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* ObjectSerializer
* PHP version 5
* @category Class
* @package SendinBlue\Client
* @author Swagger Codegen team
* @link
* SendinBlue API
* SendinBlue provide a RESTFul API that can be used with any languages. With this API, you will be able to : - Manage your campaigns and get the statistics - Manage your contacts - Send transactional Emails and SMS - and much more... You can download our wrappers at **Possible responses** | Code | Message | | :-------------: | ------------- | | 200 | OK. Successful Request | | 201 | OK. Successful Creation | | 202 | OK. Request accepted | | 204 | OK. Successful Update/Deletion | | 400 | Error. Bad Request | | 401 | Error. Authentication Needed | | 402 | Error. Not enough credit, plan upgrade needed | | 403 | Error. Permission denied | | 404 | Error. Object does not exist | | 405 | Error. Method not allowed | | 406 | Error. Not Acceptable |
* OpenAPI spec version: 3.0.0
* Contact:
* Generated by:
* Swagger Codegen version: 2.4.12
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.
* Do not edit the class manually.
namespace WPMailSMTP\Vendor\SendinBlue\Client;
* ObjectSerializer Class Doc Comment
* @category Class
* @package SendinBlue\Client
* @author Swagger Codegen team
* @link
class ObjectSerializer
* Serialize data
* @param mixed $data the data to serialize
* @param string $type the SwaggerType of the data
* @param string $format the format of the Swagger type of the data
* @return string|object serialized form of $data
public static function sanitizeForSerialization($data, $type = null, $format = null)
if (\is_scalar($data) || null === $data) {
return $data;
} elseif ($data instanceof \DateTime) {
return $format === 'date' ? $data->format('Y-m-d') : $data->format(\DateTime::ATOM);
} elseif (\is_array($data)) {
foreach ($data as $property => $value) {
$data[$property] = self::sanitizeForSerialization($value);
return $data;
} elseif ($data instanceof \stdClass) {
foreach ($data as $property => $value) {
$data->{$property} = self::sanitizeForSerialization($value);
return $data;
} elseif (\is_object($data)) {
$values = [];
$formats = $data::swaggerFormats();
foreach ($data::swaggerTypes() as $property => $swaggerType) {
$getter = $data::getters()[$property];
$value = $data->{$getter}();
if ($value !== null && !\in_array($swaggerType, ['DateTime', 'bool', 'boolean', 'byte', 'double', 'float', 'int', 'integer', 'mixed', 'number', 'object', 'string', 'void'], \true) && \method_exists($swaggerType, 'getAllowableEnumValues') && !\in_array($value, $swaggerType::getAllowableEnumValues(), \true)) {
$imploded = \implode("', '", $swaggerType::getAllowableEnumValues());
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid value for enum '{$swaggerType}', must be one of: '{$imploded}'");
if ($value !== null) {
$values[$data::attributeMap()[$property]] = self::sanitizeForSerialization($value, $swaggerType, $formats[$property]);
return (object) $values;
} else {
return (string) $data;
* Sanitize filename by removing path.
* e.g. ../../sun.gif becomes sun.gif
* @param string $filename filename to be sanitized
* @return string the sanitized filename
public static function sanitizeFilename($filename)
if (\preg_match("/.*[\\/\\\\](.*)\$/", $filename, $match)) {
return $match[1];
} else {
return $filename;
* Take value and turn it into a string suitable for inclusion in
* the path, by url-encoding.
* @param string $value a string which will be part of the path
* @return string the serialized object
public static function toPathValue($value)
return \rawurlencode(self::toString($value));
* Take value and turn it into a string suitable for inclusion in
* the query, by imploding comma-separated if it's an object.
* If it's a string, pass through unchanged. It will be url-encoded
* later.
* @param string[]|string|\DateTime $object an object to be serialized to a string
* @return string the serialized object
public static function toQueryValue($object)
if (\is_array($object)) {
return \implode(',', $object);
} else {
return self::toString($object);
* Take value and turn it into a string suitable for inclusion in
* the header. If it's a string, pass through unchanged
* If it's a datetime object, format it in ISO8601
* @param string $value a string which will be part of the header
* @return string the header string
public static function toHeaderValue($value)
return self::toString($value);
* Take value and turn it into a string suitable for inclusion in
* the http body (form parameter). If it's a string, pass through unchanged
* If it's a datetime object, format it in ISO8601
* @param string|\SplFileObject $value the value of the form parameter
* @return string the form string
public static function toFormValue($value)
if ($value instanceof \SplFileObject) {
return $value->getRealPath();
} else {
return self::toString($value);
* Take value and turn it into a string suitable for inclusion in
* the parameter. If it's a string, pass through unchanged
* If it's a datetime object, format it in ISO8601
* @param string|\DateTime $value the value of the parameter
* @return string the header string
public static function toString($value)
if ($value instanceof \DateTime) {
// datetime in ISO8601 format
return $value->format(\DateTime::ATOM);
} else {
return $value;
* Serialize an array to a string.
* @param array $collection collection to serialize to a string
* @param string $collectionFormat the format use for serialization (csv,
* ssv, tsv, pipes, multi)
* @param bool $allowCollectionFormatMulti allow collection format to be a multidimensional array
* @return string
public static function serializeCollection(array $collection, $collectionFormat, $allowCollectionFormatMulti = \false)
if ($allowCollectionFormatMulti && 'multi' === $collectionFormat) {
// http_build_query() almost does the job for us. We just
// need to fix the result of multidimensional arrays.
return \preg_replace('/%5B[0-9]+%5D=/', '=', \http_build_query($collection, '', '&'));
switch ($collectionFormat) {
case 'pipes':
return \implode('|', $collection);
case 'tsv':
return \implode("\t", $collection);
case 'ssv':
return \implode(' ', $collection);
case 'csv':
// Deliberate fall through. CSV is default format.
return \implode(',', $collection);
* Deserialize a JSON string into an object
* @param mixed $data object or primitive to be deserialized
* @param string $class class name is passed as a string
* @param string[] $httpHeaders HTTP headers
* @param string $discriminator discriminator if polymorphism is used
* @return object|array|null an single or an array of $class instances
public static function deserialize($data, $class, $httpHeaders = null)
if (null === $data) {
return null;
} elseif (\substr($class, 0, 4) === 'map[') {
// for associative array e.g. map[string,int]
$inner = \substr($class, 4, -1);
$deserialized = [];
if (\strrpos($inner, ",") !== \false) {
$subClass_array = \explode(',', $inner, 2);
$subClass = $subClass_array[1];
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$deserialized[$key] = self::deserialize($value, $subClass, null);
return $deserialized;
} elseif (\strcasecmp(\substr($class, -2), '[]') === 0) {
$subClass = \substr($class, 0, -2);
$values = [];
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$values[] = self::deserialize($value, $subClass, null);
return $values;
} elseif ($class === 'object') {
\settype($data, 'array');
return $data;
} elseif ($class === '\\DateTime') {
// Some API's return an invalid, empty string as a
// date-time property. DateTime::__construct() will return
// the current time for empty input which is probably not
// what is meant. The invalid empty string is probably to
// be interpreted as a missing field/value. Let's handle
// this graceful.
if (!empty($data)) {
return new \DateTime($data);
} else {
return null;
} elseif (\in_array($class, ['DateTime', 'bool', 'boolean', 'byte', 'double', 'float', 'int', 'integer', 'mixed', 'number', 'object', 'string', 'void'], \true)) {
\settype($data, $class);
return $data;
} elseif ($class === '\\SplFileObject') {
/** @var \Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface $data */
// determine file name
if (\array_key_exists('Content-Disposition', $httpHeaders) && \preg_match('/inline; filename=[\'"]?([^\'"\\s]+)[\'"]?$/i', $httpHeaders['Content-Disposition'], $match)) {
$filename = \WPMailSMTP\Vendor\SendinBlue\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->getTempFolderPath() . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::sanitizeFilename($match[1]);
} else {
$filename = \tempnam(\WPMailSMTP\Vendor\SendinBlue\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->getTempFolderPath(), '');
$file = \fopen($filename, 'w');
while ($chunk = $data->read(200)) {
\fwrite($file, $chunk);
return new \SplFileObject($filename, 'r');
} elseif (\method_exists($class, 'getAllowableEnumValues')) {
if (!\in_array($data, $class::getAllowableEnumValues(), \true)) {
$imploded = \implode("', '", $class::getAllowableEnumValues());
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid value for enum '{$class}', must be one of: '{$imploded}'");
return $data;
} else {
// If a discriminator is defined and points to a valid subclass, use it.
$discriminator = $class::DISCRIMINATOR;
if (!empty($discriminator) && isset($data->{$discriminator}) && \is_string($data->{$discriminator})) {
$subclass = 'WPMailSMTP\\Vendor\\SendinBlue\\Client\\Model\\' . $data->{$discriminator};
if (\is_subclass_of($subclass, $class)) {
$class = $subclass;
$instance = new $class();
foreach ($instance::swaggerTypes() as $property => $type) {
$propertySetter = $instance::setters()[$property];
if (!isset($propertySetter) || !isset($data->{$instance::attributeMap()[$property]})) {
$propertyValue = $data->{$instance::attributeMap()[$property]};
if (isset($propertyValue)) {
$instance->{$propertySetter}(self::deserialize($propertyValue, $type, null));
return $instance;