
138 lines
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/* global Backbone, $, _ */
* External dependencies
import uuid from 'uuid-random';
* Internal dependencies
import { OrderAdjustments } from './../collections/order-adjustments.js';
import { OrderAdjustmentDiscount } from './../models/order-adjustment-discount.js';
import { OrderItem } from './../models/order-item.js';
* Collection of `OrderItem`s.
* @since 3.0
* @class OrderItems
* @augments Backbone.Collection
export const OrderItems = Backbone.Collection.extend( {
* @since 3.0
* @type {OrderItem}
model: OrderItem,
* Ensures `OrderItems` has access to the current state through a similar
* interface as Views. BackBone.Collection does not automatically set
* passed options as a property.
* @since 3.0
* @param {null|Array} models List of Models.
* @param {Object} options Collection options.
preinitialize( models, options ) {
this.options = options;
* Determines if `OrderItems` contains a specific `OrderItem`.
* Uses the `OrderItem`s Product ID and Price ID to create a unique
* value to check against.
* @since 3.0
* @param {OrderItem} model Model to look for.
* @return {bool} True if the Collection contains the Model.
has( model ) {
const duplicates = this.filter( ( item ) => {
const itemId =
item.get( 'productId' ) + '_' + item.get( 'priceId' );
const modelId =
model.get( 'productId' ) + '_' + model.get( 'priceId' );
return itemId === modelId;
} );
return duplicates.length > 0;
* Updates the amounts for all current `OrderItem`s.
* @since 3.0
* @return {$.promise} A jQuery promise representing zero or more requests.
updateAmounts() {
const { options } = this;
const { state } = options;
const items = state.get( 'items' );
const discounts = new Backbone.Collection(
state.get( 'adjustments' ).getByType( 'discount' )
const args = {
country: state.getTaxCountry(),
region: state.getTaxRegion(),
products: ( item ) => ( {
id: item.get( 'productId' ),
quantity: item.get( 'quantity' ),
options: {
price_id: item.get( 'priceId' ),
} ) ),
discountIds: discounts.pluck( 'typeId' ),
// Keep track of all jQuery Promises.
const promises = [];
// Find each `OrderItem`'s amounts.
items.models.forEach( ( item ) => {
const getItemAmounts = item.getAmounts( args );
// Update `OrderItem`-level Adjustments.
.done( ( { adjustments } ) => {
// Map returned Discounts to `OrderAdjustmentDiscount`.
const orderItemDiscounts = ( adjustment ) => {
return new OrderAdjustmentDiscount( {
id: uuid(),
objectId: item.get( 'id' ),
} );
} );
// Gather existing `fee` and `credit` `OrderItem`-level Adjustments.
const orderItemAdjustments = item.get( 'adjustments' ).filter( ( adjustment ) => {
return [ 'fee', 'credit' ].includes( adjustment.type );
} );
// Reset `OrderAdjustments` collection with new data.
item.set( 'adjustments', new OrderAdjustments( [
] ) );
} )
// Update individual `OrderItem`s and `OrderAdjustment`s with new amounts.
.done( ( response ) => item.setAmounts( response ) );
// Track jQuery Promise.
promises.push( getItemAmounts );
} );
return $.when.apply( $, promises );
} );