
947 lines
29 KiB

Plugin Name: AuthLDAP
Plugin URI:
Description: This plugin allows you to use your existing LDAP as authentication base for WordPress
Version: 2.6.0
Author: Andreas Heigl <>
Author URI:
License: MIT
License URI:
// phpcs:disable PSR1.Files.SideEffects
use Org_Heigl\AuthLdap\LdapList;
use Org_Heigl\AuthLdap\LdapUri;
use Org_Heigl\AuthLdap\Manager\Ldap;
use Org_Heigl\AuthLdap\UserRoleHandler;
use Org_Heigl\AuthLdap\Wrapper\LdapFactory;
require_once __DIR__ . '/src/Wrapper/LdapInterface.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/src/Exception/Error.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/src/Exception/InvalidLdapUri.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/src/Exception/Error.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/src/Exception/InvalidLdapUri.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/src/Exception/MissingValidLdapConnection.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/src/Exception/SearchUnsuccessfull.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/src/Manager/Ldap.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/src/Wrapper/Ldap.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/src/Wrapper/LdapFactory.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/src/LdapList.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/src/LdapUri.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/src/UserRoleHandler.php';
function authLdap_debug($message)
if (authLdap_get_option('Debug')) {
error_log('[AuthLDAP] ' . $message, 0);
function authLdap_addmenu()
if (!is_multisite()) {
} else {
function authLdap_get_post($name, $default = '')
return isset($_POST[$name]) ? $_POST[$name] : $default;
function authLdap_options_panel()
// inclusde style sheet
wp_enqueue_style('authLdap-style', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'authLdap.css');
if (($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') && array_key_exists('ldapOptionsSave', $_POST)) {
if (!isset($_POST['authLdapNonce'])) {
die("Go away!");
if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['authLdapNonce'],'authLdapNonce')) {
die("Go away!");
$new_options = [
'Enabled' => authLdap_get_post('authLDAPAuth', false),
'CachePW' => authLdap_get_post('authLDAPCachePW', false),
'URI' => authLdap_get_post('authLDAPURI'),
'URISeparator' => authLdap_get_post('authLDAPURISeparator'),
'StartTLS' => authLdap_get_post('authLDAPStartTLS', false),
'Filter' => authLdap_get_post('authLDAPFilter'),
'NameAttr' => authLdap_get_post('authLDAPNameAttr'),
'SecName' => authLdap_get_post('authLDAPSecName'),
'UidAttr' => authLdap_get_post('authLDAPUidAttr'),
'MailAttr' => authLdap_get_post('authLDAPMailAttr'),
'WebAttr' => authLdap_get_post('authLDAPWebAttr'),
'Groups' => authLdap_get_post('authLDAPGroups', []),
'GroupSeparator' => authLdap_get_post('authLDAPGroupSeparator', ','),
'Debug' => authLdap_get_post('authLDAPDebug', false),
'GroupBase' => authLdap_get_post('authLDAPGroupBase'),
'GroupAttr' => authLdap_get_post('authLDAPGroupAttr'),
'GroupFilter' => authLdap_get_post('authLDAPGroupFilter'),
'DefaultRole' => authLdap_get_post('authLDAPDefaultRole'),
'GroupEnable' => authLdap_get_post('authLDAPGroupEnable', false),
'GroupOverUser' => authLdap_get_post('authLDAPGroupOverUser', false),
'DoNotOverwriteNonLdapUsers' => authLdap_get_post('authLDAPDoNotOverwriteNonLdapUsers', false),
'UserRead' => authLdap_get_post('authLDAPUseUserAccount', false),
if (authLdap_set_options($new_options)) {
echo "<div class='updated'><p>Saved Options!</p></div>";
} else {
echo "<div class='error'><p>Could not save Options!</p></div>";
// Do some initialization for the admin-view
$authLDAP = authLdap_get_option('Enabled');
$authLDAPCachePW = authLdap_get_option('CachePW');
$authLDAPURI = authLdap_get_option('URI');
$authLDAPURISeparator = authLdap_get_option('URISeparator');
$authLDAPStartTLS = authLdap_get_option('StartTLS');
$authLDAPFilter = authLdap_get_option('Filter');
$authLDAPNameAttr = authLdap_get_option('NameAttr');
$authLDAPSecName = authLdap_get_option('SecName');
$authLDAPMailAttr = authLdap_get_option('MailAttr');
$authLDAPUidAttr = authLdap_get_option('UidAttr');
$authLDAPWebAttr = authLdap_get_option('WebAttr');
$authLDAPGroups = authLdap_get_option('Groups');
$authLDAPGroupSeparator = authLdap_get_option('GroupSeparator');
$authLDAPDebug = authLdap_get_option('Debug');
$authLDAPGroupBase = authLdap_get_option('GroupBase');
$authLDAPGroupAttr = authLdap_get_option('GroupAttr');
$authLDAPGroupFilter = authLdap_get_option('GroupFilter');
$authLDAPDefaultRole = authLdap_get_option('DefaultRole');
$authLDAPGroupEnable = authLdap_get_option('GroupEnable');
$authLDAPGroupOverUser = authLdap_get_option('GroupOverUser');
$authLDAPDoNotOverwriteNonLdapUsers = authLdap_get_option('DoNotOverwriteNonLdapUsers');
$authLDAPUseUserAccount = authLdap_get_option('UserRead');
$tChecked = ($authLDAP) ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
$tDebugChecked = ($authLDAPDebug) ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
$tPWChecked = ($authLDAPCachePW) ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
$tGroupChecked = ($authLDAPGroupEnable) ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
$tGroupOverUserChecked = ($authLDAPGroupOverUser) ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
$tStartTLSChecked = ($authLDAPStartTLS) ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
$tDoNotOverwriteNonLdapUsers = ($authLDAPDoNotOverwriteNonLdapUsers) ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
$tUserRead = ($authLDAPUseUserAccount) ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
$roles = new WP_Roles();
$action = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
if (!extension_loaded('ldap')) {
echo '<div class="warning">The LDAP-Extension is not available on your '
. 'WebServer. Therefore Everything you can alter here does not '
. 'make any sense!</div>';
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/view/admin.phtml';
* get a LDAP server object
* throws exception if there is a problem connecting
* @conf boolean authLDAPDebug true, if debugging should be turned on
* @conf string authLDAPURI LDAP server URI
* @return Org_Heigl\AuthLdap\LdapList LDAP server object
function authLdap_get_server()
static $_ldapserver = null;
if (is_null($_ldapserver)) {
$authLDAPDebug = authLdap_get_option('Debug');
$authLDAPURI = explode(
authLdap_get_option('URISeparator', ' '),
$authLDAPStartTLS = authLdap_get_option('StartTLS');
//$authLDAPURI = 'ldap:/foo:bar@server/trallala';
authLdap_debug('connect to LDAP server');
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/src/LdapList.php';
$_ldapserver = new LdapList();
foreach ($authLDAPURI as $uri) {
$_ldapserver->addLdap(new Ldap(
new LdapFactory(),
return $_ldapserver;
* This method authenticates a user using either the LDAP or, if LDAP is not
* available, the local database
* For this we store the hashed passwords in the WP_Database to ensure working
* conditions even without an LDAP-Connection
* @param null|WP_User|WP_Error
* @param string $username
* @param string $password
* @param boolean $already_md5
* @return boolean true, if login was successfull or false, if it wasn't
* @conf boolean authLDAP true, if authLDAP should be used, false if not. Defaults to false
* @conf string authLDAPFilter LDAP filter to use to find correct user, defaults to '(uid=%s)'
* @conf string authLDAPNameAttr LDAP attribute containing user (display) name, defaults to 'name'
* @conf string authLDAPSecName LDAP attribute containing second name, defaults to ''
* @conf string authLDAPMailAttr LDAP attribute containing user e-mail, defaults to 'mail'
* @conf string authLDAPUidAttr LDAP attribute containing user id (the username we log on with), defaults to 'uid'
* @conf string authLDAPWebAttr LDAP attribute containing user website, defaults to ''
* @conf string authLDAPDefaultRole default role for authenticated user, defaults to ''
* @conf boolean authLDAPGroupEnable true, if we try to map LDAP groups to Wordpress roles
* @conf boolean authLDAPGroupOverUser true, if LDAP Groups have precedence over existing user roles
function authLdap_login($user, $username, $password, $already_md5 = false)
// don't do anything when authLDAP is disabled
if (!authLdap_get_option('Enabled')) {
'LDAP disabled in AuthLDAP plugin options (use the first option in the AuthLDAP options to enable it)'
return $user;
// If the user has already been authenticated (only in that case we get a
// WP_User-Object as $user) we skip LDAP-authentication and simply return
// the existing user-object
if ($user instanceof WP_User) {
'User %s has already been authenticated - skipping LDAP-Authentication',
return $user;
authLdap_debug("User '$username' logging in");
if ($username == 'admin') {
authLdap_debug('Doing nothing for possible local user admin');
return $user;
global $wpdb, $error;
try {
$authLDAP = authLdap_get_option('Enabled');
$authLDAPFilter = authLdap_get_option('Filter');
$authLDAPNameAttr = authLdap_get_option('NameAttr');
$authLDAPSecName = authLdap_get_option('SecName');
$authLDAPMailAttr = authLdap_get_option('MailAttr');
$authLDAPUidAttr = authLdap_get_option('UidAttr');
$authLDAPWebAttr = authLdap_get_option('WebAttr');
$authLDAPDefaultRole = authLdap_get_option('DefaultRole');
$authLDAPGroupEnable = authLdap_get_option('GroupEnable');
$authLDAPGroupOverUser = authLdap_get_option('GroupOverUser');
$authLDAPUseUserAccount = authLdap_get_option('UserRead');
if (!$username) {
authLdap_debug('Username not supplied: return false');
return false;
if (!$password) {
authLdap_debug('Password not supplied: return false');
$error = __('<strong>Error</strong>: The password field is empty.');
return false;
// First check for valid values and set appropriate defaults
if (!$authLDAPFilter) {
$authLDAPFilter = '(uid=%s)';
if (!$authLDAPNameAttr) {
$authLDAPNameAttr = 'name';
if (!$authLDAPMailAttr) {
$authLDAPMailAttr = 'mail';
if (!$authLDAPUidAttr) {
$authLDAPUidAttr = 'uid';
// If already_md5 is TRUE, then we're getting the user/password from the cookie. As we don't want
// to store LDAP passwords in any
// form, we've already replaced the password with the hashed username and LDAP_COOKIE_MARKER
if ($already_md5) {
if ($password == md5($username) . md5($ldapCookieMarker)) {
authLdap_debug('cookie authentication');
return true;
// Remove slashes as noted on
$password = stripslashes_deep($password);
// No cookie, so have to authenticate them via LDAP
$result = false;
try {
authLdap_debug('about to do LDAP authentication');
$result = authLdap_get_server()->Authenticate($username, $password, $authLDAPFilter);
} catch (Exception $e) {
authLdap_debug('LDAP authentication failed with exception: ' . $e->getMessage());
return false;
// Make optional querying from the admin account #213
if (!authLdap_get_option('UserRead')) {
// Rebind with the default credentials after the user has been loged in
// Otherwise the credentials of the user trying to login will be used
// This fixes #55
if (true !== $result) {
authLdap_debug('LDAP authentication failed');
// TODO what to return? WP_User object, true, false, even an WP_Error object...
// all seem to fall back to normal wp user authentication
authLdap_debug('LDAP authentication successful');
$attributes = array_values(
try {
$attribs = authLdap_get_server()->search(
sprintf($authLDAPFilter, $username),
// First get all the relevant group informations so we can see if
// whether have been changes in group association of the user
if (!isset($attribs[0]['dn'])) {
authLdap_debug('could not get user attributes from LDAP');
throw new UnexpectedValueException('dn has not been returned');
if (!isset($attribs[0][strtolower($authLDAPUidAttr)][0])) {
authLdap_debug('could not get user attributes from LDAP');
throw new UnexpectedValueException('The user-ID attribute has not been returned');
$dn = $attribs[0]['dn'];
$realuid = $attribs[0][strtolower($authLDAPUidAttr)][0];
} catch (Exception $e) {
authLdap_debug('Exception getting LDAP user: ' . $e->getMessage());
return false;
$uid = authLdap_get_uid($realuid);
// This fixes #172
if (true == authLdap_get_option('DoNotOverwriteNonLdapUsers', false)) {
if (!get_user_meta($uid, 'authLDAP')) {
return null;
$roles = [];
// we only need this if either LDAP groups are disabled or
// if the WordPress role of the user overrides LDAP groups
if (!$authLDAPGroupEnable || $authLDAPGroupOverUser) {
$userRoles = authLdap_user_role($uid);
if ($userRoles !== []) {
$roles = array_merge($roles, $userRoles);
// TODO, this needs to be revised, it seems, like authldap is taking only the first role
// even if in WP there are assigned multiple.
// do LDAP group mapping if needed
// (if LDAP groups override worpress user role, $role is still empty)
if (empty($roles) && $authLDAPGroupEnable) {
$mappedRoles = authLdap_groupmap($realuid, $dn);
if ($mappedRoles !== []) {
$roles = $mappedRoles;
authLdap_debug('role from group mapping: ' . json_encode($roles));
// if we don't have a role yet, use default role
if (empty($roles) && !empty($authLDAPDefaultRole)) {
authLdap_debug('no role yet, set default role');
$roles[] = $authLDAPDefaultRole;
if (empty($roles)) {
// Sorry, but you are not in any group that is allowed access
trigger_error('no group found');
authLdap_debug('user is not in any group that is allowed access');
return false;
} else {
$wp_roles = new WP_Roles();
// not sure if this is needed, but it can't hurt
// Get rid of unexisting roles.
foreach ($roles as $k => $v) {
if (!$wp_roles->is_role($v)) {
// check if single role or an empty array provided
if (empty($roles)) {
trigger_error('no group found');
authLdap_debug('role is invalid');
return false;
// from here on, the user has access!
// now, lets update some user details
$user_info = [];
$user_info['user_login'] = $realuid;
$user_info['user_email'] = '';
$user_info['user_nicename'] = '';
// first name
if (isset($attribs[0][strtolower((string) $authLDAPNameAttr)][0])) {
$user_info['first_name'] = $attribs[0][strtolower((string) $authLDAPNameAttr)][0];
// last name
if (isset($attribs[0][strtolower((string) $authLDAPSecName)][0])) {
$user_info['last_name'] = $attribs[0][strtolower((string) $authLDAPSecName)][0];
// mail address
if (isset($attribs[0][strtolower((string) $authLDAPMailAttr)][0])) {
$user_info['user_email'] = $attribs[0][strtolower((string) $authLDAPMailAttr)][0];
// website
if (isset($attribs[0][strtolower((string) $authLDAPWebAttr)][0])) {
$user_info['user_url'] = $attribs[0][strtolower((string) $authLDAPWebAttr)][0];
// display name, nickname, nicename
if (array_key_exists('first_name', $user_info)) {
$user_info['display_name'] = $user_info['first_name'];
$user_info['nickname'] = $user_info['first_name'];
$user_info['user_nicename'] = sanitize_title_with_dashes($user_info['first_name']);
if (array_key_exists('last_name', $user_info)) {
$user_info['display_name'] .= ' ' . $user_info['last_name'];
$user_info['nickname'] .= ' ' . $user_info['last_name'];
$user_info['user_nicename'] .= '_' . sanitize_title_with_dashes($user_info['last_name']);
$user_info['user_nicename'] = substr($user_info['user_nicename'], 0, 50);
// optionally store the password into the wordpress database
if (authLdap_get_option('CachePW')) {
// Password will be hashed inside wp_update_user or wp_insert_user
$user_info['user_pass'] = $password;
} else {
// clear the password
$user_info['user_pass'] = '';
// add uid if user exists
if ($uid) {
// found user in the database
authLdap_debug('The LDAP user has an entry in the WP-Database');
$user_info['ID'] = $uid;
unset($user_info['display_name'], $user_info['nickname']);
$userid = wp_update_user($user_info);
} else {
// new wordpress account will be created
authLdap_debug('The LDAP user does not have an entry in the WP-Database, a new WP account will be created');
$userid = wp_insert_user($user_info);
// if the user exists, wp_insert_user will update the existing user record
if (is_wp_error($userid)) {
authLdap_debug('Error creating user : ' . $userid->get_error_message());
trigger_error('Error creating user: ' . $userid->get_error_message());
return $userid;
// Update user roles.
$user = new \WP_User($userid);
* Add hook for custom User-Role assignment
* @param WP_User $user This user-object will be returned. Can be modified as necessary in the actions.
* @param array $roles
do_action('authldap_user_roles', $user, $roles);
* Add hook for custom updates
* @param int $userid User ID.
* @param array $attribs [0] Attributes retrieved from LDAP for the user.
do_action('authLdap_login_successful', $userid, $attribs[0]);
authLdap_debug('user id = ' . $userid);
// flag the user as an ldap user so we can hide the password fields in the user profile
update_user_meta($userid, 'authLDAP', true);
// return a user object upon positive authorization
return $user;
} catch (Exception $e) {
authLdap_debug($e->getMessage() . '. Exception thrown in line ' . $e->getLine());
trigger_error($e->getMessage() . '. Exception thrown in line ' . $e->getLine());
* Get user's user id
* Returns null if username not found
* @param string $username username
* @param string user id, null if not found
function authLdap_get_uid($username)
global $wpdb;
// find out whether the user is already present in the database
$uid = $wpdb->get_var(
"SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->users} WHERE user_login = %s",
if ($uid) {
authLdap_debug("Existing user, uid = {$uid}");
return $uid;
} else {
return null;
* Get the user's current role
* Returns empty string if not found.
* @param int $uid wordpress user id
* @return array roles, empty if none found
function authLdap_user_role($uid)
global $wpdb, $wp_roles;
if (!$uid) {
return [];
/** @var array<string, bool> $usercapabilities */
$usercapabilities = get_user_meta($uid, "{$wpdb->prefix}capabilities", true);
if (!is_array($usercapabilities)) {
return [];
/** @var array<string, array{name: string, capabilities: array<mixed>} $editable_roles */
$editable_roles = $wp_roles->roles;
// By using this approach we are now using the order of the roles from the WP_Roles object
// and not from the capabilities any more.
$userroles = array_keys(array_intersect_key($editable_roles, $usercapabilities));
authLdap_debug(sprintf("Existing user's roles: %s", implode(', ', $userroles)));
return $userroles;
* Get LDAP groups for user and map to role
* @param string $username
* @param string $dn
* @return array role, empty array if no mapping found, first or all role(s) found otherwise
* @conf array authLDAPGroups, associative array, role => ldap_group
* @conf string authLDAPGroupBase, base dn to look up groups
* @conf string authLDAPGroupAttr, ldap attribute that holds name of group
* @conf string authLDAPGroupFilter, LDAP filter to find groups. can contain %s and %dn% placeholders
function authLdap_groupmap($username, $dn)
$authLDAPGroups = authLdap_sort_roles_by_capabilities(
$authLDAPGroupBase = authLdap_get_option('GroupBase');
$authLDAPGroupAttr = authLdap_get_option('GroupAttr');
$authLDAPGroupFilter = authLdap_get_option('GroupFilter');
$authLDAPGroupSeparator = authLdap_get_option('GroupSeparator');
if (!$authLDAPGroupAttr) {
$authLDAPGroupAttr = 'gidNumber';
if (!$authLDAPGroupFilter) {
$authLDAPGroupFilter = '(&(objectClass=posixGroup)(memberUid=%s))';
if (!$authLDAPGroupSeparator) {
$authLDAPGroupSeparator = ',';
if (!is_array($authLDAPGroups) || count(array_filter(array_values($authLDAPGroups))) == 0) {
authLdap_debug('No group names defined');
return [];
try {
// To allow searches based on the DN instead of the uid, we replace the
// string %dn% with the users DN.
$authLDAPGroupFilter = str_replace(
ldap_escape($dn, '', LDAP_ESCAPE_FILTER),
authLdap_debug('Group Filter: ' . json_encode($authLDAPGroupFilter));
authLdap_debug('Group Base: ' . $authLDAPGroupBase);
$groups = authLdap_get_server()->search(
sprintf($authLDAPGroupFilter, ldap_escape($username, '', LDAP_ESCAPE_FILTER)),
} catch (Exception $e) {
authLdap_debug('Exception getting LDAP group attributes: ' . $e->getMessage());
return [];
$grp = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $groups ['count']; $i++) {
if ($authLDAPGroupAttr == "dn") {
$grp[] = $groups[$i]['dn'];
} else {
for ($k = 0; $k < $groups[$i][strtolower($authLDAPGroupAttr)]['count']; $k++) {
$grp[] = $groups[$i][strtolower($authLDAPGroupAttr)][$k];
authLdap_debug('LDAP groups: ' . json_encode($grp));
// Check whether the user is member of one of the groups that are
// allowed acces to the blog. If the user is not member of one of
// The groups throw her out! ;-)
$roles = [];
foreach ($authLDAPGroups as $key => $val) {
$currentGroup = explode($authLDAPGroupSeparator, $val);
// Remove whitespaces around the group-ID
$currentGroup = array_map('trim', $currentGroup);
if (0 < count(array_intersect($currentGroup, $grp))) {
$roles[] = $key;
// Default: If the user is member of more than one group only the first one
// will be taken into account!
// This filter allows you to return multiple user roles. WordPress
// supports this functionality, but not natively via UI from Users
// overview (you need to use a plugin). However, it's still widely used,
// for example, by WooCommerce, etc. Use if you know what you're doing.
if (apply_filters('authLdap_allow_multiple_roles', false) === false && count($roles) > 1) {
$roles = array_slice($roles, 0, 1);
authLdap_debug("Roles from LDAP group: " . json_encode($roles));
return $roles;
* This function disables the password-change fields in the users preferences.
* It does not make sense to authenticate via LDAP and then allow the user to
* change the password only in the wordpress database. And changing the password
* LDAP-wide can not be the scope of Wordpress!
* Whether the user is an LDAP-User or not is determined using the authLDAP-Flag
* of the users meta-informations
* @return false, if the user whose prefs are viewed is an LDAP-User, true if
* he isn't
* @conf boolean authLDAP
function authLdap_show_password_fields($return, $user)
if (!$user) {
return true;
if (get_user_meta($user->ID, 'authLDAP')) {
return false;
return $return;
* This function disables the password reset for a user.
* It does not make sense to authenticate via LDAP and then allow the user to
* reset the password only in the wordpress database. And changing the password
* LDAP-wide can not be the scope of Wordpress!
* Whether the user is an LDAP-User or not is determined using the authLDAP-Flag
* of the users meta-informations
* @author chaplina (
* @conf boolean authLDAP
* @return false, if the user is an LDAP-User, true if he isn't
function authLdap_allow_password_reset($return, $userid)
if (!(isset($userid))) {
return true;
if (get_user_meta($userid, 'authLDAP')) {
return false;
return $return;
* Sort the given roles by number of capabilities
* @param array $roles
* @return array
function authLdap_sort_roles_by_capabilities($roles)
global $wpdb;
$myRoles = get_option($wpdb->get_blog_prefix() . 'user_roles');
authLdap_debug(print_r($roles, true));
uasort($myRoles, 'authLdap_sortByCapabilitycount');
$return = [];
foreach ($myRoles as $key => $role) {
if (isset($roles[$key])) {
$return[$key] = $roles[$key];
authLdap_debug(print_r($return, true));
return $return;
* Sort according to the number of capabilities
* @param $a
* @param $b
function authLdap_sortByCapabilitycount($a, $b)
if (count($a['capabilities']) > count($b['capabilities'])) {
return -1;
if (count($a['capabilities']) < count($b['capabilities'])) {
return 1;
return 0;
* Load AuthLDAP Options
* Sets and stores defaults if options are not up to date
function authLdap_load_options($reload = false)
static $options = null;
// the current version for options
$option_version_plugin = 1;
$optionFunction = 'get_option';
if (is_multisite()) {
$optionFunction = 'get_site_option';
if (is_null($options) || $reload) {
$options = $optionFunction('authLDAPOptions', []);
// check if option version has changed (or if it's there at all)
if (!isset($options['Version']) || ($options['Version'] != $option_version_plugin)) {
// defaults for all options
$options_default = [
'Enabled' => false,
'CachePW' => false,
'URI' => '',
'URISeparator' => ' ',
'Filter' => '', // '(uid=%s)'
'NameAttr' => '', // 'name'
'SecName' => '',
'UidAttr' => '', // 'uid'
'MailAttr' => '', // 'mail'
'WebAttr' => '',
'Groups' => [],
'Debug' => false,
'GroupAttr' => '', // 'gidNumber'
'GroupFilter' => '', // '(&(objectClass=posixGroup)(memberUid=%s))'
'DefaultRole' => '',
'GroupEnable' => true,
'GroupOverUser' => true,
'Version' => $option_version_plugin,
'DoNotOverwriteNonLdapUsers' => false,
// check if we got a version
if (!isset($options['Version'])) {
// we just changed to the new option format
// read old options, then delete them
$old_option_new_option = [
'authLDAP' => 'Enabled',
'authLDAPCachePW' => 'CachePW',
'authLDAPURI' => 'URI',
'authLDAPFilter' => 'Filter',
'authLDAPNameAttr' => 'NameAttr',
'authLDAPSecName' => 'SecName',
'authLDAPUidAttr' => 'UidAttr',
'authLDAPMailAttr' => 'MailAttr',
'authLDAPWebAttr' => 'WebAttr',
'authLDAPGroups' => 'Groups',
'authLDAPDebug' => 'Debug',
'authLDAPGroupAttr' => 'GroupAttr',
'authLDAPGroupFilter' => 'GroupFilter',
'authLDAPDefaultRole' => 'DefaultRole',
'authLDAPGroupEnable' => 'GroupEnable',
'authLDAPGroupOverUser' => 'GroupOverUser',
foreach ($old_option_new_option as $old_option => $new_option) {
$value = get_option($old_option, null);
if (!is_null($value)) {
$options[$new_option] = $value;
// set default for all options that are missing
foreach ($options_default as $key => $default) {
if (!isset($options[$key])) {
$options[$key] = $default;
// set new version and save
$options['Version'] = $option_version_plugin;
update_option('authLDAPOptions', $options);
return $options;
* Get an individual option
function authLdap_get_option($optionname, $default = null)
$options = authLdap_load_options();
if (isset($options[$optionname]) && $options[$optionname]) {
return $options[$optionname];
if (null !== $default) {
return $default;
//authLdap_debug('option name invalid: ' . $optionname);
return null;
* Set new options
function authLdap_set_options($new_options = [])
// initialize the options with what we currently have
$options = authLdap_load_options();
// set the new options supplied
foreach ($new_options as $key => $value) {
$options[$key] = $value;
// store options
$optionFunction = 'update_option';
if (is_multisite()) {
$optionFunction = 'update_site_option';
if ($optionFunction('authLDAPOptions', $options)) {
// reload the option cache
return true;
// could not set options
return false;
* Do not send an email after changing the password or the email of the user!
* @param boolean $result The initial resturn value
* @param array $user The old userdata
* @param array $newUserData The changed userdata
* @return bool
function authLdap_send_change_email($result, $user, $newUserData)
if (get_user_meta($user['ID'], 'authLDAP')) {
return false;
return $result;
$hook = is_multisite() ? 'network_' : '';
add_action($hook . 'admin_menu', 'authLdap_addmenu');
add_filter('show_password_fields', 'authLdap_show_password_fields', 10, 2);
add_filter('allow_password_reset', 'authLdap_allow_password_reset', 10, 2);
add_filter('authenticate', 'authLdap_login', 10, 3);
/** This only works from WP 4.3.0 on */
add_filter('send_password_change_email', 'authLdap_send_change_email', 10, 3);
add_filter('send_email_change_email', 'authLdap_send_change_email', 10, 3);
$handler = new UserRoleHandler();
add_action('authldap_user_roles', [$handler, 'addRolesToUser'], 10, 2);