#!/bin/bash # Download the Mullvad VPN client and its PGP signature wget https://mullvad.net/en/download/app/deb/latest -O mullvad-vpn-linux-latest.deb wget https://mullvad.net/en/download/app/deb/latest/signature -O mullvad-vpn-linux-latest.deb.sig # Import Mullvad PGP key wget https://mullvad.net/media/mullvad-code-signing.asc gpg --import mullvad-code-signing.asc # Verify PGP signature gpg --verify mullvad-vpn-linux-latest.deb.sig mullvad-vpn-linux-latest.deb # Check the signature verification result if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "PGP signature is verified successfully." else echo "PGP signature verification failed. Exiting..." exit 1 fi # Install Mullvad VPN client sudo dpkg -i mullvad-vpn-linux-latest.deb sudo apt-get install -f -y # Start the Mullvad VPN client sudo systemctl start mullvad-daemon # Enable the Mullvad VPN client to start on boot sudo systemctl enable mullvad-daemon # Display the status of the Mullvad VPN connection sudo mullvad status echo "Mullvad VPN has been installed, PGP signature verified, and started successfully." # Delete the downloaded .deb and .sig files rm mullvad-code-signing.asc mullvad-vpn-linux-latest.deb mullvad-vpn-linux-latest.deb.sig echo "Downloaded .deb and .sig files have been deleted." # Start Mullvad-VPN and close terminal nohup /opt/Mullvad\ VPN/mullvad-gui & exit