
224 lines
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* The MIT License (MIT)
* Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Spomky-Labs
* This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
* of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.
namespace Webauthn;
use Assert\Assertion;
use function count;
use function in_array;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use RuntimeException;
use Safe\Exceptions\FilesystemException;
use function Safe\file_put_contents;
use function Safe\ksort;
use function Safe\mkdir;
use function Safe\rename;
use function Safe\sprintf;
use function Safe\tempnam;
use function Safe\unlink;
use Symfony\Component\Process\Process;
class CertificateToolbox
* @deprecated "This method is deprecated since v3.3 and will be removed en v4.0. Please use Webauthn\CertificateChainChecker\CertificateChainChecker instead"
* @param string[] $authenticatorCertificates
* @param string[] $trustedCertificates
public static function checkChain(array $authenticatorCertificates, array $trustedCertificates = []): void
if (0 === count($trustedCertificates)) {
self::checkCertificatesValidity($authenticatorCertificates, true);
self::checkCertificatesValidity($authenticatorCertificates, false);
$processArguments = ['-no-CAfile', '-no-CApath'];
$caDirname = self::createTemporaryDirectory();
$processArguments[] = '--CApath';
$processArguments[] = $caDirname;
foreach ($trustedCertificates as $certificate) {
self::prepareCertificate($caDirname, $certificate, 'webauthn-trusted-', '.pem');
$rehashProcess = new Process(['openssl', 'rehash', $caDirname]);
while ($rehashProcess->isRunning()) {
//Just wait
if (!$rehashProcess->isSuccessful()) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid certificate or certificate chain');
$filenames = [];
$leafCertificate = array_shift($authenticatorCertificates);
$leafFilename = self::prepareCertificate(sys_get_temp_dir(), $leafCertificate, 'webauthn-leaf-', '.pem');
$filenames[] = $leafFilename;
foreach ($authenticatorCertificates as $certificate) {
$untrustedFilename = self::prepareCertificate(sys_get_temp_dir(), $certificate, 'webauthn-untrusted-', '.pem');
$processArguments[] = '-untrusted';
$processArguments[] = $untrustedFilename;
$filenames[] = $untrustedFilename;
$processArguments[] = $leafFilename;
array_unshift($processArguments, 'openssl', 'verify');
$process = new Process($processArguments);
while ($process->isRunning()) {
//Just wait
foreach ($filenames as $filename) {
try {
} catch (FilesystemException $e) {
if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid certificate or certificate chain');
public static function fixPEMStructure(string $certificate, string $type = 'CERTIFICATE'): string
$pemCert = '-----BEGIN '.$type.'-----'.PHP_EOL;
$pemCert .= chunk_split($certificate, 64, PHP_EOL);
$pemCert .= '-----END '.$type.'-----'.PHP_EOL;
return $pemCert;
public static function convertDERToPEM(string $certificate, string $type = 'CERTIFICATE'): string
$derCertificate = self::unusedBytesFix($certificate);
return self::fixPEMStructure(base64_encode($derCertificate), $type);
* @param string[] $certificates
* @return string[]
public static function convertAllDERToPEM(array $certificates, string $type = 'CERTIFICATE'): array
$certs = [];
foreach ($certificates as $publicKey) {
$certs[] = self::convertDERToPEM($publicKey, $type);
return $certs;
private static function unusedBytesFix(string $certificate): string
$certificateHash = hash('sha256', $certificate);
if (in_array($certificateHash, self::getCertificateHashes(), true)) {
$certificate[mb_strlen($certificate, '8bit') - 257] = "\0";
return $certificate;
* @param string[] $certificates
private static function checkCertificatesValidity(array $certificates, bool $allowRootCertificate): void
foreach ($certificates as $certificate) {
$parsed = openssl_x509_parse($certificate);
Assertion::isArray($parsed, 'Unable to read the certificate');
if (false === $allowRootCertificate) {
Assertion::keyExists($parsed, 'validTo_time_t', 'The certificate has no validity period');
Assertion::keyExists($parsed, 'validFrom_time_t', 'The certificate has no validity period');
Assertion::lessOrEqualThan(time(), $parsed['validTo_time_t'], 'The certificate expired');
Assertion::greaterOrEqualThan(time(), $parsed['validFrom_time_t'], 'The certificate is not usable yet');
* @param array<string, mixed> $parsed
private static function checkRootCertificate(array $parsed): void
Assertion::keyExists($parsed, 'subject', 'The certificate has no subject');
Assertion::keyExists($parsed, 'issuer', 'The certificate has no issuer');
$subject = $parsed['subject'];
$issuer = $parsed['issuer'];
Assertion::notEq($subject, $issuer, 'Root certificates are not allowed');
* @return string[]
private static function getCertificateHashes(): array
return [
private static function createTemporaryDirectory(): string
$caDir = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'webauthn-ca-');
if (file_exists($caDir)) {
if (!is_dir($caDir)) {
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Directory "%s" was not created', $caDir));
return $caDir;
private static function deleteDirectory(string $dirname): void
$rehashProcess = new Process(['rm', '-rf', $dirname]);
while ($rehashProcess->isRunning()) {
//Just wait
private static function prepareCertificate(string $folder, string $certificate, string $prefix, string $suffix): string
$untrustedFilename = tempnam($folder, $prefix);
rename($untrustedFilename, $untrustedFilename.$suffix);
file_put_contents($untrustedFilename.$suffix, $certificate, FILE_APPEND);
file_put_contents($untrustedFilename.$suffix, PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
return $untrustedFilename.$suffix;