2020-04-07 13:03:04 +00:00

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15 KiB

namespace Sabberworm\CSS\RuleSet; use Sabberworm\CSS\Property\Selector; use Sabberworm\CSS\Rule\Rule; use Sabberworm\CSS\Value\RuleValueList; use Sabberworm\CSS\Value\Value; use Sabberworm\CSS\Value\Size; use Sabberworm\CSS\Value\Color; use Sabberworm\CSS\Value\URL; use Sabberworm\CSS\Parsing\OutputException; class DeclarationBlock extends RuleSet { private $aSelectors; public function __construct($iLineNo = 0) { parent::__construct($iLineNo); $this->aSelectors = array(); } public function setSelectors($mSelector) { if (is_array($mSelector)) { $this->aSelectors = $mSelector; } else { $this->aSelectors = explode(',', $mSelector); } foreach ($this->aSelectors as $iKey => $mSelector) { if (!($mSelector instanceof Selector)) { $this->aSelectors[$iKey] = new Selector($mSelector); } } } public function removeSelector($mSelector) { if($mSelector instanceof Selector) { $mSelector = $mSelector->getSelector(); } foreach($this->aSelectors as $iKey => $oSelector) { if($oSelector->getSelector() === $mSelector) { unset($this->aSelectors[$iKey]); return true; } } return false; } public function getSelector() { return $this->getSelectors(); } public function setSelector($mSelector) { $this->setSelectors($mSelector); } public function getSelectors() { return $this->aSelectors; } public function expandShorthands() { $this->expandBorderShorthand(); $this->expandDimensionsShorthand(); $this->expandFontShorthand(); $this->expandBackgroundShorthand(); $this->expandListStyleShorthand(); } public function createShorthands() { $this->createBackgroundShorthand(); $this->createDimensionsShorthand(); $this->createBorderShorthand(); $this->createFontShorthand(); $this->createListStyleShorthand(); } public function expandBorderShorthand() { $aBorderRules = array( 'border', 'border-left', 'border-right', 'border-top', 'border-bottom' ); $aBorderSizes = array( 'thin', 'medium', 'thick' ); $aRules = $this->getRulesAssoc(); foreach ($aBorderRules as $sBorderRule) { if (!isset($aRules[$sBorderRule])) continue; $oRule = $aRules[$sBorderRule]; $mRuleValue = $oRule->getValue(); $aValues = array(); if (!$mRuleValue instanceof RuleValueList) { $aValues[] = $mRuleValue; } else { $aValues = $mRuleValue->getListComponents(); } foreach ($aValues as $mValue) { if ($mValue instanceof Value) { $mNewValue = clone $mValue; } else { $mNewValue = $mValue; } if ($mValue instanceof Size) { $sNewRuleName = $sBorderRule . "-width"; } else if ($mValue instanceof Color) { $sNewRuleName = $sBorderRule . "-color"; } else { if (in_array($mValue, $aBorderSizes)) { $sNewRuleName = $sBorderRule . "-width"; } else { $sNewRuleName = $sBorderRule . "-style"; } } $oNewRule = new Rule($sNewRuleName, $this->iLineNo); $oNewRule->setIsImportant($oRule->getIsImportant()); $oNewRule->addValue(array($mNewValue)); $this->addRule($oNewRule); } $this->removeRule($sBorderRule); } } public function expandDimensionsShorthand() { $aExpansions = array( 'margin' => 'margin-%s', 'padding' => 'padding-%s', 'border-color' => 'border-%s-color', 'border-style' => 'border-%s-style', 'border-width' => 'border-%s-width' ); $aRules = $this->getRulesAssoc(); foreach ($aExpansions as $sProperty => $sExpanded) { if (!isset($aRules[$sProperty])) continue; $oRule = $aRules[$sProperty]; $mRuleValue = $oRule->getValue(); $aValues = array(); if (!$mRuleValue instanceof RuleValueList) { $aValues[] = $mRuleValue; } else { $aValues = $mRuleValue->getListComponents(); } $top = $right = $bottom = $left = null; switch (count($aValues)) { case 1: $top = $right = $bottom = $left = $aValues[0]; break; case 2: $top = $bottom = $aValues[0]; $left = $right = $aValues[1]; break; case 3: $top = $aValues[0]; $left = $right = $aValues[1]; $bottom = $aValues[2]; break; case 4: $top = $aValues[0]; $right = $aValues[1]; $bottom = $aValues[2]; $left = $aValues[3]; break; } foreach (array('top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left') as $sPosition) { $oNewRule = new Rule(sprintf($sExpanded, $sPosition), $this->iLineNo); $oNewRule->setIsImportant($oRule->getIsImportant()); $oNewRule->addValue(${$sPosition}); $this->addRule($oNewRule); } $this->removeRule($sProperty); } } public function expandFontShorthand() { $aRules = $this->getRulesAssoc(); if (!isset($aRules['font'])) return; $oRule = $aRules['font']; $aFontProperties = array( 'font-style' => 'normal', 'font-variant' => 'normal', 'font-weight' => 'normal', 'font-size' => 'normal', 'line-height' => 'normal' ); $mRuleValue = $oRule->getValue(); $aValues = array(); if (!$mRuleValue instanceof RuleValueList) { $aValues[] = $mRuleValue; } else { $aValues = $mRuleValue->getListComponents(); } foreach ($aValues as $mValue) { if (!$mValue instanceof Value) { $mValue = mb_strtolower($mValue); } if (in_array($mValue, array('normal', 'inherit'))) { foreach (array('font-style', 'font-weight', 'font-variant') as $sProperty) { if (!isset($aFontProperties[$sProperty])) { $aFontProperties[$sProperty] = $mValue; } } } else if (in_array($mValue, array('italic', 'oblique'))) { $aFontProperties['font-style'] = $mValue; } else if ($mValue == 'small-caps') { $aFontProperties['font-variant'] = $mValue; } else if ( in_array($mValue, array('bold', 'bolder', 'lighter')) || ($mValue instanceof Size && in_array($mValue->getSize(), range(100, 900, 100))) ) { $aFontProperties['font-weight'] = $mValue; } else if ($mValue instanceof RuleValueList && $mValue->getListSeparator() == '/') { list($oSize, $oHeight) = $mValue->getListComponents(); $aFontProperties['font-size'] = $oSize; $aFontProperties['line-height'] = $oHeight; } else if ($mValue instanceof Size && $mValue->getUnit() !== null) { $aFontProperties['font-size'] = $mValue; } else { $aFontProperties['font-family'] = $mValue; } } foreach ($aFontProperties as $sProperty => $mValue) { $oNewRule = new Rule($sProperty, $this->iLineNo); $oNewRule->addValue($mValue); $oNewRule->setIsImportant($oRule->getIsImportant()); $this->addRule($oNewRule); } $this->removeRule('font'); } public function expandBackgroundShorthand() { $aRules = $this->getRulesAssoc(); if (!isset($aRules['background'])) return; $oRule = $aRules['background']; $aBgProperties = array( 'background-color' => array('transparent'), 'background-image' => array('none'), 'background-repeat' => array('repeat'), 'background-attachment' => array('scroll'), 'background-position' => array(new Size(0, '%', null, false, $this->iLineNo), new Size(0, '%', null, false, $this->iLineNo)) ); $mRuleValue = $oRule->getValue(); $aValues = array(); if (!$mRuleValue instanceof RuleValueList) { $aValues[] = $mRuleValue; } else { $aValues = $mRuleValue->getListComponents(); } if (count($aValues) == 1 && $aValues[0] == 'inherit') { foreach ($aBgProperties as $sProperty => $mValue) { $oNewRule = new Rule($sProperty, $this->iLineNo); $oNewRule->addValue('inherit'); $oNewRule->setIsImportant($oRule->getIsImportant()); $this->addRule($oNewRule); } $this->removeRule('background'); return; } $iNumBgPos = 0; foreach ($aValues as $mValue) { if (!$mValue instanceof Value) { $mValue = mb_strtolower($mValue); } if ($mValue instanceof URL) { $aBgProperties['background-image'] = $mValue; } else if ($mValue instanceof Color) { $aBgProperties['background-color'] = $mValue; } else if (in_array($mValue, array('scroll', 'fixed'))) { $aBgProperties['background-attachment'] = $mValue; } else if (in_array($mValue, array('repeat', 'no-repeat', 'repeat-x', 'repeat-y'))) { $aBgProperties['background-repeat'] = $mValue; } else if (in_array($mValue, array('left', 'center', 'right', 'top', 'bottom')) || $mValue instanceof Size ) { if ($iNumBgPos == 0) { $aBgProperties['background-position'][0] = $mValue; $aBgProperties['background-position'][1] = 'center'; } else { $aBgProperties['background-position'][$iNumBgPos] = $mValue; } $iNumBgPos++; } } foreach ($aBgProperties as $sProperty => $mValue) { $oNewRule = new Rule($sProperty, $this->iLineNo); $oNewRule->setIsImportant($oRule->getIsImportant()); $oNewRule->addValue($mValue); $this->addRule($oNewRule); } $this->removeRule('background'); } public function expandListStyleShorthand() { $aListProperties = array( 'list-style-type' => 'disc', 'list-style-position' => 'outside', 'list-style-image' => 'none' ); $aListStyleTypes = array( 'none', 'disc', 'circle', 'square', 'decimal-leading-zero', 'decimal', 'lower-roman', 'upper-roman', 'lower-greek', 'lower-alpha', 'lower-latin', 'upper-alpha', 'upper-latin', 'hebrew', 'armenian', 'georgian', 'cjk-ideographic', 'hiragana', 'hira-gana-iroha', 'katakana-iroha', 'katakana' ); $aListStylePositions = array( 'inside', 'outside' ); $aRules = $this->getRulesAssoc(); if (!isset($aRules['list-style'])) return; $oRule = $aRules['list-style']; $mRuleValue = $oRule->getValue(); $aValues = array(); if (!$mRuleValue instanceof RuleValueList) { $aValues[] = $mRuleValue; } else { $aValues = $mRuleValue->getListComponents(); } if (count($aValues) == 1 && $aValues[0] == 'inherit') { foreach ($aListProperties as $sProperty => $mValue) { $oNewRule = new Rule($sProperty, $this->iLineNo); $oNewRule->addValue('inherit'); $oNewRule->setIsImportant($oRule->getIsImportant()); $this->addRule($oNewRule); } $this->removeRule('list-style'); return; } foreach ($aValues as $mValue) { if (!$mValue instanceof Value) { $mValue = mb_strtolower($mValue); } if ($mValue instanceof Url) { $aListProperties['list-style-image'] = $mValue; } else if (in_array($mValue, $aListStyleTypes)) { $aListProperties['list-style-types'] = $mValue; } else if (in_array($mValue, $aListStylePositions)) { $aListProperties['list-style-position'] = $mValue; } } foreach ($aListProperties as $sProperty => $mValue) { $oNewRule = new Rule($sProperty, $this->iLineNo); $oNewRule->setIsImportant($oRule->getIsImportant()); $oNewRule->addValue($mValue); $this->addRule($oNewRule); } $this->removeRule('list-style'); } public function createShorthandProperties(array $aProperties, $sShorthand) { $aRules = $this->getRulesAssoc(); $aNewValues = array(); foreach ($aProperties as $sProperty) { if (!isset($aRules[$sProperty])) continue; $oRule = $aRules[$sProperty]; if (!$oRule->getIsImportant()) { $mRuleValue = $oRule->getValue(); $aValues = array(); if (!$mRuleValue instanceof RuleValueList) { $aValues[] = $mRuleValue; } else { $aValues = $mRuleValue->getListComponents(); } foreach ($aValues as $mValue) { $aNewValues[] = $mValue; } $this->removeRule($sProperty); } } if (count($aNewValues)) { $oNewRule = new Rule($sShorthand, $this->iLineNo); foreach ($aNewValues as $mValue) { $oNewRule->addValue($mValue); } $this->addRule($oNewRule); } } public function createBackgroundShorthand() { $aProperties = array( 'background-color', 'background-image', 'background-repeat', 'background-position', 'background-attachment' ); $this->createShorthandProperties($aProperties, 'background'); } public function createListStyleShorthand() { $aProperties = array( 'list-style-type', 'list-style-position', 'list-style-image' ); $this->createShorthandProperties($aProperties, 'list-style'); } public function createBorderShorthand() { $aProperties = array( 'border-width', 'border-style', 'border-color' ); $this->createShorthandProperties($aProperties, 'border'); } public function createDimensionsShorthand() { $aPositions = array('top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'); $aExpansions = array( 'margin' => 'margin-%s', 'padding' => 'padding-%s', 'border-color' => 'border-%s-color', 'border-style' => 'border-%s-style', 'border-width' => 'border-%s-width' ); $aRules = $this->getRulesAssoc(); foreach ($aExpansions as $sProperty => $sExpanded) { $aFoldable = array(); foreach ($aRules as $sRuleName => $oRule) { foreach ($aPositions as $sPosition) { if ($sRuleName == sprintf($sExpanded, $sPosition)) { $aFoldable[$sRuleName] = $oRule; } } } if (count($aFoldable) == 4) { $aValues = array(); foreach ($aPositions as $sPosition) { $oRule = $aRules[sprintf($sExpanded, $sPosition)]; $mRuleValue = $oRule->getValue(); $aRuleValues = array(); if (!$mRuleValue instanceof RuleValueList) { $aRuleValues[] = $mRuleValue; } else { $aRuleValues = $mRuleValue->getListComponents(); } $aValues[$sPosition] = $aRuleValues; } $oNewRule = new Rule($sProperty, $this->iLineNo); if ((string) $aValues['left'][0] == (string) $aValues['right'][0]) { if ((string) $aValues['top'][0] == (string) $aValues['bottom'][0]) { if ((string) $aValues['top'][0] == (string) $aValues['left'][0]) { $oNewRule->addValue($aValues['top']); } else { $oNewRule->addValue($aValues['top']); $oNewRule->addValue($aValues['left']); } } else { $oNewRule->addValue($aValues['top']); $oNewRule->addValue($aValues['left']); $oNewRule->addValue($aValues['bottom']); } } else { $oNewRule->addValue($aValues['top']); $oNewRule->addValue($aValues['left']); $oNewRule->addValue($aValues['bottom']); $oNewRule->addValue($aValues['right']); } $this->addRule($oNewRule); foreach ($aPositions as $sPosition) { $this->removeRule(sprintf($sExpanded, $sPosition)); } } } } public function createFontShorthand() { $aFontProperties = array( 'font-style', 'font-variant', 'font-weight', 'font-size', 'line-height', 'font-family' ); $aRules = $this->getRulesAssoc(); if (!isset($aRules['font-size']) || !isset($aRules['font-family'])) { return; } $oNewRule = new Rule('font', $this->iLineNo); foreach (array('font-style', 'font-variant', 'font-weight') as $sProperty) { if (isset($aRules[$sProperty])) { $oRule = $aRules[$sProperty]; $mRuleValue = $oRule->getValue(); $aValues = array(); if (!$mRuleValue instanceof RuleValueList) { $aValues[] = $mRuleValue; } else { $aValues = $mRuleValue->getListComponents(); } if ($aValues[0] !== 'normal') { $oNewRule->addValue($aValues[0]); } } } $oRule = $aRules['font-size']; $mRuleValue = $oRule->getValue(); $aFSValues = array(); if (!$mRuleValue instanceof RuleValueList) { $aFSValues[] = $mRuleValue; } else { $aFSValues = $mRuleValue->getListComponents(); } if (isset($aRules['line-height'])) { $oRule = $aRules['line-height']; $mRuleValue = $oRule->getValue(); $aLHValues = array(); if (!$mRuleValue instanceof RuleValueList) { $aLHValues[] = $mRuleValue; } else { $aLHValues = $mRuleValue->getListComponents(); } if ($aLHValues[0] !== 'normal') { $val = new RuleValueList('/', $this->iLineNo); $val->addListComponent($aFSValues[0]); $val->addListComponent($aLHValues[0]); $oNewRule->addValue($val); } } else { $oNewRule->addValue($aFSValues[0]); } $oRule = $aRules['font-family']; $mRuleValue = $oRule->getValue(); $aFFValues = array(); if (!$mRuleValue instanceof RuleValueList) { $aFFValues[] = $mRuleValue; } else { $aFFValues = $mRuleValue->getListComponents(); } $oFFValue = new RuleValueList(',', $this->iLineNo); $oFFValue->setListComponents($aFFValues); $oNewRule->addValue($oFFValue); $this->addRule($oNewRule); foreach ($aFontProperties as $sProperty) { $this->removeRule($sProperty); } } public function __toString() { return $this->render(new \Sabberworm\CSS\OutputFormat()); } public function render(\Sabberworm\CSS\OutputFormat $oOutputFormat) { if(count($this->aSelectors) === 0) { throw new OutputException("Attempt to print declaration block with missing selector", $this->iLineNo); } $sResult = $oOutputFormat->implode($oOutputFormat->spaceBeforeSelectorSeparator() . ',' . $oOutputFormat->spaceAfterSelectorSeparator(), $this->aSelectors) . $oOutputFormat->spaceBeforeOpeningBrace() . '{'; $sResult .= parent::render($oOutputFormat); $sResult .= '}'; return $sResult; } }