
145 lines
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* Site Health
* @package EDD_Stripe\Admin\SiteHealth
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2023, Easy Digital Downloads
* @license GNU Public License
* @since 2.9.6
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;
* Adds a Stripe Connect site health test.
* @since 2.9.3
* @param array $tests The array of Site Health tests.
* @return array
function edds_stripe_connect_site_health_test( $tests ) {
$active_gateways = edd_get_enabled_payment_gateways();
if ( ! empty( $active_gateways['stripe'] ) && current_user_can( 'manage_shop_settings' ) ) {
$tests['direct']['edds_stripe_connect'] = array(
'label' => __( 'Stripe Connect', 'easy-digital-downloads' ),
'test' => 'edds_get_test_stripe_connect',
return $tests;
add_filter( 'site_status_tests', 'edds_stripe_connect_site_health_test' );
* Adds the Stripe Connect Site Health test.
* @since 2.9.3
* @return array
function edds_get_test_stripe_connect() {
$result = array(
'label' => __( 'You are securely connected to Stripe', 'easy-digital-downloads' ),
'status' => 'good',
'badge' => array(
'label' => __( 'Easy Digital Downloads: Stripe', 'easy-digital-downloads' ),
'color' => 'blue',
'description' => sprintf(
__( 'Stripe Connect helps ensure easy setup and security.', 'easy-digital-downloads' )
'actions' => '',
'test' => 'edds_stripe_connect',
$elements_mode = edds_get_elements_mode();
if ( edd_stripe()->connect()->is_connected ) {
if ( 'payment-elements' === $elements_mode ) {
return $result;
// User is connected but on the Card Elements, we should give them a recommendation to use the Payment Elements.
$result['label'] = __( 'You are using the legacy Card Elements fields', 'easy-digital-downloads' );
$result['status'] = 'recommended';
$result['badge']['color'] = 'orange';
$result['description'] = sprintf(
esc_html__( 'Increase conversions, security, and reliability by using the Payment Elements integration for Stripe.', 'easy-digital-downloads' )
$result['actions'] = sprintf(
'<a href="%s" class="button button-primary"><span>%s</span></a>',
'page' => 'edd-settings',
'tab' => 'gateways',
'section' => 'edd-stripe',
esc_html__( 'Switch to Payment Elements', 'easy-digital-downloads' )
} else {
$result['label'] = __( 'You are using manually managed Stripe API keys', 'easy-digital-downloads' );
$result['status'] = 'critical';
$result['badge']['color'] = 'red';
$result['description'] = sprintf(
esc_html__( 'By securely connecting your Easy Digital Downloads store with Stripe Connect, you\'ll get access to more reliable payments and use managed API keys which are more secure.', 'easy-digital-downloads' )
$result['actions'] = sprintf(
'<a href="%s" class="edd-stripe-connect"><span>%s</span></a>',
esc_url( edds_stripe_connect_url() ),
esc_html__( 'Connect with Stripe', 'easy-digital-downloads' )
return $result;
add_filter( 'edd_debug_information', 'edds_debug_information' );
* Add Stripe debugging information to the EDD information.
* @since 2.9.6
* @param array $information The EDD debug information.
* @return array
function edds_debug_information( $information ) {
$stripe = array(
'edd_stripe' => array(
'label' => __( 'Easy Digital Downloads &mdash; Stripe', 'easy-digital-downloads' ),
'fields' => array(
'connect' => array(
'label' => 'Stripe Connect',
'value' => edd_stripe()->connect()->is_connected ? 'Connected' : 'Not Connected',
'mode' => array(
'label' => 'Elements Mode',
'value' => 'payment-elements' === edds_get_elements_mode() ? 'Payment Elements' : 'Legacy Card Elements',
'preapproved_payments' => array(
'label' => 'Preapproved Payments',
'value' => edds_is_preapprove_enabled() ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled',
'assets' => array(
'label' => 'Stripe Assets',
'value' => edd_get_option( 'stripe_restrict_assets', false ) ? 'Limited' : 'Global',
$position = array_search( 'edd_gateways', array_keys( $information ), true );
return array_merge(
array_slice( $information, 0, $position + 1 ),
array_slice( $information, $position + 1 )