650 lines
18 KiB
650 lines
18 KiB
(function ($, window, document) {
var StickUp = function(elem, opts) {
var lastScrollTop = 0,
scroll = 0,
scrollDir = '',
scrollDistance = 0,
active = false,
bottom = false,
hold = false,
disabled = false,
landscape = false,
portrait = false,
stickyHeight = 0,
outerHeight = 0,
currentOuterHeight = 0,
viewportHeight = 0,
scrollBottom = 0,
elementOffset = 0,
elementOffsetBottom = 0,
$element = $(),
$body = $( 'body' ),
stickyDelay = 0,
topMargin = 0,
offset = 0,
$placeholder = $( elem ).clone().css({
'visibility': 'hidden',
'display': 'none'
id: 'sticky-placeholder',
'aria-hidden': true,
itemtype: null,
itemscope: null,
$parent = $(),
stickpoints = {
options = {
scrollHide: false,
lazyHeight: 0,
topMargin: "auto",
keepInWrapper: false,
wrapperSelector: '',
zIndex: 100,
namespaceClass: "stuckElement",
fixedClass: "isStuck",
return true;
transition: "none"
getTopMargin = function() {
var wpAdminBar = ( jQuery( '#wpadminbar' ).length > 0 && jQuery( '#wpadminbar' ).css( 'position' ) == 'fixed' ) ? jQuery( '#wpadminbar' ).outerHeight() : 0;
if (options.topMargin === 'auto') {
return parseInt( wpAdminBar + $element.css( 'marginTop' ) );
} else {
if ( isNaN( options.topMargin ) && options.topMargin.search( "px" ) > 0 ) {
return parseInt( wpAdminBar + options.topMargin.replace( "px", "" ) );
} else if ( ! isNaN( parseInt( options.topMargin ) ) ) {
return parseInt( wpAdminBar + options.topMargin );
} else {
void 0;
return 0;
unStick = function() {
void 0;
'max-width': '',
'margin-top': '',
'margin-left': '',
'margin-right': '',
'position': '',
'top': '',
'left': '',
'right': '',
'bottom': '',
'width': '',
'opacity': '',
'height': '',
'overflow': '',
'-webkit-transform': '',
'-ms-transform': '',
'transform': '',
'-webkit-transition': '',
'-ms-transition': '',
'transition': '',
'visibility': ''
.removeClass( 'sticky-navigation-transition' )
.removeClass( 'navigation-transition' )
.removeClass( 'sticky-nav-scrolling-up' );
if ( 'sticky-navigation' === $element.attr( 'id' ) ) {
$element.attr( 'id', 'site-navigation' );
active = false;
bottom = false;
hold = false;
$element.trigger( 'stickUp:unStick' );
holdIt = function( forceBottom ) {
void 0;
$( $placeholder ).insertAfter( $element ).show().addClass( options.fixedClass );
var offsetParent = $placeholder.offsetParent();
if ( forceBottom ) {
position: "absolute"
var topOffset =
($parent.offset().top + $parent.outerHeight()) //bottom of container
- offsetParent.offset().top - currentOuterHeight //parent-position - elementHeight
- parseInt( $parent.css( "paddingBottom" ) );
void 0;
void 0;
position: "absolute",
marginTop: topMargin,
top: forceBottom? topOffset : $element.offset().top - offsetParent.offset().top - topMargin
$element.trigger( 'stickUp:holdIt' );
stickIt = function() {
void 0;
active = true;
if ( 'fade' == options.transition ) {
if ( 'slide' == options.transition || options.scrollHide ) {
'height': '0',
'overflow': 'hidden',
'visibility': 'hidden'
$( $placeholder ).insertAfter( $element ).show().addClass( options.fixedClass );
if ( $( '.gen-sidebar-nav' ).length ) {
$placeholder.css( 'height', $element.outerHeight() );
if ( 'left' == $element.css( 'float' ) || 'right' == $element.css( 'float' ) ) {
$placeholder.css( 'float', $element.css( 'float' ) );
$placeholder.attr( 'style', $placeholder.attr( 'style' ) + 'width:auto !important' );
if ( 'slide' == options.transition && 'block' == $placeholder.css( 'display' ) ) {
'-webkit-transform': 'translateY(-100%)',
'-ms-transform': 'translateY(-100%)',
'transform': 'translateY(-100%)',
'-webkit-transition': 'transform 300ms ease-in-out',
'-ms-transition': 'transform 300ms ease-in-out',
'transition': 'transform 300ms ease-in-out'
if ( 'site-navigation' === $element.attr( 'id' ) ) {
$element.attr( 'id', 'sticky-navigation' );
var topDistance = -offset;
'margin-top': topMargin,
'position': 'fixed',
'top': topDistance + 'px',
'left': '',
'right': '',
'bottom': '',
$element.trigger( 'stickUp:stickIt' );
if ( 'fade' == options.transition ) {
$element.fadeIn( 300 );
if ( 'slide' == options.transition ) {
$element.one("webkitTransitionEnd otransitionend oTransitionEnd msTransitionEnd transitionend", function(event) {
'visibility': '',
'height': '',
'overflow': '',
setTimeout( function() {
'-webkit-transform': 'translateY(0)',
'-ms-transform': 'translateY(0)',
'transform': 'translateY(0)',
}, 10 );
if ( options.scrollHide ) {
'height': '',
'overflow': '',
'visibility': ''
syncWidth = function() {
if ( $placeholder && $placeholder.width() !== $element.outerWidth() ) {
$element.outerWidth( $placeholder.outerWidth() );
stickUpScrollHandlerFn = function(event) {
if ( ! options.disableOn() ) {
if( !disabled ) {
void 0;
disabled = true;
} else if ( disabled ) {
disabled = false;
if ( options.keepInWrapper && ! $parent.is( ':visible' ) ) {
scroll = $( event.target ).scrollTop();
scrollDir = ( scroll >= lastScrollTop ) ? 'down' : 'up';
scrollDistance = Math.abs( lastScrollTop - scroll );
viewportHeight = $( window ).outerHeight();
scrollBottom = scroll + viewportHeight;
lastScrollTop = scroll;
elementOffset = $element.offset().top;
stickyHeight = parseInt( $element.outerHeight() + topMargin ) + parseInt( $element.css( 'marginBottom' ) );
if ( ! active && ! hold && ! bottom ) {
outerHeight = parseInt( $element.outerHeight( true ) );
if ( ! bottom && ! hold ) {
stickpoints.top = parseInt($element.offset().top);
} else {
stickpoints.top = parseInt($placeholder.offset().top);
left = parseInt($element.offset().left)+5;
currentOuterHeight = parseInt( $element.outerHeight() ) + parseInt( $element.css( 'margin-bottom' ) ) + topMargin;
if ( options.keepInWrapper ) {
stickpoints.bottom = $parent.offset().top + $parent.outerHeight() - parseInt( $parent.css( 'paddingBottom' ) );
} else {
stickpoints.bottom = $( document ).outerHeight();
elementOffsetBottom = $element.offset().top + currentOuterHeight;
// Google like reappearance on upward scroll
if ( options.scrollHide ) {
offset = stickyHeight + options.lazyHeight; //negative offset for initial hiding
} else {
offset = options.lazyHeight;
if ( 'none' !== options.transition ) {
stickyDelay = $element.outerHeight() * 2;
// Update top margin on scroll
topMargin = ( options.topMargin !== null ) ? getTopMargin() : 0;
// If our top margin changes (#wpadminbar), update our margin
if ( active && topMargin !== $element.css( 'margin-top' ) ) {
$element.css( 'margin-top', topMargin );
if ( ! active && ! bottom && scroll >= stickpoints.top - topMargin + offset + stickyDelay
|| bottom && hold && scroll <= elementOffset - topMargin + offset ) {
void 0;
active = true;
bottom = false;
hold = false;
if ( active && ! bottom && scroll >= stickpoints.top - topMargin + offset + ( $element.outerHeight() / 2 ) ) {
$placeholder.addClass( 'sticky-navigation-transition' );
$element.addClass( 'sticky-navigation-transition' );
if ( options.keepInWrapper
&& parseInt(elementOffsetBottom - topMargin ) !== parseInt( stickpoints.bottom )
&& scroll >= stickpoints.bottom - currentOuterHeight + offset ) {
void 0;
holdIt( true );
active = false;
bottom = true;
hold = true;
//Calculate lazyHeight and autoHide
if ( active ) {
var topValue = parseInt( $element.css( 'top' ) );
if ( scrollDir === 'up' && topValue !== 0 ) {
var newTopValue = scrollDistance > -topValue ? 0 : topValue + scrollDistance;
$element.css( 'top', newTopValue + 'px' );
$element.addClass( 'sticky-nav-scrolling-up' );
} else if ( scrollDir === "down" && topValue > -offset ) {
var newTopValue = scrollDistance > offset + topValue ? -offset : topValue - scrollDistance;
$element.css( 'top', newTopValue + 'px' );
$element.removeClass( 'sticky-nav-scrolling-up' );
if ( ( active || hold || bottom ) && scroll <= stickpoints.top - topMargin ) {
void 0;
//RESPONSIVE baby ;-)
if ( active || hold || bottom ) {
stickUpResponsiveHandlerFn = function( event ){
if ( hold ) {
bottom = false;
void 0;
stickUpScrollHandlerFn( event );
var initialize = function( elem, opts ) {
$element = $( elem );
// adding a class to users div
$element.addClass( options.namespaceClass );
//getting options
if ( opts ) {
$.extend( true, options, opts );
topMargin = ( options.topMargin !== null ) ? getTopMargin() : 0;
if ( options.lazyHeight ) {
topMargin = topMargin + options.lazyHeight;
if ( options.keepInWrapper ) {
if ( options.wrapperSelector !== '' ) {
$parent = $element.closest( options.wrapperSelector );
//if no Wrapper available use offsetParent
if ( ! $parent.length ) {
$parent = $element.parent();
} else {
$parent = $body;
if( options.zIndex ) {
$element.css( 'z-index',options.zIndex );
$( window ).on( 'scroll.stickUp', stickUpScrollHandlerFn );
$( window ).on( 'resize.stickUp', stickUpResponsiveHandlerFn );
//initial round ;-)
stickUpScrollHandlerFn( {target: document} );
initialize.call( this, elem, opts );
$( elem ).on( 'stickUp:detach', function( opts ) {
void 0;
$element = $(this);
marginTop: "",
position: "",
top: "",
left: "",
right: "",
bottom: "",
active = false;
bottom = false;
hold = false;
disabled = true;
$( window ).off( 'scroll.stickUp', stickUpScrollHandlerFn );
$( window ).off( 'resize.stickUp', stickUpResponsiveHandlerFn );
$.fn.stickUp = function( options ) {
return this.each(function() {
new StickUp( this, options );
}(jQuery, window, document));
(function ( $ ) {
$.fn.GenerateSimpleSticky = function( options ) {
var settings = $.extend({
menu: $( this ),
parent: false,
scrollHide: false,
offsetElement: '#wpadminbar',
disableOn: function() {
return true;
transition: "none"
}, options );
var body = $( 'body' ),
parent = null,
offset = null,
autoHide = false;
if ( settings.parent ) {
parent = settings.parent;
} else {
parent = settings.menu.parent();
if (
settings.menu.parents( '.site-header' ).length > 0 ||
settings.menu.parents( '.generate-page-header' ).length > 0 ||
settings.menu.parents( '.header-wrap' ).length > 0 ||
settings.menu.parents( '.site-wrapper' ).length > 0
) {
parent = body;
if ( ( body.hasClass( 'nav-right-sidebar' ) || body.hasClass( 'nav-left-sidebar' ) ) && ! $( '.menu-toggle' ).is( ':visible' ) ) {
settings.menu = $( '.gen-sidebar-nav' );
parent = $( '.site-content' );
if ( settings.menu.children().hasClass( 'auto-hide-sticky' ) ) {
autoHide = true;
offset = ( jQuery( settings.offsetElement ).length > 0 && jQuery( settings.offsetElement ).css( 'position' ) == 'fixed' ) ? jQuery( settings.offsetElement ).outerHeight() : 0;
var stickyOptions = {
scrollHide: settings.scrollHide,
keepInWrapper: true,
wrapperSelector: parent,
fixedClass: 'is_stuck navigation-stick navigation-clone',
topMargin: 0,
disableOn: settings.disableOn,
transition: settings.transition
settings.menu.stickUp( stickyOptions );
}( jQuery ));
function generateStickyDebounce(func, wait, immediate) {
var timeout;
return function() {
var context = this, args = arguments;
var later = function() {
timeout = null;
if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args);
var callNow = immediate && !timeout;
timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
if (callNow) func.apply(context, args);
jQuery( function( $ ) {
var resizeEvent = 'onorientationchange' in window ? 'orientationchange' : 'resize',
body = $( 'body' ),
transition = 'none';
if ( body.hasClass( 'sticky-enabled' ) ) {
var navigation = $( '#site-navigation' );
var navigationDisableOn = function() {
var body = $( 'body' ),
mobileHeader = $( '#mobile-header' ),
mobile = $( '.menu-toggle' );
if ( body.hasClass( 'desktop-sticky-menu' ) && mobile.is( ':visible' ) ) {
return false;
if ( body.hasClass( 'mobile-sticky-menu' ) && ! mobile.is( ':visible' ) ) {
return false;
if ( body.hasClass( 'mobile-header' ) && mobileHeader.is( ':visible' ) ) {
return false;
return true;
if ( body.hasClass( 'sticky-menu-fade' ) ) {
transition = 'fade';
if ( body.hasClass( 'sticky-menu-slide' ) ) {
transition = 'slide';
var autoHide = ( navigation.hasClass( 'auto-hide-sticky' ) ) ? true : false;
var options = {
transition: transition,
scrollHide: autoHide,
disableOn: navigationDisableOn
$( navigation ).GenerateSimpleSticky( options );
body.on( 'generate_navigation_location_updated', function() {
navigation.trigger( 'stickUp:detach' );
setTimeout(function() {
$( navigation ).GenerateSimpleSticky( options );
}, 250);
if ( body.hasClass( 'mobile-header' ) && body.hasClass( 'mobile-header-sticky' ) ) {
var mobileHeader = $( '#mobile-header' );
scrollHide: ( mobileHeader.data( 'auto-hide-sticky' ) ) ? true : false,
disableOn: function() {
if ( ! mobileHeader.is( ':visible' ) ) {
return false;
return true;
var sidebarNavClone = $( '.sidebar-nav-mobile' ),
sidebarNav = $( '.gen-sidebar-nav' ),
windowWidth = $( window ).width();
var checkSidebarNav = generateStickyDebounce( function() {
if ( windowWidth !== $( window ).width() ) {
if ( sidebarNavClone.is( ':visible' ) ) {
sidebarNav.trigger( 'stickUp:detach' );
sidebarNavClone.trigger( 'stickUp:detach' );
sidebarNavClone.GenerateSimpleSticky( options );
if ( sidebarNav.is( ':visible' ) ) {
sidebarNavClone.trigger( 'stickUp:detach' );
sidebarNav.trigger( 'stickUp:detach' );
sidebarNav.GenerateSimpleSticky( options );
}, 250);
if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'sticky-enabled' ) && sidebarNavClone.length ) {
window.addEventListener( 'resize', checkSidebarNav );
window.addEventListener( 'orientationchange', checkSidebarNav );
// Weak workaround for iOS bug when using a focused form in a sticky element.
if ( navigator.userAgent.match( /(iPod|iPhone|iPad)/ ) ) {
if ( body.hasClass( 'sticky-enabled' ) || ( body.hasClass( 'mobile-header' ) && body.hasClass( 'mobile-header-sticky' ) ) ) {
$( document ).on( 'focus', '.navigation-stick .search-field', function() {
$( 'html, body' ).animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 'fast' );
} );
var closeMobileMenu = function( item ) {
var _this = item,
url = _this.getAttribute( 'href' );
if ( _this.pathname === window.location.pathname && '#' !== url ) {
if ( _this.closest( 'nav' ).classList.contains( 'toggled' ) ) {
_this.closest( 'nav' ).classList.remove( 'toggled' );
if ( $( 'html' ).hasClass( 'mobile-menu-open' ) ) {
$( 'html' ).removeClass( 'mobile-menu-open' );
if ( body.hasClass( 'both-sticky-menu' ) || body.hasClass( 'mobile-sticky-menu' ) ) {
$( '.main-navigation:not(#mobile-header) ul a[href*=\\#]' ).on( 'click', function( event ) {
closeMobileMenu( this );
} );
if ( body.hasClass( 'mobile-header-sticky' ) ) {
$( '#mobile-header ul a[href*=\\#]' ).on( 'click', function( event ) {
closeMobileMenu( this );
} );