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* Admin Menu Registration
* @package automattic/jetpack-admin-ui
namespace Automattic\Jetpack\Admin_UI;
* This class offers a wrapper to add_submenu_page and makes sure stand-alone plugin's menu items are always added under the Jetpack top level menu.
* If the Jetpack top level was not previously registered by other plugin, it will be registered here.
class Admin_Menu {
const PACKAGE_VERSION = '0.2.11';
* Whether this class has been initialized
* @var boolean
private static $initialized = false;
* List of menu items enqueued to be added
* @var array
private static $menu_items = array();
* Initialize the class and set up the main hook
* @return void
public static function init() {
if ( ! self::$initialized ) {
self::$initialized = true;
add_action( 'admin_menu', array( __CLASS__, 'admin_menu_hook_callback' ), 1000 ); // Jetpack uses 998.
* Handles the Akismet menu item when used alongside other stand-alone plugins
* When Jetpack plugin is present, Akismet menu item is moved under the Jetpack top level menu, but if Akismet is active alongside other stand-alone plugins,
* we use this method to move the menu item.
private static function handle_akismet_menu() {
if ( ! class_exists( 'Jetpack' ) && class_exists( 'Akismet_Admin' ) ) {
// Prevent Akismet from adding a menu item.
function () {
remove_action( 'admin_menu', array( 'Akismet_Admin', 'admin_menu' ), 5 );
// Add an Anti-spam menu item for Jetpack.
self::add_menu( __( 'Anti-Spam', 'jetpack-admin-ui' ), __( 'Anti-Spam', 'jetpack-admin-ui' ), 'manage_options', 'akismet-key-config', array( 'Akismet_Admin', 'display_page' ) );
* Enqueue styles for the top level menu
* @return void
public static function enqueue_style() {
plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'css/jetpack-icon.css',
* Callback to the admin_menu hook that will register the enqueued menu items
* @return void
public static function admin_menu_hook_callback() {
$can_see_toplevel_menu = true;
$jetpack_plugin_present = class_exists( 'Jetpack_React_Page' );
if ( ! $jetpack_plugin_present ) {
add_action( 'admin_print_scripts', array( __CLASS__, 'enqueue_style' ) );
// If Jetpack plugin is not present, user will only be able to see this menu if they have enough capability to at least one of the sub menus being added.
$can_see_toplevel_menu = false;
* The add_sub_menu function has a bug and will not keep the right order of menu items.
* @see
* Let's order the items before registering them.
* Since this all happens after the Jetpack plugin menu items were added, all items will be added after Jetpack plugin items - unless position is very low number (smaller than the number of menu items present in Jetpack plugin).
function ( $a, $b ) {
$position_a = empty( $a['position'] ) ? 0 : $a['position'];
$position_b = empty( $b['position'] ) ? 0 : $b['position'];
return $position_a - $position_b;
foreach ( self::$menu_items as $menu_item ) {
if ( ! current_user_can( $menu_item['capability'] ) ) {
$can_see_toplevel_menu = true;
if ( ! $jetpack_plugin_present ) {
remove_submenu_page( 'jetpack', 'jetpack' );
if ( ! $can_see_toplevel_menu ) {
remove_menu_page( 'jetpack' );
* Adds a new submenu to the Jetpack Top level menu
* The parameters this method accepts are the same as @see add_submenu_page. This class will
* aggreagate all menu items registered by stand-alone plugins and make sure they all go under the same
* Jetpack top level menu. It will also handle the top level menu registration in case the Jetpack plugin is not present.
* @param string $page_title The text to be displayed in the title tags of the page when the menu
* is selected.
* @param string $menu_title The text to be used for the menu.
* @param string $capability The capability required for this menu to be displayed to the user.
* @param string $menu_slug The slug name to refer to this menu by. Should be unique for this menu
* and only include lowercase alphanumeric, dashes, and underscores characters
* to be compatible with sanitize_key().
* @param callable $function The function to be called to output the content for this page.
* @param int $position The position in the menu order this item should appear.
* @return string The resulting page's hook_suffix
public static function add_menu( $page_title, $menu_title, $capability, $menu_slug, $function, $position = null ) {
self::$menu_items[] = compact( 'page_title', 'menu_title', 'capability', 'menu_slug', 'function', 'position' );
* Let's return the page hook so consumers can use.
* We know all pages will be under Jetpack top level menu page, so we can hardcode the first part of the string.
* Using get_plugin_page_hookname here won't work because the top level page is not registered yet.
return 'jetpack_page_' . $menu_slug;
* Gets the slug for the first item under the Jetpack top level menu
* @return string|null
public static function get_top_level_menu_item_slug() {
global $submenu;
if ( ! empty( $submenu['jetpack'] ) ) {
$item = reset( $submenu['jetpack'] );
if ( isset( $item[2] ) ) {
return $item[2];
* Gets the URL for the first item under the Jetpack top level menu
* @param string $fallback If Jetpack menu is not there or no children is found, return this fallback instead. Default to admin_url().
* @return string
public static function get_top_level_menu_item_url( $fallback = false ) {
$slug = self::get_top_level_menu_item_slug();
if ( $slug ) {
$url = menu_page_url( $slug, false );
return $url;
$url = $fallback ? $fallback : admin_url();
return $url;