
521 lines
16 KiB

/* global edd_scripts, edd_global_vars */
* Internal dependencies.
import { recalculateTaxes } from './checkout/utils.js';
jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) {
// Hide unneeded elements. These are things that are required in case JS breaks or isn't present
$( '.edd-no-js' ).hide();
$( 'a.edd-add-to-cart' ).addClass( 'edd-has-js' );
// Send Remove from Cart requests
$( document.body ).on( 'click.eddRemoveFromCart', '.edd-remove-from-cart', function( event ) {
const $this = $( this ),
item = $ 'cart-item' ),
action = $ 'action' ),
id = $ 'download-id' ),
nonce = $ 'nonce' ),
data = {
action: action,
cart_item: item,
nonce: nonce,
timestamp: $ 'timestamp' ),
token: $ 'token' )
$.ajax( {
type: 'POST',
data: data,
dataType: 'json',
url: edd_scripts.ajaxurl,
xhrFields: {
withCredentials: true,
success: function( response ) {
if ( response.removed ) {
if ( ( parseInt( edd_scripts.position_in_cart, 10 ) === parseInt( item, 10 ) ) || edd_scripts.has_purchase_links ) {
window.location = window.location;
return false;
// Remove the selected cart item
$( '.edd-cart' ).each( function() {
$( this ).find( "[data-cart-item='" + item + "']" ).parent().remove();
} );
//Reset the data-cart-item attributes to match their new values in the EDD session cart array
$( '.edd-cart' ).each( function() {
let cart_item_counter = 0;
$( this ).find( '[data-cart-item]' ).each( function() {
$( this ).attr( 'data-cart-item', cart_item_counter );
cart_item_counter = cart_item_counter + 1;
} );
} );
// Check to see if the purchase form(s) for this download is present on this page
if ( $( '[id^=edd_purchase_' + id + ']' ).length ) {
$( '[id^=edd_purchase_' + id + '] .edd_go_to_checkout' ).hide();
$( '[id^=edd_purchase_' + id + '] a.edd-add-to-cart' ).show().removeAttr( 'data-edd-loading' );
if ( edd_scripts.quantities_enabled === '1' ) {
$( '[id^=edd_purchase_' + id + '] .edd_download_quantity_wrapper' ).show();
$( 'span.edd-cart-quantity' ).text( response.cart_quantity );
$( document.body ).trigger( 'edd_quantity_updated', [ response.cart_quantity ] );
if ( edd_scripts.taxes_enabled ) {
$( '.cart_item.edd_subtotal span' ).html( response.subtotal );
$( '.cart_item.edd_cart_tax span' ).html( );
$( '.cart_item.edd_total span' ).html( );
if ( response.cart_quantity === 0 ) {
$( '.cart_item.edd_subtotal,.edd-cart-number-of-items,.cart_item.edd_checkout,.cart_item.edd_cart_tax,.cart_item.edd_total' ).hide();
$( '.edd-cart' ).each( function() {
const cart_wrapper = $( this ).parent();
if ( cart_wrapper.length ) {
cart_wrapper.addClass( 'cart-empty' );
cart_wrapper.removeClass( 'cart-not-empty' );
$( this ).append( '<li class="cart_item empty">' + edd_scripts.empty_cart_message + '</li>' );
} );
$( document.body ).trigger( 'edd_cart_item_removed', [ response ] );
} ).fail( function( response ) {
if ( window.console && window.console.log ) {
console.log( response );
} ).done( function( response ) {
} );
return false;
} );
// Send Add to Cart request
$( document.body ).on( 'click.eddAddToCart', '.edd-add-to-cart', function( e ) {
var $this = $( this ),
form = $this.closest( 'form' );
// Disable button, preventing rapid additions to cart during ajax request
$this.prop( 'disabled', true );
const $spinner = $this.find( '.edd-loading' );
const container = $this.closest( 'div' );
// Show the spinner
$this.attr( 'data-edd-loading', '' );
var form = $this.parents( 'form' ).last();
const download = $ 'download-id' );
const variable_price = $ 'variable-price' );
const price_mode = $ 'price-mode' );
const nonce = $ 'nonce' );
const item_price_ids = [];
let free_items = true;
if ( variable_price === 'yes' ) {
if ( form.find( '.edd_price_option_' + download + '[type="hidden"]' ).length > 0 ) {
item_price_ids[ 0 ] = $( '.edd_price_option_' + download, form ).val();
if ( form.find( '.edd-submit' ).data( 'price' ) && form.find( '.edd-submit' ).data( 'price' ) > 0 ) {
free_items = false;
} else {
if ( ! form.find( '.edd_price_option_' + download + ':checked', form ).length ) {
// hide the spinner
$this.removeAttr( 'data-edd-loading' );
alert( edd_scripts.select_option );
$this.prop( 'disabled', false );
return false;
form.find( '.edd_price_option_' + download + ':checked', form ).each( function( index ) {
item_price_ids[ index ] = $( this ).val();
// If we're still only at free items, check if this one is free also
if ( true === free_items ) {
const item_price = $( this ).data( 'price' );
if ( item_price && item_price > 0 ) {
// We now have a paid item, we can't use add_to_cart
free_items = false;
} );
} else {
item_price_ids[ 0 ] = download;
if ( $ 'price' ) && $ 'price' ) > 0 ) {
free_items = false;
// If we've got nothing but free items being added, change to add_to_cart
if ( free_items ) {
form.find( '.edd_action_input' ).val( 'add_to_cart' );
if ( 'straight_to_gateway' === form.find( '.edd_action_input' ).val() ) {
return true; // Submit the form
const action = $ 'action' );
const data = {
action: action,
download_id: download,
price_ids: item_price_ids,
post_data: $( form ).serialize(),
nonce: nonce,
$.ajax( {
type: 'POST',
data: data,
dataType: 'json',
url: edd_scripts.ajaxurl,
xhrFields: {
withCredentials: true,
success: function( response ) {
const store_redirect = edd_scripts.redirect_to_checkout === '1';
const item_redirect = form.find( '#edd_redirect_to_checkout' ).val() === '1';
if ( ( store_redirect && item_redirect ) || ( ! store_redirect && item_redirect ) ) {
window.location = edd_scripts.checkout_page;
} else {
// Add the new item to the cart widget
if ( edd_scripts.taxes_enabled === '1' ) {
$( '.cart_item.edd_subtotal' ).show();
$( '.cart_item.edd_cart_tax' ).show();
$( '.cart_item.edd_total' ).show();
$( '.cart_item.edd_checkout' ).show();
if ( $( '.cart_item.empty' ).length ) {
$( '.cart_item.empty' ).hide();
$( '.widget_edd_cart_widget .edd-cart' ).each( function( cart ) {
const target = $( this ).find( '.edd-cart-meta:first' );
$( response.cart_item ).insertBefore( target );
const cart_wrapper = $( this ).parent();
if ( cart_wrapper.length ) {
cart_wrapper.addClass( 'cart-not-empty' );
cart_wrapper.removeClass( 'cart-empty' );
} );
// Update the totals
if ( edd_scripts.taxes_enabled === '1' ) {
$( '.edd-cart-meta.edd_subtotal span' ).html( response.subtotal );
$( '.edd-cart-meta.edd_cart_tax span' ).html( );
$( '.edd-cart-meta.edd_total span' ).html( );
// Update the cart quantity
const items_added = $( '.edd-cart-item-title', response.cart_item ).length;
$( 'span.edd-cart-quantity' ).each( function() {
$( this ).text( response.cart_quantity );
$( document.body ).trigger( 'edd_quantity_updated', [ response.cart_quantity ] );
} );
// Show the "number of" message
if ( $( '.edd-cart-number-of-items' ).css( 'display' ) === 'none' ) {
$( '.edd-cart-number-of-items' ).show( 'slow' );
if ( variable_price === 'no' || price_mode !== 'multi' ) {
// Switch purchase to checkout if a single price item or variable priced with radio buttons
$( 'a.edd-add-to-cart', container ).toggle();
$( '.edd_go_to_checkout', container ).css( 'display', 'inline-block' );
if ( price_mode === 'multi' ) {
// remove spinner for multi
$this.removeAttr( 'data-edd-loading' );
// Update all buttons for same download
if ( $( '.edd_download_purchase_form' ).length && ( variable_price === 'no' || ! form.find( '.edd_price_option_' + download ).is( 'input:hidden' ) ) ) {
const parent_form = $( '.edd_download_purchase_form *[data-download-id="' + download + '"]' ).parents( 'form' );
$( 'a.edd-add-to-cart', parent_form ).hide();
if ( price_mode !== 'multi' ) {
parent_form.find( '.edd_download_quantity_wrapper' ).slideUp();
$( '.edd_go_to_checkout', parent_form ).show().removeAttr( 'data-edd-loading' );
if ( response !== 'incart' ) {
// Show the added message
$( '.edd-cart-added-alert', container ).fadeIn();
setTimeout( function() {
$( '.edd-cart-added-alert', container ).fadeOut();
}, 3000 );
// Re-enable the add to cart button
$this.prop( 'disabled', false );
$( document.body ).trigger( 'edd_cart_item_added', [ response ] );
} ).fail( function( response ) {
if ( window.console && window.console.log ) {
console.log( response );
} ).done( function( response ) {
} );
return false;
} );
// Show the login form on the checkout page
$( '#edd_checkout_form_wrap' ).on( 'click', '.edd_checkout_register_login', function() {
const $this = $( this ),
data = {
action: $ 'action' ),
nonce: $ 'nonce' ),
// Show the ajax loader
$( '.edd-cart-ajax' ).show();
$.post( edd_scripts.ajaxurl, data, function( checkout_response ) {
$( '#edd_checkout_login_register' ).html( edd_scripts.loading );
$( '#edd_checkout_login_register' ).html( checkout_response );
// Hide the ajax loader
$( '.edd-cart-ajax' ).hide();
} );
return false;
} );
// Process the login form via ajax
$( document ).on( 'click', '#edd_purchase_form #edd_login_fields input[type=submit]', function( e ) {
const complete_purchase_val = $( this ).val();
$( this ).attr( 'data-original-value', complete_purchase_val );
$( this ).val( edd_global_vars.purchase_loading );
$( this ).after( '<span class="edd-loading-ajax edd-loading"></span>' );
const data = {
action: 'edd_process_checkout_login',
edd_ajax: 1,
edd_user_login: $( '#edd_login_fields #edd_user_login' ).val(),
edd_user_pass: $( '#edd_login_fields #edd_user_pass' ).val(),
edd_login_nonce: $( '#edd_login_nonce' ).val(),
$.post( edd_global_vars.ajaxurl, data, function( data ) {
if ( $.trim( data ) === 'success' ) {
$( '.edd_errors' ).remove();
window.location = edd_scripts.checkout_page;
} else {
$( '#edd_login_fields input[type=submit]' ).val( complete_purchase_val );
$( '.edd-loading-ajax' ).remove();
$( '.edd_errors' ).remove();
$( '#edd-user-login-submit' ).before( data );
} );
} );
// Load the fields for the selected payment method
$(document).on('change', 'select#edd-gateway, input.edd-gateway', function (e) {
const payment_mode = $( '#edd-gateway option:selected, input.edd-gateway:checked' ).val();
if ( payment_mode === '0' ) {
return false;
edd_load_gateway( payment_mode );
return false;
} );
// Auto load first payment gateway
if ( edd_scripts.is_checkout === '1' ) {
let chosen_gateway = false;
let ajax_needed = false;
if ( $( 'select#edd-gateway, input.edd-gateway' ).length ) {
chosen_gateway = $( "meta[name='edd-chosen-gateway']" ).attr( 'content' );
ajax_needed = true;
if ( ! chosen_gateway ) {
chosen_gateway = edd_scripts.default_gateway;
if ( ajax_needed ) {
// If we need to ajax in a gateway form, send the requests for the POST.
setTimeout( function() {
edd_load_gateway( chosen_gateway );
}, 200 );
} else {
// The form is already on page, just trigger that the gateway is loaded so further action can be taken.
$( 'body' ).trigger( 'edd_gateway_loaded', [ chosen_gateway ] );
// Process checkout
$( document ).on( 'click', '#edd_purchase_form #edd_purchase_submit [type=submit]', function( e ) {
const eddPurchaseform = document.getElementById( 'edd_purchase_form' );
if ( typeof eddPurchaseform.checkValidity === 'function' && false === eddPurchaseform.checkValidity() ) {
const complete_purchase_val = $( this ).val();
$( this ).val( edd_global_vars.purchase_loading );
$( this ).prop( 'disabled', true );
$( this ).after( '<span class="edd-loading-ajax edd-loading"></span>' );
$.post( edd_global_vars.ajaxurl, $( '#edd_purchase_form' ).serialize() + '&action=edd_process_checkout&edd_ajax=true', function( data ) {
if ( $.trim( data ) === 'success' ) {
$( '.edd_errors' ).remove();
$( '.edd-error' ).hide();
$( eddPurchaseform ).submit();
} else {
$( '#edd-purchase-button' ).val( complete_purchase_val );
$( '.edd-loading-ajax' ).remove();
$( '.edd_errors' ).remove();
$( '.edd-error' ).hide();
$( edd_global_vars.checkout_error_anchor ).before( data );
$( '#edd-purchase-button' ).prop( 'disabled', false );
$( document.body ).trigger( 'edd_checkout_error', [ data ] );
} );
} );
// Update state field
$( document.body ).on( 'change', '#edd_cc_address input.card_state, #edd_cc_address select, #edd_address_country', update_state_field );
function update_state_field() {
const $this = $( this );
let $form;
const is_checkout = typeof edd_global_vars !== 'undefined';
let field_name = 'card_state';
if ( $( this ).attr( 'id' ) === 'edd_address_country' ) {
field_name = 'edd_address_state';
let state_inputs = document.getElementById( field_name );
if ( 'card_state' !== $this.attr( 'id' ) && null != state_inputs ) {
const nonce = $( this ).data( 'nonce' );
// If the country field has changed, we need to update the state/province field
const postData = {
action: 'edd_get_shop_states',
country: $this.val(),
field_name: field_name,
nonce: nonce,
$.ajax( {
type: 'POST',
data: postData,
url: edd_scripts.ajaxurl,
xhrFields: {
withCredentials: true,
success: function( response ) {
if ( is_checkout ) {
$form = $( '#edd_purchase_form' );
} else {
$form = $this.closest( 'form' );
const state_inputs = 'input[name="card_state"], select[name="card_state"], input[name="edd_address_state"], select[name="edd_address_state"]';
if ( 'nostates' === $.trim( response ) ) {
const text_field = '<input type="text" id="' + field_name + '" name="card_state" class="card-state edd-input required" value=""/>';
$form.find( state_inputs ).replaceWith( text_field );
} else {
$form.find( state_inputs ).replaceWith( response );
if ( is_checkout ) {
$( document.body ).trigger( 'edd_cart_billing_address_updated', [ response ] );
} ).fail( function( data ) {
if ( window.console && window.console.log ) {
console.log( data );
} ).done( function( data ) {
if ( is_checkout ) {
} );
} else if ( is_checkout ) {
return false;
// Backwards compatibility. Assign function to global namespace.
window.update_state_field = update_state_field;
// If is_checkout, recalculate sales tax on postalCode change.
$( document.body ).on( 'change', '#edd_cc_address input[name=card_zip]', function() {
if ( typeof edd_global_vars !== 'undefined' ) {
} );
} );
// Load a payment gateway
function edd_load_gateway( payment_mode ) {
// Show the ajax loader
jQuery( '.edd-cart-ajax' ).show();
jQuery( '#edd_purchase_form_wrap' ).html( '<span class="edd-loading-ajax edd-loading"></span>' );
const nonce = document.getElementById( 'edd-gateway-' + payment_mode ).getAttribute( 'data-' + payment_mode + '-nonce' );
let url = edd_scripts.ajaxurl;
if ( url.indexOf( '?' ) > 0 ) {
url = url + '&';
} else {
url = url + '?';
url = url + 'payment-mode=' + payment_mode; url, { action: 'edd_load_gateway', edd_payment_mode: payment_mode, nonce: nonce },
function( response ) {
jQuery( '#edd_purchase_form_wrap' ).html( response );
jQuery( '.edd-no-js' ).hide();
jQuery( 'body' ).trigger( 'edd_gateway_loaded', [ payment_mode ] );
// Backwards compatibility. Assign function to global namespace.
window.edd_load_gateway = edd_load_gateway;