference_id'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['closure_reason'] [String]
* @optional requestParameters['mws_auth_token'] - [String]
public function closeOrderReference($requestParameters = array());
/* CloseAuthorization API call - Closes an authorization.
* @see
* @param requestParameters['merchant_id'] - [String]
* @param requestParameters['amazon_authorization_id'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['closure_reason'] [String]
* @optional requestParameters['mws_auth_token'] - [String]
public function closeAuthorization($requestParameters = array());
/* Authorize API call - Reserves a specified amount against the payment method(s) stored in the order reference.
* @see
* @param requestParameters['merchant_id'] - [String]
* @param requestParameters['amazon_order_reference_id'] - [String]
* @param requestParameters['authorization_amount'] [String]
* @param requestParameters['currency_code'] - [String]
* @param requestParameters['authorization_reference_id'] [String]
* @optional requestParameters['capture_now'] [String]
* @optional requestParameters['provider_credit_details'] - [array (array())]
* @optional requestParameters['seller_authorization_note'] [String]
* @optional requestParameters['transaction_timeout'] [String] - Defaults to 1440 minutes
* @optional requestParameters['soft_descriptor'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['mws_auth_token'] - [String]
public function authorize($requestParameters = array());
/* GetAuthorizationDetails API call - Returns the status of a particular authorization and the total amount captured on the authorization.
* @see
* @param requestParameters['merchant_id'] - [String]
* @param requestParameters['amazon_authorization_id'] [String]
* @optional requestParameters['mws_auth_token'] - [String]
public function getAuthorizationDetails($requestParameters = array());
/* Capture API call - Captures funds from an authorized payment instrument.
* @see
* @param requestParameters['merchant_id'] - [String]
* @param requestParameters['amazon_authorization_id'] - [String]
* @param requestParameters['capture_amount'] - [String]
* @param requestParameters['currency_code'] - [String]
* @param requestParameters['capture_reference_id'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['provider_credit_details'] - [array (array())]
* @optional requestParameters['seller_capture_note'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['soft_descriptor'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['mws_auth_token'] - [String]
public function capture($requestParameters = array());
/* GetCaptureDetails API call - Returns the status of a particular capture and the total amount refunded on the capture.
* @see
* @param requestParameters['merchant_id'] - [String]
* @param requestParameters['amazon_capture_id'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['mws_auth_token'] - [String]
public function getCaptureDetails($requestParameters = array());
/* Refund API call - Refunds a previously captured amount.
* @see
* @param requestParameters['merchant_id'] - [String]
* @param requestParameters['amazon_capture_id'] - [String]
* @param requestParameters['refund_reference_id'] - [String]
* @param requestParameters['refund_amount'] - [String]
* @param requestParameters['currency_code'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['provider_credit_reversal_details'] - [array(array())]
* @optional requestParameters['seller_refund_note'] [String]
* @optional requestParameters['soft_descriptor'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['mws_auth_token'] - [String]
public function refund($requestParameters = array());
/* GetRefundDetails API call - Returns the status of a particular refund.
* @see
* @param requestParameters['merchant_id'] - [String]
* @param requestParameters['amazon_refund_id'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['mws_auth_token'] - [String]
public function getRefundDetails($requestParameters = array());
/* GetServiceStatus API Call - Returns the operational status of the Off-Amazon Payments API section
* @see
* The GetServiceStatus operation returns the operational status of the Off-Amazon Payments API
* section of Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS).
* Status values are GREEN, GREEN_I, YELLOW, and RED.
* @param requestParameters['merchant_id'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['mws_auth_token'] - [String]
public function getServiceStatus($requestParameters = array());
/* CreateOrderReferenceForId API Call - Creates an order reference for the given object
* @see
* @param requestParameters['merchant_id'] - [String]
* @param requestParameters['Id'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['inherit_shipping_address'] [Boolean]
* @optional requestParameters['ConfirmNow'] - [Boolean]
* @optional Amount (required when confirm_now is set to true) [String]
* @optional requestParameters['currency_code'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['seller_note'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['seller_order_id'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['store_name'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['custom_information'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['mws_auth_token'] - [String]
public function createOrderReferenceForId($requestParameters = array());
/* GetBillingAgreementDetails API Call - Returns details about the Billing Agreement object and its current state.
* @see
* @param requestParameters['merchant_id'] - [String]
* @param requestParameters['amazon_billing_agreement_id'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['mws_auth_token'] - [String]
public function getBillingAgreementDetails($requestParameters = array());
/* SetBillingAgreementDetails API call - Sets Billing Agreement details such as a description of the agreement and other information about the seller.
* @see
* @param requestParameters['merchant_id'] - [String]
* @param requestParameters['amazon_billing_agreement_id'] - [String]
* @param requestParameters['amount'] - [String]
* @param requestParameters['currency_code'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['platform_id'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['seller_note'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['seller_billing_agreement_id'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['store_name'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['custom_information'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['mws_auth_token'] - [String]
public function setBillingAgreementDetails($requestParameters = array());
/* ConfirmBillingAgreement API Call - Confirms that the Billing Agreement is free of constraints and all required information has been set on the Billing Agreement.
* @see
* @param requestParameters['merchant_id'] - [String]
* @param requestParameters['amazon_billing_agreement_id'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['mws_auth_token'] - [String]
public function confirmBillingAgreement($requestParameters = array());
/* ValidateBillingAgreement API Call - Validates the status of the Billing Agreement object and the payment method associated with it.
* @see
* @param requestParameters['merchant_id'] - [String]
* @param requestParameters['amazon_billing_agreement_id'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['mws_auth_token'] - [String]
public function validateBillingAgreement($requestParameters = array());
/* AuthorizeOnBillingAgreement API call - Reserves a specified amount against the payment method(s) stored in the Billing Agreement.
* @see
* @param requestParameters['merchant_id'] - [String]
* @param requestParameters['amazon_billing_agreement_id'] - [String]
* @param requestParameters['authorization_reference_id'] [String]
* @param requestParameters['authorization_amount'] [String]
* @param requestParameters['currency_code'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['seller_authorization_note'] [String]
* @optional requestParameters['transaction_timeout'] - Defaults to 1440 minutes
* @optional requestParameters['capture_now'] [String]
* @optional requestParameters['soft_descriptor'] - - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['seller_note'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['platform_id'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['custom_information'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['seller_order_id'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['store_name'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['inherit_shipping_address'] [Boolean] - Defaults to true
* @optional requestParameters['mws_auth_token'] - [String]
public function authorizeOnBillingAgreement($requestParameters = array());
/* CloseBillingAgreement API Call - Returns details about the Billing Agreement object and its current state.
* @see
* @param requestParameters['merchant_id'] - [String]
* @param requestParameters['amazon_billing_agreement_id'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['closure_reason'] [String]
* @optional requestParameters['mws_auth_token'] - [String]
public function closeBillingAgreement($requestParameters = array());
/* charge convenience method
* Performs the API calls
* 1. SetOrderReferenceDetails / SetBillingAgreementDetails
* 2. ConfirmOrderReference / ConfirmBillingAgreement
* 3. Authorize (with Capture) / AuthorizeOnBillingAgreeemnt (with Capture)
* @param requestParameters['merchant_id'] - [String]
* @param requestParameters['amazon_reference_id'] - [String] : Order Reference ID /Billing Agreement ID
* If requestParameters['amazon_reference_id'] is empty then the following is required,
* @param requestParameters['amazon_order_reference_id'] - [String] : Order Reference ID
* or,
* @param requestParameters['amazon_billing_agreement_id'] - [String] : Billing Agreement ID
* @param $requestParameters['charge_amount'] - [String] : Amount value to be captured
* @param requestParameters['currency_code'] - [String] : Currency Code for the Amount
* @param requestParameters['authorization_reference_id'] - [String]- Any unique string that needs to be passed
* @optional requestParameters['charge_note'] - [String] : Seller Note sent to the buyer
* @optional requestParameters['transaction_timeout'] - [String] : Defaults to 1440 minutes
* @optional requestParameters['charge_order_id'] - [String] : Custom Order ID provided
* @optional requestParameters['mws_auth_token'] - [String]
public function charge($requestParameters = array());
/* GetProviderCreditDetails API Call - Get the details of the Provider Credit.
* @param requestParameters['merchant_id'] - [String]
* @param requestParameters['amazon_provider_credit_id'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['mws_auth_token'] - [String]
public function getProviderCreditDetails($requestParameters = array());
/* GetProviderCreditReversalDetails API Call - Get details of the Provider Credit Reversal.
* @param requestParameters['merchant_id'] - [String]
* @param requestParameters['amazon_provider_credit_reversal_id'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['mws_auth_token'] - [String]
public function getProviderCreditReversalDetails($requestParameters = array());
/* ReverseProviderCredit API Call - Reverse the Provider Credit.
* @param requestParameters['merchant_id'] - [String]
* @param requestParameters['amazon_provider_credit_id'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['credit_reversal_reference_id'] - [String]
* @param requestParameters['credit_reversal_amount'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['currency_code'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['credit_reversal_note'] - [String]
* @optional requestParameters['mws_auth_token'] - [String]
public function reverseProviderCredit($requestParameters = array());
/* Interface for IpnHandler.php */
interface IpnHandlerInterface
/* Takes headers and body of the IPN message as input in the constructor
* verifies that the IPN is from the right resource and has the valid data
public function __construct($headers, $body, $ipnConfig = null);
/* returnMessage() - JSON decode the raw [Message] portion of the IPN */
public function returnMessage();
/* toJson() - Converts IPN [Message] field to JSON
* Has child elements
* ['NotificationData'] [XML] - API call XML notification data
* @param remainingFields - consists of remaining IPN array fields that are merged
* Type - Notification
* MessageId - ID of the Notification
* Topic ARN - Topic of the IPN
* @return response in JSON format
public function toJson();
/* toArray() - Converts IPN [Message] field to associative array
* @return response in array format
public function toArray();
/* Interface for HttpCurl.php */
interface HttpCurlInterface
/* Takes user configuration array as input
* Takes configuration for API call or IPN config
public function __construct($config = null);
/* Set Http header for Access token for the GetUserInfo call */
public function setHttpHeader();
/* Setter for Access token to get the user info */
public function setAccessToken($accesstoken);
/* POST using curl for the following situations
* 1. API calls
* 2. IPN certificate retrieval
* 3. Get User Info
public function httpPost($url, $userAgent = null, $parameters = null);
/* GET using curl for the following situations
* 1. IPN certificate retrieval
* 3. Get User Info
public function httpGet($url, $userAgent = null);
/* Interface for ResponseParser.php */
interface ResponseInterface
/* Takes response from the API call */
public function __construct($response = null);
/* Returns the XML portion of the response */
public function toXml();
/* toJson - converts XML into Json
* @param $response [XML]
public function toJson();
/* toArray - converts XML into associative array
* @param $this->_response [XML]
public function toArray();
/* Get the status of the BillingAgreement */
public function getBillingAgreementDetailsStatus($response);