2023-10-22 22:21:48 +00:00

1367 lines
45 KiB

use WP_Piwik\Widget\Post;
* The main WP-Matomo class configures, registers and manages the plugin
* @author Andr&eacute; Br&auml;kling <>
* @package WP_Piwik
class WP_Piwik {
private static $revisionId = 2023052101, $version = '1.0.28', $blog_id, $pluginBasename = NULL, $logger, $settings, $request, $optionsPageId;
* Constructor class to configure and register all WP-Piwik components
public function __construct() {
global $blog_id;
self::$blog_id = (isset ( $blog_id ) ? $blog_id : 'n/a');
$this->openLogger ();
$this->openSettings ();
$this->setup ();
$this->addFilters ();
$this->addActions ();
$this->addShortcodes ();
* Destructor class to finish logging
public function __destruct() {
$this->closeLogger ();
* Setup class to prepare settings and check for installation and update
private function setup() {
self::$pluginBasename = plugin_basename ( __FILE__ );
if (! $this->isInstalled ())
$this->installPlugin ();
elseif ($this->isUpdated ())
$this->updatePlugin ();
if ($this->isConfigSubmitted ())
$this->applySettings ();
self::$settings->save ();
* Register WordPress actions
private function addActions() {
if ( is_admin () ) {
add_action ( 'admin_menu', array (
) );
add_action ( 'admin_post_save_wp-piwik_stats', array (
) );
add_action ( 'load-post.php', array (
) );
add_action ( 'load-post-new.php', array (
) );
if ($this->isNetworkMode ()) {
add_action ( 'network_admin_notices', array (
) );
add_action ( 'network_admin_menu', array (
) );
add_action ( 'update_site_option_blogname', array (
) );
add_action ( 'update_site_option_siteurl', array (
) );
} else {
add_action ( 'admin_notices', array (
) );
add_action ( 'update_option_blogname', array (
) );
add_action ( 'update_option_siteurl', array (
) );
if ($this->isDashboardActive ())
add_action ( 'wp_dashboard_setup', array (
) );
if ($this->isToolbarActive ()) {
add_action ( is_admin () ? 'admin_head' : 'wp_head', array (
) );
add_action ( 'admin_bar_menu', array (
), 1000 );
if ($this->isTrackingActive ()) {
if ( !is_admin () || $this->isAdminTrackingActive ()) {
$prefix = is_admin ()?'admin':'wp';
add_action ( self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'track_codeposition' ) == 'footer' ? $prefix.'_footer' : $prefix.'_head', array (
) );
if (self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'dnsprefetch' ))
add_action ( $prefix.'_head', array (
) );
if ($this->isAddNoScriptCode ())
add_action ( $prefix.'_footer', array (
) );
if (self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'add_post_annotations' ))
add_action ( 'transition_post_status', array (
), 10, 3 );
* Register WordPress filters
private function addFilters() {
if (is_admin()) {
add_filter ( 'plugin_row_meta', array (
), 10, 2 );
add_filter ( 'screen_layout_columns', array (
), 10, 2 );
} elseif ($this->isTrackingActive ()) {
if ($this->isTrackFeed ()) {
add_filter ( 'the_excerpt_rss', array (
) );
add_filter ( 'the_content', array (
) );
if ($this->isAddFeedCampaign ()) {
add_filter ( 'post_link', array (
) );
if ($this->isCrossDomainLinkingEnabled ()) {
add_filter ( 'wp_redirect', array (
) );
* Register WordPress shortcodes
private function addShortcodes() {
if ($this->isAddShortcode ())
add_shortcode ( 'wp-piwik', array (
) );
* Install WP-Piwik for the first time
private function installPlugin($isUpdate = false) {
self::$logger->log ( 'Running WP-Matomo installation' );
if (! $isUpdate)
$this->addNotice ( 'install', sprintf ( __ ( '%s %s installed.', 'wp-piwik' ), self::$settings->getNotEmptyGlobalOption ( 'plugin_display_name' ), self::$version ), __ ( 'Next you should connect to Matomo', 'wp-piwik' ) );
self::$settings->setGlobalOption ( 'revision', self::$revisionId );
self::$settings->setGlobalOption ( 'last_settings_update', time () );
* Uninstall WP-Piwik
public function uninstallPlugin() {
self::$logger->log ( 'Running WP-Matomo uninstallation' );
if (! defined ( 'WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN' ))
exit ();
self::deleteWordPressOption ( 'wp-piwik-notices' );
self::$settings->resetSettings ( true );
* Update WP-Piwik
private function updatePlugin() {
self::$logger->log ( 'Upgrade WP-Matomo to ' . self::$version );
$patches = glob ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'update' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*.php' );
$isPatched = false;
if (is_array ( $patches )) {
sort ( $patches );
foreach ( $patches as $patch ) {
$patchVersion = ( int ) pathinfo ( $patch, PATHINFO_FILENAME );
if ($patchVersion && self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'revision' ) < $patchVersion) {
self::includeFile ( 'update' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $patchVersion );
$isPatched = true;
if ((self::$settings->getGlobalOption('update_notice') == 'enabled') || ((self::$settings->getGlobalOption('update_notice') == 'script') && $isPatched))
$this->addNotice ( 'update', sprintf ( __ ( '%s updated to %s.', 'wp-piwik' ), self::$settings->getNotEmptyGlobalOption ( 'plugin_display_name' ), self::$version ), __ ( 'Please validate your configuration', 'wp-piwik' ) );
$this->installPlugin ( true );
* Define a notice
* @param string $type
* identifier
* @param string $subject
* notice headline
* @param string $text
* notice content
* @param boolean $stay
* set to true if the message should persist (default: false)
private function addNotice($type, $subject, $text, $stay = false) {
$notices = $this->getWordPressOption ( 'wp-piwik-notices', array () );
$notices [$type] = array (
'subject' => $subject,
'text' => $text,
'stay' => $stay
$this->updateWordPressOption ( 'wp-piwik-notices', $notices );
* Show all notices defined previously
* @see addNotice()
public function showNotices() {
$link = sprintf ( '<a href="' . $this->getSettingsURL () . '">%s</a>', __ ( 'Settings', 'wp-piwik' ) );
if ($notices = $this->getWordPressOption ( 'wp-piwik-notices' )) {
foreach ( $notices as $type => $notice ) {
printf ( '<div class="updated fade"><p>%s <strong>%s:</strong> %s: %s</p></div>', $notice ['subject'], __ ( 'Important', 'wp-piwik' ), $notice ['text'], $link );
if (! $notice ['stay'])
unset ( $notices [$type] );
$this->updateWordPressOption ( 'wp-piwik-notices', $notices );
* Get the settings page URL
* @return string settings page URL
private function getSettingsURL() {
return (self::$settings->checkNetworkActivation () ? 'settings' : 'options-general') . '.php?page=' . self::$pluginBasename;
* Echo javascript tracking code
public function addJavascriptCode() {
if ($this->isHiddenUser ()) {
self::$logger->log ( 'Do not add tracking code to site (user should not be tracked) Blog ID: ' . self::$blog_id . ' Site ID: ' . self::$settings->getOption ( 'site_id' ) );
$trackingCode = new WP_Piwik\TrackingCode ( $this );
$trackingCode->is404 = (is_404 () && self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'track_404' ));
$trackingCode->isUsertracking = self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'track_user_id' ) != 'disabled';
$trackingCode->isSearch = (is_search () && self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'track_search' ));
self::$logger->log ( 'Add tracking code. Blog ID: ' . self::$blog_id . ' Site ID: ' . self::$settings->getOption ( 'site_id' ) );
if ($this->isNetworkMode () && self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'track_mode' ) == 'manually') {
$siteId = $this->getPiwikSiteId ();
if ($siteId != 'n/a')
echo str_replace ( '{ID}', $siteId, $trackingCode->getTrackingCode () );
echo '<!-- Site will be created and tracking code added on next request -->';
} else
echo $trackingCode->getTrackingCode ();
* Echo DNS prefetch tag
public function addDNSPrefetchTag() {
echo '<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="'.$this->getPiwikDomain().'" />';
* Get Piwik Domain
public function getPiwikDomain() {
switch (self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'piwik_mode' )) {
case 'php' :
return '//' . parse_url(self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'proxy_url' ), PHP_URL_HOST);
case 'cloud' :
return '//' . self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'piwik_user' ) . '';
case 'cloud-matomo' :
return '//' . self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'matomo_user' ) . '';
default :
return '//' . parse_url(self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'piwik_url' ), PHP_URL_HOST);
* Echo noscript tracking code
public function addNoscriptCode() {
if (self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'track_mode' ) == 'proxy')
if ($this->isHiddenUser ()) {
self::$logger->log ( 'Do not add noscript code to site (user should not be tracked) Blog ID: ' . self::$blog_id . ' Site ID: ' . self::$settings->getOption ( 'site_id' ) );
self::$logger->log ( 'Add noscript code. Blog ID: ' . self::$blog_id . ' Site ID: ' . self::$settings->getOption ( 'site_id' ) );
echo self::$settings->getOption ( 'noscript_code' ) . "\n";
* Register post view meta boxes
public function addPostMetaboxes() {
if (self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'add_customvars_box' )) {
add_action ( 'add_meta_boxes', array (
new WP_Piwik\Template\MetaBoxCustomVars ( $this, self::$settings ),
) );
add_action ( 'save_post', array (
new WP_Piwik\Template\MetaBoxCustomVars ( $this, self::$settings ),
), 10, 2 );
if (self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'perpost_stats' ) != "disabled") {
add_action ( 'add_meta_boxes', array (
) );
* Register admin menu components
public function buildAdminMenu() {
if (self::isConfigured ()) {
$cap = 'wp-piwik_read_stats';
if (self::$settings->checkNetworkActivation ()) {
global $current_user;
$userRoles = $current_user->roles;
$allowed = self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'capability_read_stats' );
if (is_array($userRoles) && is_array($allowed))
foreach ($userRoles as $userRole)
if (isset( $allowed[$userRole] ) && $allowed[$userRole]) {
$cap = 'read';
$statsPage = new WP_Piwik\Admin\Statistics ( $this, self::$settings );
$this->statsPageId = add_dashboard_page ( __ ( 'Matomo Statistics', 'wp-piwik' ), self::$settings->getNotEmptyGlobalOption ( 'plugin_display_name' ), $cap, 'wp-piwik_stats', array (
) );
$this->loadAdminStatsHeader ( $this->statsPageId, $statsPage );
if (! self::$settings->checkNetworkActivation ()) {
$optionsPage = new WP_Piwik\Admin\Settings ( $this, self::$settings );
self::$optionsPageId = add_options_page ( self::$settings->getNotEmptyGlobalOption ( 'plugin_display_name' ), self::$settings->getNotEmptyGlobalOption ( 'plugin_display_name' ), 'activate_plugins', __FILE__, array (
) );
$this->loadAdminSettingsHeader ( self::$optionsPageId, $optionsPage );
* Register network admin menu components
public function buildNetworkAdminMenu() {
if (self::isConfigured ()) {
$statsPage = new WP_Piwik\Admin\Network ( $this, self::$settings );
$this->statsPageId = add_dashboard_page ( __ ( 'Matomo Statistics', 'wp-piwik' ), self::$settings->getNotEmptyGlobalOption ( 'plugin_display_name' ), 'manage_sites', 'wp-piwik_stats', array (
) );
$this->loadAdminStatsHeader ( $this->statsPageId, $statsPage );
$optionsPage = new WP_Piwik\Admin\Settings ( $this, self::$settings );
self::$optionsPageId = add_submenu_page ( 'settings.php', self::$settings->getNotEmptyGlobalOption ( 'plugin_display_name' ), self::$settings->getNotEmptyGlobalOption ( 'plugin_display_name' ), 'manage_sites', __FILE__, array (
) );
$this->loadAdminSettingsHeader ( self::$optionsPageId, $optionsPage );
* Register admin header extensions for stats page
* @param $optionsPageId options
* page id
* @param $optionsPage options
* page object
public function loadAdminStatsHeader($statsPageId, $statsPage) {
add_action ( 'admin_print_scripts-' . $statsPageId, array (
) );
add_action ( 'admin_print_styles-' . $statsPageId, array (
) );
add_action ( 'load-' . $statsPageId, array (
) );
* Register admin header extensions for settings page
* @param $optionsPageId options
* page id
* @param $optionsPage options
* page object
public function loadAdminSettingsHeader($optionsPageId, $optionsPage) {
add_action ( 'admin_head-' . $optionsPageId, array (
) );
add_action ( 'admin_print_styles-' . $optionsPageId, array (
) );
* Register WordPress dashboard widgets
public function extendWordPressDashboard() {
if (current_user_can ( 'wp-piwik_read_stats' )) {
if (self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'dashboard_widget' ) != 'disabled')
new WP_Piwik\Widget\Overview ( $this, self::$settings, 'dashboard', 'side', 'default', array (
'date' => self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'dashboard_widget' ),
'period' => 'day'
) );
if (self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'dashboard_chart' ))
new WP_Piwik\Widget\Chart ( $this, self::$settings );
if (self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'dashboard_ecommerce' ))
new WP_Piwik\Widget\Ecommerce ( $this, self::$settings );
if (self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'dashboard_seo' ))
new WP_Piwik\Widget\Seo ( $this, self::$settings );
* Register WordPress toolbar components
public function extendWordPressToolbar($toolbar) {
if (current_user_can ( 'wp-piwik_read_stats' ) && is_admin_bar_showing ()) {
$id = WP_Piwik\Request::register ( 'VisitsSummary.getUniqueVisitors', array (
'period' => 'day',
'date' => 'last30'
) );
$unique = $this->request ( $id );
$url = is_network_admin () ? $this->getSettingsURL () : false;
$content = is_network_admin () ? __('Configure WP-Matomo', 'wp-piwik') : '';
// Leave if result array does contain a message instead of valid data
if (isset($unique['result']))
$content .= '<!-- '.$unique['result'].': '.($unique['message']?$unique['message']:'...').' -->';
elseif (is_array ( $unique ) ) {
$labels = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($unique); $i++) {
$labels .= $i.",";
<div style="width:100px; height:100%;">
<canvas id="wpPiwikSparkline" style="max-width:100%; max-height:100%;padding-top:4px; padding-bottom:4px;"></canvas>
function showWpPiwikSparkline() {
new Chart(document.getElementById('wpPiwikSparkline').getContext('2d'), {
type: 'bar',
data: {
labels: [<?php echo $labels; ?>],
datasets: [
borderColor: "rgb(240, 240, 241)",
backgroundColor: "rgb(240, 240, 241)",
data: [<?php echo implode(',', $unique); ?>]
options: {
responsive: true,
plugins: {
legend: { display: false },
tooltip: { enabled: false }
scales: {
y: { display: false },
x: { display: false }
$content .= ob_get_contents();
$url = $this->getStatsURL ();
$toolbar->add_menu ( array (
'id' => 'wp-piwik_stats',
'title' => $content,
'href' => $url
) );
* Add plugin meta data
* @param array $links
* list of already defined plugin meta data
* @param string $file
* handled file
* @return array complete list of plugin meta data
public function setPluginMeta($links, $file) {
if ($file == 'wp-piwik/wp-piwik.php' && (!$this->isNetworkMode () || is_network_admin()) )
return array_merge ( $links, array (
sprintf ( '<a href="%s">%s</a>', self::getSettingsURL (), __ ( 'Settings', 'wp-piwik' ) )
) );
return $links;
* Prepare toolbar widget requirements
public function loadToolbarRequirements() {
if (is_admin_bar_showing ()) {
wp_enqueue_script ( 'wp-piwik-chartjs', $this->getPluginURL () . 'js/chartjs/chart.min.js', "3.4.1" );
* Add tracking pixels to feed content
* @param string $content
* post content
* @return string post content extended by tracking pixel
public function addFeedTracking($content) {
global $post;
if (is_feed ()) {
self::$logger->log ( 'Add tracking image to feed entry.' );
if (! self::$settings->getOption ( 'site_id' )) {
$siteId = $this->requestPiwikSiteId ();
if ($siteId != 'n/a')
self::$settings->setOption ( 'site_id', $siteId );
return false;
$title = the_title ( null, null, false );
$posturl = get_permalink ( $post->ID );
$urlref = get_bloginfo ( 'rss2_url' );
if (self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'track_mode' ) == 'proxy')
$url = plugins_url ( 'wp-piwik' ) . '/proxy/matomo.php';
else {
$url = self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'piwik_url' );
if (substr($url, -10, 10) == '/index.php')
$url = str_replace('/index.php', '/matomo.php', $url);
$url .= 'piwik.php';
$trackingImage = $url . '?idsite=' . self::$settings->getOption ( 'site_id' ) . '&amp;rec=1&amp;url=' . urlencode ( $posturl ) . '&amp;action_name=' . urlencode ( $title ) . '&amp;urlref=' . urlencode ( $urlref );
$content .= '<img src="' . $trackingImage . '" style="border:0;width:0;height:0" width="0" height="0" alt="" />';
return $content;
* Add a campaign parameter to feed permalink
* @param string $permalink
* permalink
* @return string permalink extended by campaign parameter
public function addFeedCampaign($permalink) {
global $post;
if (is_feed ()) {
self::$logger->log ( 'Add campaign to feed permalink.' );
$sep = (strpos ( $permalink, '?' ) === false ? '?' : '&');
$permalink .= $sep . 'pk_campaign=' . urlencode ( self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'track_feed_campaign' ) ) . '&pk_kwd=' . urlencode ( $post->post_name );
return $permalink;
* Forwards the cross domain parameter pk_vid if the URL parameter is set and a user is about to be redirected.
* When another website links to WooCommerce with a pk_vid parameter, and WooCommerce redirects the user to another
* URL, the pk_vid parameter would get lost and the visitorId would later not be applied by the tracking code
* due to the lost pk_vid URL parameter. If the URL parameter is set, we make sure to forward this parameter.
* @param string $location
* @return string location extended by pk_vid URL parameter if the URL parameter is set
public function forwardCrossDomainVisitorId($location) {
if (!empty($_GET['pk_vid'])
&& preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9]{24,48}$/', $_GET['pk_vid'])) {
// currently, the pk_vid parameter is 32 characters long, but it may vary over time.
$location = add_query_arg( 'pk_vid', $_GET['pk_vid'], $location );
return $location;
* Apply settings update
* @return boolean settings update applied
private function applySettings() {
self::$settings->applyChanges ( $_POST ['wp-piwik'] );
if (self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'auto_site_config' ) && self::isConfigured ()) {
if ($this->isPHPMode () && ! defined ( 'PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH' ))
self::definePiwikConstants ();
$siteId = $this->getPiwikSiteId ();
$trackingCode = $this->updateTrackingCode ( $siteId );
self::$settings->setOption ( 'site_id', $siteId );
self::$settings->setGlobalOption ( 'revision', self::$revisionId );
self::$settings->setGlobalOption ( 'last_settings_update', time () );
return true;
* Check if WP-Piwik is configured
* @return boolean Is WP-Piwik configured?
public static function isConfigured() {
return (self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'piwik_token' ) && (self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'piwik_mode' ) != 'disabled') && (((self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'piwik_mode' ) == 'http') && (self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'piwik_url' ))) || ((self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'piwik_mode' ) == 'php') && (self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'piwik_path' ))) || ((self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'piwik_mode' ) == 'cloud') && (self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'piwik_user' ))) || ((self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'piwik_mode' ) == 'cloud-matomo') && (self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'matomo_user' )))));
* Check if WP-Piwik was updated
* @return boolean Was WP-Piwik updated?
private function isUpdated() {
return self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'revision' ) && self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'revision' ) < self::$revisionId;
* Check if WP-Piwik is already installed
* @return boolean Is WP-Piwik installed?
private function isInstalled() {
$oldSettings = $this->getWordPressOption ( 'wp-piwik_global-settings', false );
if ($oldSettings && isset( $oldSettings['revision'] )) {
self::log('Save old settings');
self::$settings->setGlobalOption ( 'revision', $oldSettings['revision'] );
} else self::log( 'Current revision '.self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'revision' ) );
return self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'revision' ) > 0;
* Check if new settings were submitted
* @return boolean Are new settings submitted?
public static function isConfigSubmitted() {
return isset ( $_POST ) && isset ( $_POST ['wp-piwik'] ) && self::isValidOptionsPost();
* Check if PHP mode is chosen
* @return Is PHP mode chosen?
public function isPHPMode() {
return self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'piwik_mode' ) && self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'piwik_mode' ) == 'php';
* Check if WordPress is running in network mode
* @return boolean Is WordPress running in network mode?
public function isNetworkMode() {
return self::$settings->checkNetworkActivation ();
* Check if a WP-Piwik dashboard widget is enabled
* @return boolean Is a dashboard widget enabled?
private function isDashboardActive() {
return self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'dashboard_widget' ) || self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'dashboard_chart' ) || self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'dashboard_seo' );
* Check if a WP-Piwik toolbar widget is enabled
* @return boolean Is a toolbar widget enabled?
private function isToolbarActive() {
return self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'toolbar' );
* Check if WP-Piwik tracking code insertion is enabled
* @return boolean Insert tracking code?
private function isTrackingActive() {
return self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'track_mode' ) != 'disabled';
* Check if admin tracking is enabled
* @return boolean Is admin tracking enabled?
private function isAdminTrackingActive() {
return self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'track_admin' ) && is_admin ();
* Check if WP-Piwik noscript code insertion is enabled
* @return boolean Insert noscript code?
private function isAddNoScriptCode() {
return self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'track_noscript' );
* Check if feed tracking is enabled
* @return boolean Is feed tracking enabled?
private function isTrackFeed() {
return self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'track_feed' );
* Check if feed permalinks get a campaign parameter
* @return boolean Add campaign parameter to feed permalinks?
private function isAddFeedCampaign() {
return self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'track_feed_addcampaign' );
* Check if feed permalinks get a campaign parameter
* @return boolean Add campaign parameter to feed permalinks?
private function isCrossDomainLinkingEnabled() {
return self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'track_crossdomain_linking' );
* Check if WP-Piwik shortcodes are enabled
* @return boolean Are shortcodes enabled?
private function isAddShortcode() {
return self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'shortcodes' );
* Define Piwik constants for PHP reporting API
public static function definePiwikConstants() {
if (! defined ( 'PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH' )) {
//@header('Content-type: text/html');
define ( 'PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH', self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'piwik_path' ) );
define ( 'PIWIK_USER_PATH', self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'piwik_path' ) );
define ( 'PIWIK_ENABLE_DISPATCH', false );
define ( 'PIWIK_ENABLE_ERROR_HANDLER', false );
define ( 'PIWIK_ENABLE_SESSION_START', false );
* Start chosen logging method
private function openLogger() {
case 1 :
self::$logger = new WP_Piwik\Logger\Screen ( __CLASS__ );
case 2 :
self::$logger = new WP_Piwik\Logger\File ( __CLASS__ );
default :
self::$logger = new WP_Piwik\Logger\Dummy ( __CLASS__ );
* Log a message
* @param string $message
* logger message
public static function log($message) {
self::$logger->log ( $message );
* End logging
private function closeLogger() {
self::$logger = null;
* Load WP-Piwik settings
private function openSettings() {
self::$settings = new WP_Piwik\Settings ( $this, self::$logger );
if (! $this->isConfigSubmitted () && $this->isPHPMode () && ! defined ( 'PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH' ))
self::definePiwikConstants ();
* Include a WP-Piwik file
private function includeFile($strFile) {
self::$logger->log ( 'Include ' . $strFile . '.php' );
if (WP_PIWIK_PATH . $strFile . '.php')
include (WP_PIWIK_PATH . $strFile . '.php');
* Check if user should not be tracked
* @return boolean Do not track user?
private function isHiddenUser() {
if (is_multisite ())
foreach ( self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'capability_stealth' ) as $key => $val )
if ($val && current_user_can ( $key ))
return true;
return current_user_can ( 'wp-piwik_stealth' );
* Check if tracking code is up to date
* @return boolean Is tracking code up to date?
public function isCurrentTrackingCode() {
return (self::$settings->getOption ( 'last_tracking_code_update' ) && self::$settings->getOption ( 'last_tracking_code_update' ) > self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'last_settings_update' ));
* DEPRECTAED Add javascript code to site header
* @deprecated
public function site_header() {
self::$logger->log ( 'Using deprecated function site_header' );
$this->addJavascriptCode ();
* DEPRECTAED Add javascript code to site footer
* @deprecated
public function site_footer() {
self::$logger->log ( 'Using deprecated function site_footer' );
$this->addNoscriptCode ();
* Identify new posts if an annotation is required
* and create Piwik annotation
* @param string $newStatus
* new post status
* @param strint $oldStatus
* new post status
* @param object $post
* current post object
public function addPiwikAnnotation($newStatus, $oldStatus, $post) {
$enabledPostTypes = self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'add_post_annotations' );
if (isset($enabledPostTypes[$post->post_type]) && $enabledPostTypes[$post->post_type] && $newStatus == 'publish' && $oldStatus != 'publish') {
$note = 'Published: ' . $post->post_title . ' - URL: ' . get_permalink ( $post->ID );
$id = WP_Piwik\Request::register ( 'Annotations.add', array (
'idSite' => $this->getPiwikSiteId (),
'date' => date ( 'Y-m-d' ),
'note' => $note
) );
$result = $this->request ( $id );
self::$logger->log ( 'Add post annotation. ' . $note . ' - ' . serialize ( $result ) );
* Get WP-Piwik's URL
public function getPluginURL() {
return trailingslashit ( plugin_dir_url( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) );
* Get WP-Piwik's version
public function getPluginVersion() {
return self::$version;
* Enable three columns for WP-Piwik stats screen
* @param
* array full list of column settings
* @param
* mixed current screen id
* @return array updated list of column settings
public function onScreenLayoutColumns($columns, $screen) {
if (isset( $this->statsPageId ) && $screen == $this->statsPageId)
$columns [$this->statsPageId] = 3;
return $columns;
* Add tracking code to admin header
function addAdminHeaderTracking() {
$this->addJavascriptCode ();
* Get option value
* @param string $key
* option key
* @return mixed option value
public function getOption($key) {
return self::$settings->getOption ( $key );
* Get global option value
* @param string $key
* global option key
* @return mixed global option value
public function getGlobalOption($key) {
return self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( $key );
* Get stats page URL
* @return string stats page URL
public function getStatsURL() {
return admin_url () . '?page=wp-piwik_stats';
* Execute WP-Piwik test script
private function loadTestscript() {
$this->includeFile ( 'debug' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'testscript' );
* Echo an error message
* @param string $message
* message content
private static function showErrorMessage($message) {
echo '<strong class="wp-piwik-error">' . __ ( 'An error occured', 'wp-piwik' ) . ':</strong> ' . $message . ' [<a href="' . (self::$settings->checkNetworkActivation () ? 'network/settings' : 'options-general') . '.php?page=wp-piwik/classes/WP_Piwik.php&tab=support">' . __ ( 'Support', 'wp-piwik' ) . '</a>]';
* Perform a Piwik request
* @param string $id
* request ID
* @return mixed request result
public function request($id, $debug = false) {
if ( self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'piwik_mode' ) == 'disabled' )
return 'n/a';
if (! isset ( self::$request ) || empty ( self::$request ))
self::$request = (self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'piwik_mode' ) == 'http' || self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'piwik_mode' ) == 'cloud' || self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'piwik_mode' ) == 'cloud-matomo' ? new WP_Piwik\Request\Rest ( $this, self::$settings ) : new WP_Piwik\Request\Php ( $this, self::$settings ));
if ($debug)
return self::$request->getDebug ( $id );
return self::$request->perform ( $id );
* Reset request object
public function resetRequest() {
if (is_object(self::$request))
self::$request = NULL;
* Execute WP-Piwik shortcode
* @param array $attributes
* attribute list
public function shortcode($attributes) {
shortcode_atts ( array (
'title' => '',
'module' => 'overview',
'period' => 'day',
'date' => 'yesterday',
'limit' => 10,
'width' => '100%',
'height' => '200px',
'idsite' => '',
'language' => 'en',
'range' => false,
'key' => 'sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors'
), $attributes );
$shortcodeObject = new \WP_Piwik\Shortcode ( $attributes, $this, self::$settings );
return $shortcodeObject->get();
* Get Piwik site ID by blog ID
* @param int $blogId
* which blog's Piwik site ID to get, default is the current blog
* @return mixed Piwik site ID or n/a
public function getPiwikSiteId($blogId = null) {
if (! $blogId && $this->isNetworkMode ())
$blogId = get_current_blog_id ();
$result = self::$settings->getOption ( 'site_id', $blogId );
self::$logger->log ( 'Database result: ' . $result );
return (! empty ( $result ) ? $result : $this->requestPiwikSiteId ( $blogId ));
* Get a detailed list of all Piwik sites
* @return array Piwik sites
public function getPiwikSiteDetails() {
$id = WP_Piwik\Request::register ( 'SitesManager.getSitesWithAtLeastViewAccess', array () );
$piwikSiteDetails = $this->request ( $id );
return $piwikSiteDetails;
* Estimate a Piwik site ID by blog ID
* @param int $blogId
* which blog's Piwik site ID to estimate, default is the current blog
* @return mixed Piwik site ID or n/a
private function requestPiwikSiteId($blogId = null) {
$isCurrent = ! self::$settings->checkNetworkActivation () || empty ( $blogId );
if (self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'auto_site_config' )) {
$id = WP_Piwik\Request::register ( 'SitesManager.getSitesIdFromSiteUrl', array (
'url' => $isCurrent ? get_bloginfo ( 'url' ) : get_blog_details ( $blogId )->siteurl
) );
$result = $this->request ( $id );
$this->log ( 'Tried to identify current site, result: ' . serialize ( $result ) );
if (is_array( $result ) && empty( $result ))
$result = $this->addPiwikSite ( $blogId );
elseif ( $result != 'n/a' && isset($result [0]) )
$result = $result [0] ['idsite'];
else $result = null;
} else $result = null;
self::$logger->log ( 'Get Matomo ID: WordPress site ' . ($isCurrent ? get_bloginfo ( 'url' ) : get_blog_details ( $blogId )->siteurl) . ' = Matomo ID ' . $result );
if ($result !== null) {
self::$settings->setOption ( 'site_id', $result, $blogId );
if (self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'track_mode' ) != 'disabled' && self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'track_mode' ) != 'manually') {
$code = $this->updateTrackingCode ( $result, $blogId );
$this::$settings->save ();
return $result;
return 'n/a';
* Add a new Piwik
* @param int $blogId
* which blog's Piwik site to create, default is the current blog
* @return int Piwik site ID
public function addPiwikSite($blogId = null) {
$isCurrent = ! self::$settings->checkNetworkActivation () || empty ( $blogId );
// Do not add site if Piwik connection is unreliable
if (! $this->request ( 'global.getPiwikVersion' ))
return null;
$id = WP_Piwik\Request::register ( 'SitesManager.addSite', array (
'urls' => $isCurrent ? get_bloginfo ( 'url' ) : get_blog_details ( $blogId )->siteurl,
'siteName' => urlencode( $isCurrent ? get_bloginfo ( 'name' ) : get_blog_details ( $blogId )->blogname )
) );
$result = $this->request ( $id );
if ( is_array( $result ) && isset( $result['value'] ) ) {
$result = (int) $result['value'];
} else {
$result = (int) $result;
self::$logger->log ( 'Create Matomo ID: WordPress site ' . ($isCurrent ? get_bloginfo ( 'url' ) : get_blog_details ( $blogId )->siteurl) . ' = Matomo ID ' . $result );
if (empty ( $result ))
return null;
else {
do_action('wp-piwik_site_created', $result);
return $result;
* Update a Piwik site's detail information
* @param int $siteId
* which Piwik site to updated
* @param int $blogId
* which blog's Piwik site ID to get, default is the current blog
private function updatePiwikSite($siteId, $blogId = null) {
$isCurrent = ! self::$settings->checkNetworkActivation () || empty ( $blogId );
$id = WP_Piwik\Request::register ( 'SitesManager.updateSite', array (
'idSite' => $siteId,
'urls' => $isCurrent ? get_bloginfo ( 'url' ) : get_blog_details ( $blogId )->siteurl,
'siteName' => $isCurrent ? get_bloginfo ( 'name' ) : get_blog_details ( $blogId )->blogname
) );
$this->request ( $id );
self::$logger->log ( 'Update Matomo site: WordPress site ' . ($isCurrent ? get_bloginfo ( 'url' ) : get_blog_details ( $blogId )->siteurl) );
* Update a site's tracking code
* @param int $siteId
* which Piwik site to updated
* @param int $blogId
* which blog's Piwik site ID to get, default is the current blog
* @return string tracking code
public function updateTrackingCode($siteId = false, $blogId = null) {
if (!$siteId)
$siteId = $this->getPiwikSiteId ();
if (self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'track_mode' ) == 'disabled' || self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'track_mode' ) == 'manually')
return false;
$id = WP_Piwik\Request::register ( 'SitesManager.getJavascriptTag', array (
'idSite' => $siteId,
'mergeSubdomains' => self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'track_across' ) ? 1 : 0,
'mergeAliasUrls' => self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'track_across_alias' ) ? 1 : 0,
'disableCookies' => self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'disable_cookies' ) ? 1 : 0,
'crossDomain' => self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'track_crossdomain_linking' ) ? 1 : 0,
'trackNoScript' => 1
) );
$code = $this->request ( $id );
if (is_array($code) && isset($code['value']))
$code = $code['value'];
$result = !is_array ( $code ) ? html_entity_decode ( $code ) : '<!-- '.json_encode($code).' -->';
self::$logger->log ( 'Delivered tracking code: ' . $result );
$result = WP_Piwik\TrackingCode::prepareTrackingCode ( $result, self::$settings, self::$logger, true );
if (isset ( $result ['script'] ) && ! empty ( $result ['script'] )) {
self::$settings->setOption ( 'tracking_code', $result ['script'], $blogId );
self::$settings->setOption ( 'noscript_code', $result ['noscript'], $blogId );
self::$settings->setGlobalOption ( 'proxy_url', $result ['proxy'] );
return $result;
* Update Piwik site if blog name changes
* @param string $oldValue
* old blog name
* @param string $newValue
* new blog name
public function onBlogNameChange($oldValue, $newValue = null) {
$this->updatePiwikSite ( self::$settings->getOption ( 'site_id' ) );
* Update Piwik site if blog URL changes
* @param string $oldValue
* old blog URL
* @param string $newValue
* new blog URL
public function onSiteUrlChange($oldValue, $newValue = null) {
$this->updatePiwikSite ( self::$settings->getOption ( 'site_id' ) );
* Register stats page meta boxes
* @param mixed $statsPageId
* WordPress stats page ID
public function onloadStatsPage($statsPageId) {
if (self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'disable_timelimit' ))
set_time_limit ( 0 );
wp_enqueue_script ( 'common' );
wp_enqueue_script ( 'wp-lists' );
wp_enqueue_script ( 'postbox' );
wp_enqueue_script ( 'wp-piwik', $this->getPluginURL () . 'js/wp-piwik.js', array (), self::$version, true );
wp_enqueue_script ( 'wp-piwik-chartjs', $this->getPluginURL () . 'js/chartjs/chart.min.js', "3.4.1" );
new \WP_Piwik\Widget\Chart ( $this, self::$settings, $this->statsPageId );
new \WP_Piwik\Widget\Visitors ( $this, self::$settings, $this->statsPageId );
new \WP_Piwik\Widget\Overview ( $this, self::$settings, $this->statsPageId );
if (self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'stats_ecommerce' )) {
new \WP_Piwik\Widget\Ecommerce ($this, self::$settings, $this->statsPageId);
new \WP_Piwik\Widget\Items ($this, self::$settings, $this->statsPageId);
new \WP_Piwik\Widget\ItemsCategory ($this, self::$settings, $this->statsPageId);
if (self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'stats_seo' ))
new \WP_Piwik\Widget\Seo ( $this, self::$settings, $this->statsPageId );
new \WP_Piwik\Widget\Pages ( $this, self::$settings, $this->statsPageId );
new \WP_Piwik\Widget\Keywords ( $this, self::$settings, $this->statsPageId );
new \WP_Piwik\Widget\Referrers ( $this, self::$settings, $this->statsPageId );
new \WP_Piwik\Widget\Plugins ( $this, self::$settings, $this->statsPageId );
new \WP_Piwik\Widget\Search ( $this, self::$settings, $this->statsPageId );
new \WP_Piwik\Widget\Noresult ( $this, self::$settings, $this->statsPageId );
new \WP_Piwik\Widget\Browsers ( $this, self::$settings, $this->statsPageId );
new \WP_Piwik\Widget\BrowserDetails ( $this, self::$settings, $this->statsPageId );
new \WP_Piwik\Widget\Screens ( $this, self::$settings, $this->statsPageId );
new \WP_Piwik\Widget\Types ( $this, self::$settings, $this->statsPageId );
new \WP_Piwik\Widget\Models ( $this, self::$settings, $this->statsPageId );
new \WP_Piwik\Widget\Systems ( $this, self::$settings, $this->statsPageId );
new \WP_Piwik\Widget\SystemDetails ( $this, self::$settings, $this->statsPageId );
new \WP_Piwik\Widget\City ( $this, self::$settings, $this->statsPageId );
new \WP_Piwik\Widget\Country ( $this, self::$settings, $this->statsPageId );
* Add per post statistics to a post's page
* @param mixed $postPageId
* WordPress post page ID
public function onloadPostPage($postPageId) {
global $post;
$postUrl = get_permalink ( $post->ID );
$this->log ( 'Load per post statistics: ' . $postUrl );
$locations = apply_filters( 'wp-piwik_meta_boxes_locations', get_post_types( array( 'public' => true ), 'names' ) );
array (
new Post ( $this, self::$settings, $locations, 'side', 'default', array (
'date' => self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'perpost_stats' ),
'period' => 'day',
'url' => $postUrl
) ),
* Stats page changes by POST submit
* @see
function onStatsPageSaveChanges() {
if (! current_user_can ( 'manage_options' ))
wp_die ( __ ( 'Cheatin&#8217; uh?' ) );
check_admin_referer ( 'wp-piwik_stats' );
wp_redirect ( $_POST ['_wp_http_referer'] );
* Get option value, choose method depending on network mode
* @param string $option option key
* @return string|array option value
private function getWordPressOption($option, $default = null) {
return ($this->isNetworkMode () ? get_site_option ( $option, $default ) : get_option ( $option, $default ));
* Delete option, choose method depending on network mode
* @param string $option option key
private function deleteWordPressOption($option) {
if ( $this->isNetworkMode () )
delete_site_option ( $option );
delete_option ( $option );
* Set option value, choose method depending on network mode
* @param string $option option key
* @param mixed $value option value
private function updateWordPressOption($option, $value) {
if ( $this->isNetworkMode () )
update_site_option ( $option, $value );
update_option ( $option, $value );
* Check if WP-Piwik options page
* @return boolean True if current page is WP-Piwik's option page
public static function isValidOptionsPost() {
return is_admin() && check_admin_referer( 'wp-piwik_settings' ) && current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ;