2020-04-07 13:03:04 +00:00

2 lines
11 KiB

class SiteCrawler extends WP2Static { public function __construct() { $this->loadSettings( array( 'wpenv', 'crawling', 'processing', 'advanced', ) ); if ( isset( $this->settings['crawl_delay'] ) ) { sleep( $this->settings['crawl_delay'] ); } $this->processed_file = ''; $this->file_type = ''; $this->response = ''; $this->content_type = ''; $this->url = ''; $this->full_url = ''; $this->extension = ''; $this->archive_dir = ''; $this->list_of_urls_to_crawl_path = ''; $this->urls_to_crawl = ''; if ( ! defined( 'WP_CLI' ) ) { if ( $_POST['ajax_action'] === 'crawl_again' ) { $this->crawl_discovered_links(); } elseif ( $_POST['ajax_action'] === 'crawl_site' ) { $this->crawl_site(); } } } public function generate_discovered_links_list() { $second_crawl_file_path = $this->settings['wp_uploads_path'] . '/WP-STATIC-2ND-CRAWL-LIST.txt'; $already_crawled = file( $this->settings['wp_uploads_path'] . '/WP-STATIC-INITIAL-CRAWL-LIST.txt', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES ); $unique_discovered_links = array(); $discovered_links_file = $this->settings['wp_uploads_path'] . '/WP-STATIC-DISCOVERED-URLS.txt'; if ( is_file( $discovered_links_file ) ) { $discovered_links = file( $discovered_links_file, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES ); $unique_discovered_links = array_unique( $discovered_links ); sort( $unique_discovered_links ); } file_put_contents( $this->settings['wp_uploads_path'] . '/WP-STATIC-DISCOVERED-URLS-LOG.txt', implode( PHP_EOL, $unique_discovered_links ) ); chmod( $this->settings['wp_uploads_path'] . '/WP-STATIC-DISCOVERED-URLS-LOG.txt', 0664 ); file_put_contents( $this->settings['wp_uploads_path'] . '/WP-STATIC-DISCOVERED-URLS-TOTAL.txt', count( $unique_discovered_links ) ); chmod( $this->settings['wp_uploads_path'] . '/WP-STATIC-DISCOVERED-URLS-TOTAL.txt', 0664 ); $discovered_links = array_diff( $unique_discovered_links, $already_crawled ); file_put_contents( $second_crawl_file_path, implode( PHP_EOL, $discovered_links ) ); chmod( $second_crawl_file_path, 0664 ); copy( $second_crawl_file_path, $this->settings['wp_uploads_path'] . '/WP-STATIC-FINAL-2ND-CRAWL-LIST.txt' ); chmod( $this->settings['wp_uploads_path'] . '/WP-STATIC-FINAL-2ND-CRAWL-LIST.txt', 0664 ); } public function crawl_discovered_links() { if ( defined( 'WP_CLI' ) && ! defined( 'CRAWLING_DISCOVERED' ) ) { define( 'CRAWLING_DISCOVERED', true ); } $second_crawl_file_path = $this->settings['wp_uploads_path'] . '/WP-STATIC-2ND-CRAWL-LIST.txt'; if ( ! is_file( $second_crawl_file_path ) ) { $this->generate_discovered_links_list(); } $this->list_of_urls_to_crawl_path = $this->settings['wp_uploads_path'] . '/WP-STATIC-FINAL-2ND-CRAWL-LIST.txt'; if ( ! is_file( $this->list_of_urls_to_crawl_path ) ) { require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../WP2Static/WsLog.php'; WsLog::l( 'ERROR: LIST OF URLS TO CRAWL NOT FOUND AT: ' . $this->list_of_urls_to_crawl_path ); die(); } else { if ( filesize( $this->list_of_urls_to_crawl_path ) ) { $this->crawlABitMore(); } else { if ( ! defined( 'WP_CLI' ) ) { echo 'SUCCESS'; } } } } public function crawl_site() { $this->list_of_urls_to_crawl_path = $this->settings['wp_uploads_path'] . '/WP-STATIC-FINAL-2ND-CRAWL-LIST.txt'; if ( is_file( $this->list_of_urls_to_crawl_path ) ) { $this->crawl_discovered_links(); return; } $this->list_of_urls_to_crawl_path = $this->settings['wp_uploads_path'] . '/WP-STATIC-FINAL-CRAWL-LIST.txt'; if ( ! is_file( $this->list_of_urls_to_crawl_path ) ) { require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../WP2Static/WsLog.php'; WsLog::l( 'ERROR: LIST OF URLS TO CRAWL NOT FOUND AT: ' . $this->list_of_urls_to_crawl_path ); die(); } else { if ( filesize( $this->list_of_urls_to_crawl_path ) ) { $this->crawlABitMore(); } else { if ( ! defined( 'WP_CLI' ) ) { echo 'SUCCESS'; } } } } public function crawlABitMore() { $batch_of_links_to_crawl = array(); $this->urls_to_crawl = file( $this->list_of_urls_to_crawl_path, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES ); $total_links = count( $this->urls_to_crawl ); if ( $total_links < 1 ) { require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../WP2Static/WsLog.php'; WsLog::l( 'ERROR: LIST OF URLS TO CRAWL NOT FOUND AT: ' . $this->list_of_urls_to_crawl_path ); die(); } if ( $this->settings['crawl_increment'] > $total_links ) { $this->settings['crawl_increment'] = $total_links; } for ( $i = 0; $i < $this->settings['crawl_increment']; $i++ ) { $link_from_crawl_list = array_shift( $this->urls_to_crawl ); if ( $link_from_crawl_list ) { $batch_of_links_to_crawl[] = $link_from_crawl_list; } } $this->remaining_urls_to_crawl = count( $this->urls_to_crawl ); file_put_contents( $this->list_of_urls_to_crawl_path, implode( "\r\n", $this->urls_to_crawl ) ); chmod( $this->list_of_urls_to_crawl_path, 0664 ); $handle = fopen( $this->settings['wp_uploads_path'] . '/WP2STATIC-CURRENT-ARCHIVE.txt', 'r' ); $this->archive_dir = stream_get_line( $handle, 0 ); $total_urls_path = $this->settings['wp_uploads_path'] . '/WP-STATIC-INITIAL-CRAWL-TOTAL.txt'; if ( defined( 'CRAWLING_DISCOVERED' ) || ( isset( $_POST['ajax_action'] ) && $_POST['ajax_action'] == 'crawl_again' ) ) { $total_urls_path = $this->settings['wp_uploads_path'] . '/WP-STATIC-DISCOVERED-URLS-TOTAL.txt'; } $total_urls_to_crawl = file_get_contents( $total_urls_path ); $batch_index = 0; $exclusions = array( 'wp-json' ); if ( isset( $this->settings['excludeURLs'] ) ) { $user_exclusions = explode( "\n", str_replace( "\r", '', $this->settings['excludeURLs'] ) ); $exclusions = array_merge( $exclusions, $user_exclusions ); } $this->logAction( 'Exclusion rules ' . implode( PHP_EOL, $exclusions ) ); foreach ( $batch_of_links_to_crawl as $link_to_crawl ) { $this->url = $link_to_crawl; $this->full_url = $this->settings['wp_site_url'] . ltrim( $this->url, '/' ); foreach ( $exclusions as $exclusion ) { $exclusion = trim( $exclusion ); if ( $exclusion != '' ) { if ( false !== strpos( $this->url, $exclusion ) ) { $this->logAction( 'Excluding ' . $this->url . ' because of rule ' . $exclusion ); continue 2; } } } $this->file_extension = $this->getExtensionFromURL(); if ( $this->loadFileForProcessing() ) { $this->saveFile(); } $batch_index++; $completed_urls = $total_urls_to_crawl - $this->remaining_urls_to_crawl - count( $batch_of_links_to_crawl ) + $batch_index; require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../WP2Static/ProgressLog.php'; ProgressLog::l( $completed_urls, $total_urls_to_crawl ); $this->logAction( 'Memory allocated by crawl script: ' . round( memory_get_usage( true ) / 1024 ) ); } $this->checkIfMoreCrawlingNeeded(); $url_reponse = null; unset( $url_reponse ); } public function loadFileForProcessing() { $this->logAction( "Crawling {$this->url}" ); $ch = curl_init(); if ( isset( $this->settings['crawlPort'] ) ) { curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_PORT, $this->settings['crawlPort'] ); } curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->full_url ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0 ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0 ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, '' ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 0 ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 600 ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0 ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1 ); if ( isset( $this->settings['useBasicAuth'] ) ) { curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->settings['basicAuthUser'] . ':' . $this->settings['basicAuthPassword'] ); } $output = curl_exec( $ch ); $this->checkForCurlErrors( $output, $ch ); $status_code = curl_getinfo( $ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE ); $this->curl_content_type = curl_getinfo( $ch, CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE ); curl_close( $ch ); $this->response = $output; $this->crawled_links_file = $this->settings['wp_uploads_path'] . '/WP-STATIC-CRAWLED-LINKS.txt'; $good_response_codes = array( '200', '201', '301', '302', '304' ); if ( ! in_array( $status_code, $good_response_codes ) ) { $this->logAction( 'BAD RESPONSE STATUS (' . $status_code . '): ' . $this->url ); return false; file_put_contents( $this->settings['wp_uploads_path'] . '/WP-STATIC-404-LOG.txt', $status_code . ':' . $this->url . PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX ); chmod( $this->settings['wp_uploads_path'] . '/WP-STATIC-404-LOG.txt', 0664 ); } else { file_put_contents( $this->crawled_links_file, $this->url . PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX ); chmod( $this->crawled_links_file, 0664 ); } $base_url = $this->settings['baseUrl']; $this->detectFileType( $this->full_url ); switch ( $this->file_type ) { case 'html': require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../WP2Static/WP2Static.php'; require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../WP2Static/HTMLProcessor.php'; $processor = new HTMLProcessor(); $this->processed_file = $processor->processHTML( $this->response, $this->full_url ); if ( $this->processed_file ) { $this->processed_file = $processor->getHTML(); } break; case 'css': require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../WP2Static/WP2Static.php'; require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../WP2Static/CSSProcessor.php'; $processor = new CSSProcessor(); $this->processed_file = $processor->processCSS( $this->response, $this->full_url ); if ( $this->processed_file ) { $this->processed_file = $processor->getCSS(); } break; case 'txt': case 'js': case 'json': case 'xml': require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../WP2Static/WP2Static.php'; require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../WP2Static/TXTProcessor.php'; $processor = new TXTProcessor(); $this->processed_file = $processor->processTXT( $this->response, $this->full_url ); if ( $this->processed_file ) { $this->processed_file = $processor->getTXT(); } break; default: $this->processed_file = $this->response; break; } return true; } public function checkIfMoreCrawlingNeeded() { if ( $this->remaining_urls_to_crawl > 0 ) { if ( ! defined( 'WP_CLI' ) ) { echo $this->remaining_urls_to_crawl; } else { $this->crawl_site(); } } else { if ( ! defined( 'WP_CLI' ) ) { echo 'SUCCESS'; } } } public function saveFile() { require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../WP2Static/FileWriter.php'; $file_writer = new FileWriter( $this->url, $this->processed_file, $this->file_type, $this->content_type ); $file_writer->saveFile( $this->archive_dir ); } public function getExtensionFromURL() { $url_path = parse_url( $this->url, PHP_URL_PATH ); $extension = pathinfo( $url_path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION ); if ( ! $extension ) { return ''; } return $extension; } public function detectFileType() { if ( $this->file_extension ) { $this->file_type = $this->file_extension; } else { $type = $this->content_type = $this->curl_content_type; if ( stripos( $type, 'text/html' ) !== false ) { $this->file_type = 'html'; } elseif ( stripos( $type, 'rss+xml' ) !== false ) { $this->file_type = 'xml'; } elseif ( stripos( $type, 'text/xml' ) !== false ) { $this->file_type = 'xml'; } elseif ( stripos( $type, 'application/xml' ) !== false ) { $this->file_type = 'xml'; } elseif ( stripos( $type, 'application/json' ) !== false ) { $this->file_type = 'json'; } else { require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../WP2Static/WsLog.php'; WsLog::l( 'no filetype inferred from content-type: ' . $this->curl_content_type . ' url: ' . $this->url ); } } } public function logAction( $action ) { if ( ! isset( $this->settings['debug_mode'] ) ) { return; } require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../WP2Static/WsLog.php'; WsLog::l( $action ); } public function checkForCurlErrors( $response, $curl_handle ) { if ( $response === false ) { $response = curl_error( $curl_handle ); $this->logAction( 'cURL error:' . stripslashes( $response ) ); } } } $site_crawler = new SiteCrawler();