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class WP2Static_Controller { const VERSION = '6.6.7'; const OPTIONS_KEY = 'wp2static-options'; const HOOK = 'wp2static'; protected static $instance = null; protected function __construct() {} public static function getInstance() { if ( null === self::$instance ) { self::$instance = new self(); self::$instance->options = new WP2Static_Options( self::OPTIONS_KEY ); self::$instance->view = new WP2Static_View(); } return self::$instance; } public static function init( $bootstrap_file ) { $instance = self::getInstance(); register_activation_hook( $bootstrap_file, array( $instance, 'activate' ) ); if ( is_admin() ) { add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $instance, 'registerOptionsPage', ) ); add_filter( 'custom_menu_order', '__return_true' ); add_filter( 'menu_order', array( $instance, 'set_menu_order' ) ); } return $instance; } public function set_menu_order( $menu_order ) { $order = array(); $file = plugin_basename( __FILE__ ); foreach ( $menu_order as $index => $item ) { if ( $item === 'index.php' ) { $order[] = $item; } } $order = array( 'index.php', 'wp2static', ); return $order; } public function setDefaultOptions() { if ( null === $this->options->getOption( 'version' ) ) { $this->options ->setOption( 'version', self::VERSION ) ->setOption( 'static_export_settings', self::VERSION ) ->setOption( 'rewriteWPPaths', '1' ) ->setOption( 'removeConditionalHeadComments', '1' ) ->setOption( 'removeWPMeta', '1' ) ->setOption( 'removeWPLinks', '1' ) ->setOption( 'removeHTMLComments', '1' ) ->save(); } } public function activate_for_single_site() { $this->setDefaultOptions(); } public function activate( $network_wide ) { if ( $network_wide ) { global $wpdb; $query = 'SELECT blog_id FROM %s WHERE site_id = %d;'; $site_ids = $wpdb->get_col( sprintf( $query, $wpdb->blogs, $wpdb->siteid ) ); foreach ( $site_ids as $site_id ) { switch_to_blog( $site_id ); $this->activate_for_single_site(); } restore_current_blog(); } else { $this->activate_for_single_site(); } } public function registerOptionsPage() { $plugins_url = plugin_dir_url( dirname( __FILE__ ) ); $page = add_menu_page( __( 'WP2Static', 'static-html-output-plugin' ), __( 'WP2Static', 'static-html-output-plugin' ), 'manage_options', self::HOOK, array( self::$instance, 'renderOptionsPage' ), 'dashicons-shield-alt' ); add_action( 'admin_print_styles-' . $page, array( $this, 'enqueueAdminStyles', ) ); } public function enqueueAdminStyles() { $plugins_url = plugin_dir_url( dirname( __FILE__ ) ); wp_enqueue_style( self::HOOK . '-admin', $plugins_url . 'wp2static.css?sdf=sdfd', null, $this::VERSION ); } public function finalize_deployment() { require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/WP2Static/Deployer.php'; $deployer = new Deployer(); $deployer->finalizeDeployment(); echo 'SUCCESS'; } public function generate_filelist_preview() { require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/WP2Static/WPSite.php'; $this->wp_site = new WPSite(); $target_settings = array( 'general', 'crawling', ); if ( defined( 'WP_CLI' ) ) { require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/WP2Static/DBSettings.php'; $this->settings = WPSHO_DBSettings::get( $target_settings ); } else { require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/WP2Static/PostSettings.php'; $this->settings = WPSHO_PostSettings::get( $target_settings ); } $plugin_hook = 'wp2static'; $initial_file_list_count = WP2Static_FilesHelper::buildInitialFileList( true, $this->wp_site->wp_uploads_path, $this->wp_site->uploads_url, $this->settings ); if ( ! defined( 'WP_CLI' ) ) { echo $initial_file_list_count; } } public function renderOptionsPage() { require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/WP2Static/WPSite.php'; $this->wp_site = new WPSite(); $this->current_archive = ''; $this->view ->setTemplate( 'options-page-js' ) ->assign( 'options', $this->options ) ->assign( 'wp_site', $this->wp_site ) ->assign( 'onceAction', self::HOOK . '-options' ) ->render(); $this->view ->setTemplate( 'options-page' ) ->assign( 'wp_site', $this->wp_site ) ->assign( 'options', $this->options ) ->assign( 'onceAction', self::HOOK . '-options' ) ->render(); } public function userIsAllowed() { $referred_by_admin = check_admin_referer( self::HOOK . '-options' ); $user_can_manage_options = current_user_can( 'manage_options' ); return $referred_by_admin && $user_can_manage_options; } public function save_options() { if ( ! $this->userIsAllowed() ) { exit( 'Not allowed to change plugin options.' ); } $this->options->saveAllPostData(); } public function prepare_for_export() { require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/WP2Static/Exporter.php'; $this->exporter = new Exporter(); $this->exporter->pre_export_cleanup(); $this->exporter->cleanup_leftover_archives(); $this->exporter->initialize_cache_files(); require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/WP2Static/Archive.php'; $archive = new Archive(); $archive->create(); $this->logEnvironmentalInfo(); $this->exporter->generateModifiedFileList(); if ( ! defined( 'WP_CLI' ) ) { echo 'SUCCESS'; } } public function reset_default_settings() { if ( ! delete_option( 'wp2static-options' ) ) { error_log( "Couldn't reset plugin to default settings" ); } $this->options = new WP2Static_Options( self::OPTIONS_KEY ); $this->setDefaultOptions(); echo 'SUCCESS'; } public function post_process_archive_dir() { require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/WP2Static/ArchiveProcessor.php'; $processor = new ArchiveProcessor(); $processor->createNetlifySpecialFiles(); $processor->renameArchiveDirectories(); $processor->removeWPCruft(); $processor->copyStaticSiteToPublicFolder(); $processor->create_zip(); if ( ! defined( 'WP_CLI' ) ) { echo 'SUCCESS'; } } public function delete_deploy_cache() { $target_settings = array( 'wpenv', ); if ( defined( 'WP_CLI' ) ) { require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/WP2Static/DBSettings.php'; $this->settings = WPSHO_DBSettings::get( $target_settings ); } else { require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/WP2Static/PostSettings.php'; $this->settings = WPSHO_PostSettings::get( $target_settings ); } $uploads_dir = $this->settings['wp_uploads_path']; $cache_files = array( '/WP2STATIC-GITLAB-PREVIOUS-HASHES.txt', '/WP2STATIC-GITHUB-PREVIOUS-HASHES.txt', '/WP2STATIC-S3-PREVIOUS-HASHES.txt', '/WP2STATIC-BUNNYCDN-PREVIOUS-HASHES.txt', '/WP2STATIC-BITBUCKET-PREVIOUS-HASHES.txt', '/WP2STATIC-FTP-PREVIOUS-HASHES.txt', ); foreach ( $cache_files as $cache_file ) { if ( is_file( $uploads_dir . $cache_file ) ) { unlink( $uploads_dir . $cache_file ); } } if ( ! defined( 'WP_CLI' ) ) { echo 'SUCCESS'; } } public function logEnvironmentalInfo() { $info = array( '' . date( 'Y-m-d h:i:s' ), 'PHP VERSION ' . phpversion(), 'OS VERSION ' . php_uname(), 'WP VERSION ' . get_bloginfo( 'version' ), 'WP URL ' . get_bloginfo( 'url' ), 'WP SITEURL ' . get_option( 'siteurl' ), 'WP HOME ' . get_option( 'home' ), 'WP ADDRESS ' . get_bloginfo( 'wpurl' ), 'PLUGIN VERSION ' . $this::VERSION, 'VIA WP-CLI? ' . defined( 'WP_CLI' ), 'STATIC EXPORT URL ' . $this->exporter->settings['baseUrl'], 'PERMALINK STRUCTURE ' . get_option( 'permalink_structure' ), ); if ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] ) ) { $info[] = 'SERVER SOFTWARE ' . $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']; } WsLog::l( implode( PHP_EOL, $info ) ); WsLog::l( 'Active plugins:' ); $active_plugins = get_option( 'active_plugins' ); foreach ( $active_plugins as $active_plugin ) { WsLog::l( $active_plugin ); } WsLog::l( 'Plugin options:' ); $options = $this->options->getAllOptions( false ); foreach ( $options as $key => $value ) { WsLog::l( "{$value['Option name']}: {$value['Value']}" ); } WsLog::l( 'Installed extensions:' ); $extensions = get_loaded_extensions(); foreach ( $extensions as $extension ) { WsLog::l( $extension ); } } }