Bougie art - It doesn't move me

Gawd art is hard to get into. As soon as something does some bougie art shit, im just like 💤


I’m pretty convinced at this point that art (pure art) is best when mixed with others arts. I mean what even do we call the kind of intellectual art?

Cos like the Ramones are deffo art and David Hoyle is deffo art but this isn’t that and its not the same thing.

Let’s call it bougie art 🤣 (bougie not always being a bad thing)

The act of acting like an intellectual


To qoute Tricky

“It doesn’t move me”

“It doesn’t move me”

“It doesn’t move me”

“It doesn’t move me”

I want to be blown away. I want to see into the future. I want to leave the ground for a moment.

I want to walk away in a daze. I want to have to get drunk and high after in order to process the gravity of the experiance. I want to be horny afterwards and maybe fuck. I want to go and make art and shit all night. I want to feel like I could do what they are doing. I want to feel like I just have to do



But this isn’t that.

This article was updated on December 21, 2020