
35 lines
788 B

* Sortables
* This makes certain settings sortable, and attempts to stash the results
* in the nearest .edd-order input value.
jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) {
const edd_sortables = $( 'ul.edd-sortable-list' );
if ( edd_sortables.length > 0 ) {
edd_sortables.sortable( {
axis: 'y',
items: 'li',
cursor: 'move',
tolerance: 'pointer',
containment: 'parent',
distance: 2,
opacity: 0.7,
scroll: true,
* When sorting stops, assign the value to the previous input.
* This input should be a hidden text field
stop: function() {
const keys = $.map( $( this ).children( 'li' ), function( el ) {
return $( el ).data( 'key' );
} );
$( this ).prev( 'input.edd-order' ).val( keys );
} );
} );