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* Checkout Functions
* @package EDD
* @subpackage Checkout
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2018, Easy Digital Downloads, LLC
* @license GNU Public License
* @since 1.0
// Exit if accessed directly
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;
* Determines if we're currently on the Checkout page
* @since 1.1.2
* @return bool True if on the Checkout page, false otherwise
function edd_is_checkout() {
global $wp_query;
$is_object_set = isset( $wp_query->queried_object );
$is_object_id_set = isset( $wp_query->queried_object_id );
$is_checkout = is_page( edd_get_option( 'purchase_page' ) );
if ( ! $is_object_set ) {
unset( $wp_query->queried_object );
} elseif ( is_singular() ) {
$content = $wp_query->queried_object->post_content;
if ( ! $is_object_id_set ) {
unset( $wp_query->queried_object_id );
// If we know this isn't the primary checkout page, check other methods.
if ( ! $is_checkout && isset( $content ) ) {
if ( has_shortcode( $content, 'download_checkout' ) || ( edd_has_core_blocks() && has_block( 'edd/checkout', $content ) ) ) {
$is_checkout = true;
return apply_filters( 'edd_is_checkout', $is_checkout );
* Determines if a user can checkout or not
* @since 1.3.3
* @return bool Can user checkout?
function edd_can_checkout() {
$can_checkout = true; // Always true for now
return (bool) apply_filters( 'edd_can_checkout', $can_checkout );
* Get the URL of the Checkout page
* @since 1.0.8
* @param array $args Extra query args to add to the URI
* @return mixed Full URL to the checkout page, if present | null if it doesn't exist
function edd_get_checkout_uri( $args = array() ) {
$uri = false;
if ( edd_is_checkout() ) {
global $post;
$uri = $post instanceof WP_Post ? get_permalink( $post->ID ) : NULL;
// If we are not on a checkout page, determine the URI from the default.
if ( empty( $uri ) ) {
$uri = edd_get_option( 'purchase_page', false );
$uri = isset( $uri ) ? get_permalink( $uri ) : NULL;
if ( ! empty( $args ) ) {
// Check for backward compatibility
if ( is_string( $args ) ) {
$args = str_replace( '?', '', $args );
$args = wp_parse_args( $args );
$uri = add_query_arg( $args, $uri );
$scheme = defined( 'FORCE_SSL_ADMIN' ) && FORCE_SSL_ADMIN ? 'https' : 'admin';
$ajax_url = admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php', $scheme );
if ( ( ! preg_match( '/^https/', $uri ) && preg_match( '/^https/', $ajax_url ) && edd_is_ajax_enabled() ) || edd_is_ssl_enforced() ) {
$uri = preg_replace( '/^http:/', 'https:', $uri );
if ( edd_get_option( 'no_cache_checkout', false ) ) {
$uri = edd_add_cache_busting( $uri );
return apply_filters( 'edd_get_checkout_uri', $uri );
* Send back to checkout.
* Used to redirect a user back to the purchase
* page if there are errors present.
* @param array $args
* @since 1.0
* @return Void
function edd_send_back_to_checkout( $args = array() ) {
$redirect = edd_get_checkout_uri();
if ( ! empty( $args ) ) {
// Check for backward compatibility
if ( is_string( $args ) ) {
$args = str_replace( '?', '', $args );
$args = wp_parse_args( $args );
$redirect = add_query_arg( $args, $redirect );
edd_redirect( apply_filters( 'edd_send_back_to_checkout', $redirect, $args ) );
* Get the URL of the Transaction Failed page
* @since 1.3.4
* @param bool $extras Extras to append to the URL
* @return mixed|void Full URL to the Transaction Failed page, if present, home page if it doesn't exist
function edd_get_failed_transaction_uri( $extras = false ) {
$uri = edd_get_option( 'failure_page', '' );
$uri = ! empty( $uri ) ? trailingslashit( get_permalink( $uri ) ) : home_url();
if ( $extras ) {
$uri .= $extras;
return apply_filters( 'edd_get_failed_transaction_uri', $uri );
* Determines if we're currently on the Failed Transaction page.
* @since 2.1
* @return bool True if on the Failed Transaction page, false otherwise.
function edd_is_failed_transaction_page() {
$ret = edd_get_option( 'failure_page', false );
$ret = isset( $ret ) ? is_page( $ret ) : false;
return apply_filters( 'edd_is_failure_page', $ret );
* Mark payments as Failed when returning to the Failed Transaction page
* @since 1.9.9
* @return void
function edd_listen_for_failed_payments() {
$failed_page = edd_get_option( 'failure_page', 0 );
if( ! empty( $failed_page ) && is_page( $failed_page ) && ! empty( $_GET['payment-id'] ) ) {
$payment_id = absint( $_GET['payment-id'] );
$payment = get_post( $payment_id );
$status = edd_get_payment_status( $payment );
if ( $status && 'pending' === strtolower( $status ) ) {
edd_update_payment_status( $payment_id, 'failed' );
add_action( 'template_redirect', 'edd_listen_for_failed_payments' );
* Check if a field is required
* @param string $field
* @since 1.7
* @return bool
function edd_field_is_required( $field = '' ) {
$required_fields = edd_purchase_form_required_fields();
return array_key_exists( $field, $required_fields );
* Retrieve an array of banned_emails
* @since 2.0
* @return array
function edd_get_banned_emails() {
$banned = edd_get_option( 'banned_emails', array() );
$emails = ! is_array( $banned )
? explode( "\n", $banned )
: $banned;
$emails = array_map( 'trim', $emails );
return apply_filters( 'edd_get_banned_emails', $emails );
* Determines if an email is banned
* @since 2.0
* @param string $email Email to check if is banned.
* @return bool
function edd_is_email_banned( $email = '' ) {
$email = trim( $email );
if( empty( $email ) ) {
return false;
$email = strtolower( $email );
$banned_emails = edd_get_banned_emails();
if( ! is_array( $banned_emails ) || empty( $banned_emails ) ) {
return false;
$return = false;
foreach( $banned_emails as $banned_email ) {
$banned_email = strtolower( $banned_email );
if( is_email( $banned_email ) ) {
// Complete email address
$return = ( $banned_email == $email ? true : false );
} elseif ( strpos( $banned_email, '.' ) === 0 ) {
// TLD block
$return = ( substr( $email, ( strlen( $banned_email ) * -1 ) ) == $banned_email ) ? true : false;
} else {
// Domain block
$return = ( stristr( $email, $banned_email ) ? true : false );
if( true === $return ) {
return apply_filters( 'edd_is_email_banned', $return, $email );
* Determines if secure checkout pages are enforced
* @since 2.0
* @return bool True if enforce SSL is enabled, false otherwise
function edd_is_ssl_enforced() {
$ssl_enforced = edd_get_option( 'enforce_ssl', false );
return (bool) apply_filters( 'edd_is_ssl_enforced', $ssl_enforced );
* Handle redirections for SSL enforced checkouts
* @since 2.0
* @return void
function edd_enforced_ssl_redirect_handler() {
if ( ! edd_is_ssl_enforced() || ! edd_is_checkout() || is_admin() || is_ssl() ) {
if ( edd_is_checkout() && false !== strpos( edd_get_current_page_url(), 'https://' ) ) {
$uri = "https://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}";
edd_redirect( $uri );
add_action( 'template_redirect', 'edd_enforced_ssl_redirect_handler' );
* Handle rewriting asset URLs for SSL enforced checkouts
* @since 2.0
* @return void
function edd_enforced_ssl_asset_handler() {
if ( ! edd_is_ssl_enforced() || ! edd_is_checkout() || is_admin() ) {
$filters = array(
$filters = apply_filters( 'edd_enforced_ssl_asset_filters', $filters );
foreach ( $filters as $filter ) {
add_filter( $filter, 'edd_enforced_ssl_asset_filter', 1 );
add_action( 'template_redirect', 'edd_enforced_ssl_asset_handler' );
* Filter filters and convert http to https
* @since 2.0
* @param mixed $content
* @return mixed
function edd_enforced_ssl_asset_filter( $content ) {
if ( is_array( $content ) ) {
$content = array_map( 'edd_enforced_ssl_asset_filter', $content );
} else {
// Detect if URL ends in a common domain suffix. We want to only affect assets
$extension = untrailingslashit( edd_get_file_extension( $content ) );
$suffixes = array(
if ( ! in_array( $extension, $suffixes ) ) {
$content = str_replace( 'http:', 'https:', $content );
return $content;
* Given a number and algorithm, determine if we have a valid credit card format
* @since 2.4
* @param integer $number The Credit Card Number to validate
* @return bool If the card number provided matches a specific format of a valid card
function edd_validate_card_number_format( $number = 0 ) {
$number = trim( $number );
if ( empty( $number ) ) {
return false;
if ( ! is_numeric( $number ) ) {
return false;
$is_valid_format = false;
// First check if it passes with the passed method, Luhn by default
$is_valid_format = edd_validate_card_number_format_luhn( $number );
// Run additional checks before we start the regexing and looping by type
$is_valid_format = apply_filters( 'edd_valiate_card_format_pre_type', $is_valid_format, $number );
if ( true === $is_valid_format ) {
// We've passed our method check, onto card specific checks
$card_type = edd_detect_cc_type( $number );
$is_valid_format = ! empty( $card_type ) ? true : false;
return apply_filters( 'edd_cc_is_valid_format', $is_valid_format, $number );
* Validate credit card number based on the luhn algorithm
* @since 2.4
* @param string $number
* @return bool
function edd_validate_card_number_format_luhn( $number ) {
// Strip any non-digits (useful for credit card numbers with spaces and hyphens)
$number = preg_replace( '/\D/', '', $number );
// Set the string length and parity
$length = strlen( $number );
$parity = $length % 2;
// Loop through each digit and do the math
$total = 0;
for ( $i = 0; $i < $length; $i++ ) {
$digit = $number[ $i ];
// Multiply alternate digits by two
if ( $i % 2 == $parity ) {
$digit *= 2;
// If the sum is two digits, add them together (in effect)
if ( $digit > 9 ) {
$digit -= 9;
// Total up the digits
$total += $digit;
// If the total mod 10 equals 0, the number is valid
return ( $total % 10 == 0 ) ? true : false;
* Detect credit card type based on the number and return an
* array of data to validate the credit card number
* @since 2.4
* @param string $number
* @return string|bool
function edd_detect_cc_type( $number ) {
$return = false;
$card_types = array(
'name' => 'amex',
'pattern' => '/^3[4|7]/',
'valid_length' => array( 15 ),
'name' => 'diners_club_carte_blanche',
'pattern' => '/^30[0-5]/',
'valid_length' => array( 14 ),
'name' => 'diners_club_international',
'pattern' => '/^36/',
'valid_length' => array( 14 ),
'name' => 'jcb',
'pattern' => '/^35(2[89]|[3-8][0-9])/',
'valid_length' => array( 16 ),
'name' => 'laser',
'pattern' => '/^(6304|670[69]|6771)/',
'valid_length' => array( 16, 17, 18, 19 ),
'name' => 'visa_electron',
'pattern' => '/^(4026|417500|4508|4844|491(3|7))/',
'valid_length' => array( 16 ),
'name' => 'visa',
'pattern' => '/^4/',
'valid_length' => array( 16 ),
'name' => 'mastercard',
'pattern' => '/^5[1-5]/',
'valid_length' => array( 16 ),
'name' => 'maestro',
'pattern' => '/^(5018|5020|5038|6304|6759|676[1-3])/',
'valid_length' => array( 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 ),
'name' => 'discover',
'pattern' => '/^(6011|622(12[6-9]|1[3-9][0-9]|[2-8][0-9]{2}|9[0-1][0-9]|92[0-5]|64[4-9])|65)/',
'valid_length' => array( 16 ),
$card_types = apply_filters( 'edd_cc_card_types', $card_types );
if ( ! is_array( $card_types ) ) {
return false;
foreach ( $card_types as $card_type ){
if ( preg_match( $card_type['pattern'], $number ) ) {
$number_length = strlen( $number );
if ( in_array( $number_length, $card_type['valid_length'] ) ) {
$return = $card_type['name'];
return apply_filters( 'edd_cc_found_card_type', $return, $number, $card_types );
* Validate credit card expiration date
* @since 2.4
* @param string $exp_month
* @param string $exp_year
* @return bool
function edd_purchase_form_validate_cc_exp_date( $exp_month, $exp_year ) {
$month_name = date( 'M', mktime( 0, 0, 0, $exp_month, 10 ) );
$expiration = strtotime( date( 't', strtotime( $month_name . ' ' . $exp_year ) ) . ' ' . $month_name . ' ' . $exp_year . ' 11:59:59PM' );
return $expiration >= time();
* Print the payment icons on the checkout page footer.
* @since 3.0
function edd_print_payment_icons_on_checkout() {
// Only load icons at EDD Checkout.
if ( ! edd_is_checkout() ) {
// Get payment methods.
$methods = (array) edd_get_option( 'accepted_cards', array() );
$icons = array_keys( $methods );
if ( is_ssl() ) {
$icons[] = 'lock';
// Bail if no icons.
if ( empty( $icons ) ) {
// Output icons.
edd_print_payment_icons( $icons );
add_action( 'wp_print_footer_scripts', 'edd_print_payment_icons_on_checkout', 9999 );