2023-10-22 22:21:48 +00:00

685 lines
16 KiB

namespace W3TC;
* W3 CDN FTP Class
* class CdnEngine_Ftp
class CdnEngine_Ftp extends CdnEngine_Base {
* FTP resource
* @var resource
var $_ftp = null;
* PHP5 Constructor
* @param array $config
function __construct( $config = array() ) {
$config = array_merge( array(
'host' => '',
'type' => '',
'user' => '',
'pass' => '',
'default_keys' => false,
'pubkey' => '',
'privkey' => '',
'path' => '',
'pasv' => false,
'domain' => array(),
'docroot' => ''
), $config );
list( $ip, $port ) = Util_Content::endpoint_to_host_port( $config['host'], 21 );
$config['host'] = $ip;
$config['port'] = $port;
if ( 'sftp' === $config['type'] && $config['default_keys'] ) {
$home = isset( $_SERVER['HOME'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_SERVER['HOME'] ) ) : '';
$config['pubkey'] = $home . '/.ssh/';
$config['privkey'] = $home . '/.ssh/id_rsa';
parent::__construct( $config );
* Connects to FTP server
* @param string $error
* @return boolean
function _connect( &$error ) {
if ( empty( $this->_config['host'] ) ) {
$error = 'Empty host.';
return false;
if ( $this->_config['type'] == 'sftp' ) {
if ( !function_exists( 'ssh2_connect' ) ) {
$error = sprintf('Missing required php-ssh2 extension.');
return false;
$this->_ftp = @ssh2_connect( $this->_config['host'], (int) $this->_config['port'] );
return $this->_connect_sftp( $error );
if ( $this->_config['type'] == 'ftps' )
$this->_ftp = @ftp_ssl_connect( $this->_config['host'],
(int) $this->_config['port'], W3TC_CDN_FTP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT );
$this->_ftp = @ftp_connect( $this->_config['host'],
(int) $this->_config['port'], W3TC_CDN_FTP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT );
if ( !$this->_ftp ) {
$error = sprintf( 'Unable to connect to %s:%d (%s).',
$this->_config['host'], $this->_config['port'],
$this->_get_last_error() );
return false;
if ( !@ftp_login( $this->_ftp, $this->_config['user'], $this->_config['pass'] ) ) {
$error = sprintf( 'Incorrect login or password (%s).', $this->_get_last_error() );
return false;
if ( !@ftp_pasv( $this->_ftp, $this->_config['pasv'] ) ) {
$error = sprintf( 'Unable to change mode to passive (%s).', $this->_get_last_error() );
return false;
if ( !empty( $this->_config['path'] ) && !@ftp_chdir( $this->_ftp, $this->_config['path'] ) ) {
$error = sprintf( 'Unable to change directory to: %s (%s).', $this->_config['path'], $this->_get_last_error() );
return false;
return true;
* Connects to SFTP server
* @param string $error
* @return boolean
function _connect_sftp( &$error ) {
if ( is_file( $this->_config['pass'] ) ) {
if ( !@ssh2_auth_pubkey_file( $this->_ftp, $this->_config['user'], $this->_config['pubkey'], $this->_config['privkey'], $this->_config['pass'] ) ) {
$error = sprintf('Public key authentication failed (%s).', $this->_get_last_error());
return false;
} else {
if ( !@ssh2_auth_password( $this->_ftp, $this->_config['user'], $this->_config['pass'] ) ) {
$error = sprintf('Incorrect login or password (%s).', $this->_get_last_error());
return false;
if ( !empty( $this->_config['path'] ) && !@ssh2_exec( $this->_ftp, 'cd ' . $this->_config['path'] ) ) {
$error = sprintf( 'Unable to change directory to: %s (%s).', $this->_config['path'], $this->_get_last_error() );
return false;
return true;
* Disconnects from FTP server
function _disconnect() {
if ( $this->_config['type'] == 'sftp' ) {
if ( function_exists( 'ssh2_connect' ) ) {
@ssh2_exec( $this->_ftp, 'echo "EXITING" && exit;' );
$this->_ftp = null;
} else {
@ftp_close( $this->_ftp );
* Sends MDTM command
* @param string $remote_file
* @param integer $mtime
* @return boolean
function _mdtm( $remote_file, $mtime ) {
$command = sprintf( 'MDTM %s %s', date( 'YmdHis', $mtime ), $remote_file );
return @ftp_raw( $this->_ftp, $command );
* Uploads files to FTP
* @param array $files
* @param array $results
* @param boolean $force_rewrite
* @return boolean
function upload( $files, &$results, $force_rewrite = false,
$timeout_time = NULL ) {
$error = null;
if ( !$this->_connect( $error ) ) {
$results = $this->_get_results( $files, W3TC_CDN_RESULT_HALT, $error );
return false;
if ( $this->_config['type'] == 'sftp' ) {
return $this->_upload_sftp( $files, $results, $force_rewrite, $timeout_time );
$home = @ftp_pwd( $this->_ftp );
if ( $home === false ) {
$results = $this->_get_results( $files, W3TC_CDN_RESULT_HALT, sprintf( 'Unable to get current directory (%s).', $this->_get_last_error() ) );
return false;
foreach ( $files as $file ) {
$local_path = $file['local_path'];
$remote_path = $file['remote_path'];
// process at least one item before timeout so that progress goes on
if ( !empty( $results ) ) {
if ( !is_null( $timeout_time ) && time() > $timeout_time ) {
return 'timeout';
if ( !file_exists( $local_path ) ) {
$results[] = $this->_get_result( $local_path, $remote_path,
W3TC_CDN_RESULT_ERROR, 'Source file not found.', $file );
@ftp_chdir( $this->_ftp, $home );
$remote_dir = dirname( $remote_path );
$remote_dirs = preg_split( '~\\/+~', $remote_dir );
foreach ( $remote_dirs as $dir ) {
if ( !@ftp_chdir( $this->_ftp, $dir ) ) {
if ( !@ftp_mkdir( $this->_ftp, $dir ) ) {
$results[] = $this->_get_result( $local_path,
$remote_path, W3TC_CDN_RESULT_ERROR,
sprintf( 'Unable to create directory (%s).',
$this->_get_last_error() ),
$file );
continue 2;
if ( !@ftp_chdir( $this->_ftp, $dir ) ) {
$results[] = $this->_get_result( $local_path,
$remote_path, W3TC_CDN_RESULT_ERROR,
sprintf( 'Unable to change directory (%s).',
$this->_get_last_error() ),
$file );
continue 2;
// basename cannot be used, kills chinese chars and similar characters
$remote_file = substr( $remote_path, strrpos( $remote_path, '/' )+1 );
$mtime = @filemtime( $local_path );
if ( !$force_rewrite ) {
$size = @filesize( $local_path );
$ftp_size = @ftp_size( $this->_ftp, $remote_file );
$ftp_mtime = @ftp_mdtm( $this->_ftp, $remote_file );
if ( $size === $ftp_size && $mtime === $ftp_mtime ) {
$results[] = $this->_get_result( $local_path, $remote_path,
W3TC_CDN_RESULT_OK, 'File up-to-date.', $file );
$result = @ftp_put( $this->_ftp, $remote_file, $local_path, FTP_BINARY );
if ( $result ) {
$this->_mdtm( $remote_file, $mtime );
$results[] = $this->_get_result( $local_path, $remote_path,
W3TC_CDN_RESULT_OK, 'OK', $file );
} else {
$results[] = $this->_get_result( $local_path, $remote_path,
sprintf( 'Unable to upload file (%s).',
$this->_get_last_error() ),
$file );
return !$this->_is_error( $results );
* Uploads files to SFTP
* @param array $files
* @param array $results
* @param boolean $force_rewrite
* @return boolean
function _upload_sftp( $files, $results, $force_rewrite, $timeout_time ) {
$sftp = ssh2_sftp( $this->_ftp );
foreach ( $files as $file ) {
$local_path = $file['local_path'];
$remote_path = $file['remote_path'];
// process at least one item before timeout so that progress goes on
if ( !empty( $results ) ) {
if ( !is_null( $timeout_time ) && time() > $timeout_time ) {
return 'timeout';
if ( !file_exists( $local_path ) ) {
$results[] = $this->_get_result( $local_path, $remote_path,
W3TC_CDN_RESULT_ERROR, 'Source file not found.', $file );
$remote_dir = dirname( $remote_path );
if ( !@file_exists( 'ssh2.sftp://' . intval($sftp) . $remote_dir ) ) {
if ( !@ssh2_sftp_mkdir( $sftp, $remote_dir, null, true ) ) {
$results[] = $this->_get_result( $local_path,
$remote_path, W3TC_CDN_RESULT_ERROR,
sprintf( 'Unable to create directory (%s).',
$this->_get_last_error() ),
$file );
$mtime = @filemtime( $local_path );
if ( !$force_rewrite ) {
$size = @filesize( $local_path );
$statinfo = @ssh2_sftp_stat( $sftp, $remote_path );
if ( $size === $statinfo['size'] && $mtime === $statinfo['mtime'] ) {
$results[] = $this->_get_result( $local_path, $remote_path,
W3TC_CDN_RESULT_OK, 'File up-to-date.', $file );
$result = @ssh2_scp_send( $this->_ftp, $local_path, $remote_path );
if ( $result ) {
$results[] = $this->_get_result( $local_path, $remote_path,
W3TC_CDN_RESULT_OK, 'OK', $file );
} else {
$results[] = $this->_get_result( $local_path, $remote_path,
sprintf( 'Unable to upload file (%s).',
$this->_get_last_error() ),
$file );
return !$this->_is_error( $results );
* Deletes files from FTP
* @param array $files
* @param array $results
* @return boolean
function delete( $files, &$results ) {
$error = null;
if ( !$this->_connect( $error ) ) {
$results = $this->_get_results( $files, W3TC_CDN_RESULT_HALT, $error );
return false;
foreach ( $files as $file ) {
$local_path = $file['local_path'];
$remote_path = $file['remote_path'];
if ( $this->_config['type'] == 'sftp' ) {
$sftp = @ssh2_sftp( $this->_ftp );
$result = @ssh2_sftp_unlink( $sftp, $remote_path );
} else {
$result = @ftp_delete( $this->_ftp, $remote_path );
if ( $result ) {
$results[] = $this->_get_result( $local_path, $remote_path,
W3TC_CDN_RESULT_OK, 'OK', $file );
} else {
$results[] = $this->_get_result( $local_path, $remote_path,
sprintf( 'Unable to delete file (%s).',
$this->_get_last_error() ),
$file );
while ( true ) {
$remote_path = dirname( $remote_path );
if ( $remote_path == '.' ) {
if ( $this->_config['type'] == 'sftp' && !@ssh2_sftp_rmdir( $sftp, $remote_path ) ) {
} else if ( !@ftp_rmdir( $this->_ftp, $remote_path ) ) {
return !$this->_is_error( $results );
* Tests FTP server
* @param string $error
* @return boolean
function test( &$error ) {
if ( !parent::test( $error ) ) {
return false;
if ( $this->_config['type'] == 'sftp' ) {
return $this->_test_sftp( $error );
$rand = md5( time() );
$tmp_dir = 'test_dir_' . $rand;
$tmp_file = 'test_file_' . $rand;
$tmp_path = W3TC_CACHE_TMP_DIR . '/' . $tmp_file;
if ( !@file_put_contents( $tmp_path, $rand ) ) {
$error = sprintf( 'Unable to create file: %s.', $tmp_path );
return false;
if ( !$this->_connect( $error ) ) {
return false;
if ( !@ftp_mkdir( $this->_ftp, $tmp_dir ) ) {
$error = sprintf( 'Unable to make directory: %s (%s).', $tmp_dir, $this->_get_last_error() );
@unlink( $tmp_path );
return false;
if ( file_exists( $this->_config['docroot'] . '/' . $tmp_dir ) ) {
$error = sprintf( 'Test directory was made in your site root, not on separate FTP host or path. Change path or FTP information: %s.', $tmp_dir );
@unlink( $tmp_path );
@ftp_rmdir( $this->_ftp, $tmp_dir );
return false;
if ( !@ftp_chdir( $this->_ftp, $tmp_dir ) ) {
$error = sprintf( 'Unable to change directory to: %s (%s).', $tmp_dir, $this->_get_last_error() );
@unlink( $tmp_path );
@ftp_rmdir( $this->_ftp, $tmp_dir );
return false;
if ( !@ftp_put( $this->_ftp, $tmp_file, $tmp_path, FTP_BINARY ) ) {
$error = sprintf( 'Unable to upload file: %s (%s).', $tmp_path, $this->_get_last_error() );
@unlink( $tmp_path );
@ftp_cdup( $this->_ftp );
@ftp_rmdir( $this->_ftp, $tmp_dir );
return false;
@unlink( $tmp_path );
if ( !@ftp_delete( $this->_ftp, $tmp_file ) ) {
$error = sprintf( 'Unable to delete file: %s (%s).', $tmp_path, $this->_get_last_error() );
@ftp_cdup( $this->_ftp );
@ftp_rmdir( $this->_ftp, $tmp_dir );
return false;
@ftp_cdup( $this->_ftp );
if ( !@ftp_rmdir( $this->_ftp, $tmp_dir ) ) {
$error = sprintf( 'Unable to remove directory: %s (%s).', $tmp_dir, $this->_get_last_error() );
return false;
return true;
* Tests FTP server
* @param string $error
* @return boolean
function _test_sftp( &$error ) {
$rand = md5( time() );
$tmp_dir = 'test_dir_' . $rand;
$tmp_file = 'test_file_' . $rand;
$local_path = W3TC_CACHE_TMP_DIR . '/' . $tmp_file;
$remote_path = $tmp_dir . '/' . $tmp_file;
if ( !@file_put_contents( $local_path, $rand ) ) {
$error = sprintf( 'Unable to create file: %s.', $local_path );
return false;
if ( !$this->_connect( $error ) ) {
return false;
$sftp = @ssh2_sftp( $this->_ftp );
if ( !@ssh2_sftp_mkdir( $sftp, $tmp_dir ) ) {
$error = sprintf( 'Unable to make directory: %s (%s).', $tmp_dir, $this->_get_last_error() );
@unlink( $local_path );
return false;
if ( file_exists( $this->_config['docroot'] . '/' . $tmp_dir ) ) {
$error = sprintf( 'Test directory was made in your site root, not on separate FTP host or path. Change path or FTP information: %s.', $tmp_dir );
@unlink( $local_path );
@ssh2_sftp_rmdir( $sftp, $tmp_dir );
return false;
if ( !@ssh2_scp_send( $this->_ftp, $local_path, $remote_path ) ) {
$error = sprintf( 'Unable to upload file: %s (%s).', $local_path, $this->_get_last_error() );
@unlink( $local_path );
@ssh2_sftp_rmdir( $sftp, $tmp_dir );
return false;
@unlink( $local_path );
if ( !@ssh2_sftp_unlink( $sftp, $remote_path ) ) {
$error = sprintf( 'Unable to delete file: %s (%s).', $local_path, $this->_get_last_error() );
@ssh2_sftp_rmdir( $sftp, $tmp_dir );
return false;
if ( !@ssh2_sftp_rmdir( $sftp, $tmp_dir ) ) {
$error = sprintf( 'Unable to remove directory: %s (%s).', $tmp_dir, $this->_get_last_error() );
return false;
return true;
* Returns array of CDN domains
* @return array
function get_domains() {
if ( !empty( $this->_config['domain'] ) ) {
return (array) $this->_config['domain'];
return array();
* How and if headers should be set
function headers_support() {