191 lines
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191 lines
4.6 KiB
/* global menuIcons:false */
require( './media' );
( function( $ ) {
var miPicker;
if ( ! menuIcons.activeTypes || _.isEmpty( menuIcons.activeTypes ) ) {
* @namespace
* @property {object} templates - Cached templates for the item previews on the fields
* @property {string} wrapClass - Field wrapper's class
* @property {object} frame - Menu Icons' media frame instance
* @property {object} target - Frame's target model
miPicker = {
templates: {},
wrapClass: 'div.menu-icons-wrap',
frame: null,
target: new wp.media.model.IconPickerTarget(),
* Callback function to filter active icon types
* TODO: Maybe move to frame view?
* @param {string} type - Icon type.
typesFilter: function( type ) {
return ( $.inArray( type.id, menuIcons.activeTypes ) >= 0 );
* Create Menu Icons' media frame
createFrame: function() {
miPicker.frame = new wp.media.view.MediaFrame.MenuIcons({
target: miPicker.target,
ipTypes: _.filter( iconPicker.types, miPicker.typesFilter ),
SidebarView: wp.media.view.MenuIconsSidebar
* Pick icon for a menu item and open the frame
* @param {object} model - Menu item model.
pickIcon: function( model ) {
miPicker.frame.target.set( model, { silent: true });
* Set or unset icon
* @param {object} e - jQuery click event.
setUnset: function( e ) {
var $el = $( e.currentTarget ),
$clicked = $( e.target );
if ( $clicked.hasClass( '_select' ) || $clicked.hasClass( '_icon' ) ) {
miPicker.setIcon( $el );
} else if ( $clicked.hasClass( '_remove' ) ) {
miPicker.unsetIcon( $el );
* Set Icon
* @param {object} $el - jQuery object.
setIcon: function( $el ) {
var id = $el.data( 'id' ),
frame = miPicker.frame,
items = frame.menuItems,
model = items.get( id );
if ( model ) {
miPicker.pickIcon( model.toJSON() );
model = {
id: id,
$el: $el,
$title: $( '#edit-menu-item-title-' + id ),
$inputs: {}
// Collect menu item's settings fields and use them
// as the model's attributes.
$el.find( 'div._settings input' ).each( function() {
var $input = $( this ),
key = $input.attr( 'class' ).replace( '_mi-', '' ),
value = $input.val();
if ( ! value ) {
if ( _.has( menuIcons.menuSettings, key ) ) {
value = menuIcons.menuSettings[ key ];
} else if ( _.has( menuIcons.settingsFields, key ) ) {
value = menuIcons.settingsFields[ key ]['default'];
model[ key ] = value;
model.$inputs[ key ] = $input;
items.add( model );
miPicker.pickIcon( model );
* Unset icon
* @param {object} $el - jQuery object.
unsetIcon: function( $el ) {
var id = $el.data( 'id' );
$el.find( 'div._settings input' ).val( '' );
$el.trigger( 'mi:update' );
miPicker.frame.menuItems.remove( id );
* Update valeus of menu item's setting fields
* When the type and icon is set, this will (re)generate the icon
* preview on the menu item field.
* @param {object} e - jQuery event.
updateField: function( e ) {
var $el = $( e.currentTarget ),
$set = $el.find( 'a._select' ),
$unset = $el.find( 'a._remove' ),
type = $el.find( 'input._mi-type' ).val(),
icon = $el.find( 'input._mi-icon' ).val(),
url = $el.find( 'input._mi-url' ).val(),
if ( type === '' || icon === '' || _.indexOf( menuIcons.activeTypes, type ) < 0 ) {
$set.text( menuIcons.text.select ).attr( 'title', '' );
$unset.addClass( 'hidden' );
if ( miPicker.templates[ type ]) {
template = miPicker.templates[ type ];
} else {
template = miPicker.templates[ type ] = wp.template( 'menu-icons-item-field-preview-' + iconPicker.types[ type ].templateId );
$unset.removeClass( 'hidden' );
$set.attr( 'title', menuIcons.text.change );
$set.html( template({
type: type,
icon: icon,
url: url
}) );
* Initialize picker functionality
* #fires mi:update
init: function() {
$( document )
.on( 'click', miPicker.wrapClass, miPicker.setUnset )
.on( 'mi:update', miPicker.wrapClass, miPicker.updateField );
// Trigger 'mi:update' event to generate the icons on the item fields.
$( miPicker.wrapClass ).trigger( 'mi:update' );
}( jQuery ) );