
330 lines
9.8 KiB

* Internal dependencies.
import './components/agree-to-terms';
import { getCreditCardIcon, recalculateTaxes } from './utils.js';
// Backwards compatibility. Assign function to global namespace.
window.recalculate_taxes = recalculateTaxes;
window.EDD_Checkout = ( function( $ ) {
'use strict';
let $body,
function init() {
$body = $( document.body );
$form = $( '#edd_purchase_form' );
$edd_cart_amount = $( '.edd_cart_amount' );
before_discount = $edd_cart_amount.text();
$checkout_form_wrap = $( '#edd_checkout_form_wrap' );
$body.on( 'edd_gateway_loaded', function( e ) {
edd_format_card_number( $form );
} );
$body.on( 'keyup change', '.edd-do-validate .card-number', function() {
edd_validate_card( $( this ) );
} );
$body.on( 'blur change', '.card-name', function() {
const name_field = $( this );
name_field.validateCreditCard( function( result ) {
if ( result.card_type != null ) {
name_field.removeClass( 'valid' ).addClass( 'error' );
$( '#edd-purchase-button' ).attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' );
} else {
name_field.removeClass( 'error' ).addClass( 'valid' );
$( '#edd-purchase-button' ).removeAttr( 'disabled' );
} );
} );
// Make sure a gateway is selected
$body.on( 'submit', '#edd_payment_mode', function() {
const gateway = $( '#edd-gateway option:selected' ).val();
if ( gateway == 0 ) {
alert( edd_global_vars.no_gateway );
return false;
} );
// Add a class to the currently selected gateway on click
$body.on( 'click', '#edd_payment_mode_select input', function() {
$( '#edd_payment_mode_select label.edd-gateway-option-selected' ).removeClass( 'edd-gateway-option-selected' );
$( '#edd_payment_mode_select input:checked' ).parent().addClass( 'edd-gateway-option-selected' );
} );
// Validate and apply a discount
$checkout_form_wrap.on( 'click', '.edd-apply-discount', apply_discount );
// Prevent the checkout form from submitting when hitting Enter in the discount field
$checkout_form_wrap.on( 'keypress', '#edd-discount', function( event ) {
if ( event.keyCode == '13' ) {
return false;
} );
// Apply the discount when hitting Enter in the discount field instead
$checkout_form_wrap.on( 'keyup', '#edd-discount', function( event ) {
if ( event.keyCode == '13' ) {
$checkout_form_wrap.find( '.edd-apply-discount' ).trigger( 'click' );
} );
// Remove a discount
$body.on( 'click', '.edd_discount_remove', remove_discount );
// When discount link is clicked, hide the link, then show the discount input and set focus.
$body.on( 'click', '.edd_discount_link', function( e ) {
$( '.edd_discount_link' ).parent().hide();
$( '#edd-discount-code-wrap' ).show().find( '#edd-discount' ).focus();
} );
// Hide / show discount fields for browsers without javascript enabled
$body.find( '#edd-discount-code-wrap' ).hide();
$body.find( '#edd_show_discount' ).show();
// Update the checkout when item quantities are updated
$body.on( 'change', '.edd-item-quantity', update_item_quantities );
$body.on( 'click', '.edd-amazon-logout #Logout', function( e ) {
window.location = edd_amazon.checkoutUri;
} );
function edd_validate_card( field ) {
const card_field = field;
card_field.validateCreditCard( function( result ) {
const $card_type = $( '.card-type' );
if ( result.card_type == null ) {
$card_type.removeClass().addClass( 'off card-type' );
card_field.removeClass( 'valid' );
card_field.addClass( 'error' );
} else {
$card_type.removeClass( 'off' );
$card_type.html( getCreditCardIcon( ) );
$card_type.addClass( );
if ( result.length_valid && result.luhn_valid ) {
card_field.addClass( 'valid' );
card_field.removeClass( 'error' );
} else {
card_field.removeClass( 'valid' );
card_field.addClass( 'error' );
} );
function edd_format_card_number( form ) {
const card_number = form.find( '.card-number' ),
card_cvc = form.find( '.card-cvc' ),
card_expiry = form.find( '.card-expiry' );
if ( card_number.length && 'function' === typeof card_number.payment ) {
card_number.payment( 'formatCardNumber' );
card_cvc.payment( 'formatCardCVC' );
card_expiry.payment( 'formatCardExpiry' );
function apply_discount( event ) {
const discount_code = $( '#edd-discount' ).val(),
edd_discount_loader = $( '#edd-discount-loader' ),
required_inputs = $( '#edd_cc_address .edd-input, #edd_cc_address .edd-select' ).filter( '[required]' );
if ( discount_code == '' || discount_code == edd_global_vars.enter_discount ) {
return false;
const postData = {
action: 'edd_apply_discount',
code: discount_code,
form: $( '#edd_purchase_form' ).serialize(),
$( '#edd-discount-error-wrap' ).html( '' ).hide();;
$.ajax( {
type: 'POST',
data: postData,
dataType: 'json',
url: edd_global_vars.ajaxurl,
xhrFields: {
withCredentials: true,
success: function( discount_response ) {
if ( discount_response ) {
if ( discount_response.msg == 'valid' ) {
$( '.edd_cart_discount' ).html( discount_response.html );
$( '.edd_cart_discount_row' ).show();
$( '.edd_cart_amount' ).each( function() {
// Format discounted amount for display.
$( this ).text( );
// Set data attribute to new (unformatted) discounted amount.'
$( this ).data( 'total', discount_response.total_plain );
} );
$( '#edd-discount', $checkout_form_wrap ).val( '' );
if ( '0.00' == discount_response.total_plain ) {
$( '#edd_cc_fields,#edd_cc_address,#edd_payment_mode_select' ).slideUp();
required_inputs.prop( 'required', false );
$( 'input[name="edd-gateway"]' ).val( 'manual' );
} else {
required_inputs.prop( 'required', true );
$( '#edd_cc_fields,#edd_cc_address' ).slideDown();
$body.trigger( 'edd_discount_applied', [ discount_response ] );
} else {
$( '#edd-discount-error-wrap' ).html( '<span class="edd_error">' + discount_response.msg + '</span>' );
$( '#edd-discount-error-wrap' ).show();
$body.trigger( 'edd_discount_invalid', [ discount_response ] );
} else {
if ( window.console && window.console.log ) {
console.log( discount_response );
$body.trigger( 'edd_discount_failed', [ discount_response ] );
} ).fail( function( data ) {
if ( window.console && window.console.log ) {
console.log( data );
} );
return false;
function remove_discount( event ) {
const $this = $( this ),
postData = {
action: 'edd_remove_discount',
code: $ 'code' ),
$.ajax( {
type: 'POST',
data: postData,
dataType: 'json',
url: edd_global_vars.ajaxurl,
xhrFields: {
withCredentials: true,
success: function( discount_response ) {
const zero = '0' + edd_global_vars.decimal_separator + '00';
$( '.edd_cart_amount' ).each( function() {
if ( edd_global_vars.currency_sign + zero == $( this ).text() || zero + edd_global_vars.currency_sign == $( this ).text() ) {
// We're removing a 100% discount code so we need to force the payment gateway to reload
// Format discounted amount for display.
$( this ).text( );
// Set data attribute to new (unformatted) discounted amount.'
$( this ).data( 'total', discount_response.total_plain );
} );
$( '.edd_cart_discount' ).html( discount_response.html );
if ( discount_response.discounts && 0 === discount_response.discounts.length ) {
$( '.edd_cart_discount_row' ).hide();
$( '#edd_cc_fields,#edd_cc_address' ).slideDown();
$body.trigger( 'edd_discount_removed', [ discount_response ] );
} ).fail( function( data ) {
if ( window.console && window.console.log ) {
console.log( data );
} );
return false;
function update_item_quantities( event ) {
const $this = $( this ),
quantity = $this.val(),
key = $ 'key' ),
download_id = $this.closest( '.edd_cart_item' ).data( 'download-id' ),
options = $this.parent().find( 'input[name="edd-cart-download-' + key + '-options"]' ).val();
const edd_cc_address = $( '#edd_cc_address' );
const billing_country = edd_cc_address.find( '#billing_country' ).val(),
card_state = edd_cc_address.find( '#card_state' ).val();
const postData = {
action: 'edd_update_quantity',
quantity: quantity,
download_id: download_id,
options: options,
billing_country: billing_country,
card_state: card_state,
$.ajax( {
type: 'POST',
data: postData,
dataType: 'json',
url: edd_global_vars.ajaxurl,
xhrFields: {
withCredentials: true,
success: function( response ) {
$( '.edd_cart_subtotal_amount' ).each( function() {
$( this ).text( response.subtotal );
} );
$( '.edd_cart_tax_amount' ).each( function() {
$( this ).text( response.taxes );
} );
$( '.edd_cart_amount' ).each( function() {
$( this ).text( );
$body.trigger( 'edd_quantity_updated', [ response ] );
} );
} ).fail( function( data ) {
if ( window.console && window.console.log ) {
console.log( data );
} );
return false;
// Expose some functions or variables to window.EDD_Checkout object
return {
init: init,
recalculate_taxes: recalculateTaxes,
}( window.jQuery ) );
// init on document.ready
window.jQuery( document ).ready( EDD_Checkout.init );