// Code generated by go-swagger; DO NOT EDIT. package timesheet // This file was generated by the swagger tool. // Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command import ( "context" "net/http" "time" "github.com/go-openapi/errors" "github.com/go-openapi/runtime" cr "github.com/go-openapi/runtime/client" "github.com/go-openapi/strfmt" ) // NewGetAPITimesheetsParams creates a new GetAPITimesheetsParams object, // with the default timeout for this client. // // Default values are not hydrated, since defaults are normally applied by the API server side. // // To enforce default values in parameter, use SetDefaults or WithDefaults. func NewGetAPITimesheetsParams() *GetAPITimesheetsParams { return &GetAPITimesheetsParams{ timeout: cr.DefaultTimeout, } } // NewGetAPITimesheetsParamsWithTimeout creates a new GetAPITimesheetsParams object // with the ability to set a timeout on a request. func NewGetAPITimesheetsParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetAPITimesheetsParams { return &GetAPITimesheetsParams{ timeout: timeout, } } // NewGetAPITimesheetsParamsWithContext creates a new GetAPITimesheetsParams object // with the ability to set a context for a request. func NewGetAPITimesheetsParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetAPITimesheetsParams { return &GetAPITimesheetsParams{ Context: ctx, } } // NewGetAPITimesheetsParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new GetAPITimesheetsParams object // with the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request. func NewGetAPITimesheetsParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetAPITimesheetsParams { return &GetAPITimesheetsParams{ HTTPClient: client, } } /* GetAPITimesheetsParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint for the get API timesheets operation. Typically these are written to a http.Request. */ type GetAPITimesheetsParams struct { /* Active. Filter for running/active records. Allowed values: 0=stopped, 1=active (default: all) */ Active *string /* Activities. Comma separated list of activity IDs to filter timesheets */ Activities *string /* Activity. DEPRECATED: Activity ID to filter timesheets (will be removed with 2.0) */ Activity *string /* Begin. Only records after this date will be included (format: HTML5) Format: DateTime */ Begin *string /* Billable. Filter for non-/billable records. Allowed values: 0=non-billable, 1=billable (default: all) */ Billable *string /* Customer. DEPRECATED: Customer ID to filter timesheets (will be removed with 2.0) */ Customer *string /* Customers. Comma separated list of customer IDs to filter timesheets */ Customers *string /* End. Only records before this date will be included (format: HTML5) Format: DateTime */ End *string /* Exported. Use this flag if you want to filter for export state. Allowed values: 0=not exported, 1=exported (default: all) */ Exported *string /* Full. Allows to fetch fully serialized objects including subresources. Allowed values: true (default: false) */ Full *string /* ModifiedAfter. Only records changed after this date will be included (format: HTML5). Available since Kimai 1.10 and works only for records that were created/updated since then. Format: DateTime */ ModifiedAfter *string /* Order. The result order. Allowed values: ASC, DESC (default: DESC) */ Order *string /* OrderBy. The field by which results will be ordered. Allowed values: id, begin, end, rate (default: begin) */ OrderBy *string /* Page. The page to display, renders a 404 if not found (default: 1) */ Page *string /* Project. DEPRECATED: Project ID to filter timesheets (will be removed with 2.0) */ Project *string /* Projects. Comma separated list of project IDs to filter timesheets */ Projects *string /* Size. The amount of entries for each page (default: 50) */ Size *string /* Tags. Comma separated list of tag names */ Tags *string /* Term. Free search term */ Term *string /* User. User ID to filter timesheets. Needs permission 'view_other_timesheet', pass 'all' to fetch data for all user (default: current user) */ User *string timeout time.Duration Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client } // WithDefaults hydrates default values in the get API timesheets params (not the query body). // // All values with no default are reset to their zero value. func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) WithDefaults() *GetAPITimesheetsParams { o.SetDefaults() return o } // SetDefaults hydrates default values in the get API timesheets params (not the query body). // // All values with no default are reset to their zero value. func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) SetDefaults() { // no default values defined for this parameter } // WithTimeout adds the timeout to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetAPITimesheetsParams { o.SetTimeout(timeout) return o } // SetTimeout adds the timeout to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration) { o.timeout = timeout } // WithContext adds the context to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetAPITimesheetsParams { o.SetContext(ctx) return o } // SetContext adds the context to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context) { o.Context = ctx } // WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetAPITimesheetsParams { o.SetHTTPClient(client) return o } // SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client) { o.HTTPClient = client } // WithActive adds the active to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) WithActive(active *string) *GetAPITimesheetsParams { o.SetActive(active) return o } // SetActive adds the active to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) SetActive(active *string) { o.Active = active } // WithActivities adds the activities to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) WithActivities(activities *string) *GetAPITimesheetsParams { o.SetActivities(activities) return o } // SetActivities adds the activities to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) SetActivities(activities *string) { o.Activities = activities } // WithActivity adds the activity to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) WithActivity(activity *string) *GetAPITimesheetsParams { o.SetActivity(activity) return o } // SetActivity adds the activity to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) SetActivity(activity *string) { o.Activity = activity } // WithBegin adds the begin to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) WithBegin(begin *string) *GetAPITimesheetsParams { o.SetBegin(begin) return o } // SetBegin adds the begin to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) SetBegin(begin *string) { o.Begin = begin } // WithBillable adds the billable to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) WithBillable(billable *string) *GetAPITimesheetsParams { o.SetBillable(billable) return o } // SetBillable adds the billable to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) SetBillable(billable *string) { o.Billable = billable } // WithCustomer adds the customer to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) WithCustomer(customer *string) *GetAPITimesheetsParams { o.SetCustomer(customer) return o } // SetCustomer adds the customer to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) SetCustomer(customer *string) { o.Customer = customer } // WithCustomers adds the customers to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) WithCustomers(customers *string) *GetAPITimesheetsParams { o.SetCustomers(customers) return o } // SetCustomers adds the customers to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) SetCustomers(customers *string) { o.Customers = customers } // WithEnd adds the end to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) WithEnd(end *string) *GetAPITimesheetsParams { o.SetEnd(end) return o } // SetEnd adds the end to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) SetEnd(end *string) { o.End = end } // WithExported adds the exported to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) WithExported(exported *string) *GetAPITimesheetsParams { o.SetExported(exported) return o } // SetExported adds the exported to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) SetExported(exported *string) { o.Exported = exported } // WithFull adds the full to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) WithFull(full *string) *GetAPITimesheetsParams { o.SetFull(full) return o } // SetFull adds the full to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) SetFull(full *string) { o.Full = full } // WithModifiedAfter adds the modifiedAfter to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) WithModifiedAfter(modifiedAfter *string) *GetAPITimesheetsParams { o.SetModifiedAfter(modifiedAfter) return o } // SetModifiedAfter adds the modifiedAfter to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) SetModifiedAfter(modifiedAfter *string) { o.ModifiedAfter = modifiedAfter } // WithOrder adds the order to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) WithOrder(order *string) *GetAPITimesheetsParams { o.SetOrder(order) return o } // SetOrder adds the order to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) SetOrder(order *string) { o.Order = order } // WithOrderBy adds the orderBy to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) WithOrderBy(orderBy *string) *GetAPITimesheetsParams { o.SetOrderBy(orderBy) return o } // SetOrderBy adds the orderBy to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) SetOrderBy(orderBy *string) { o.OrderBy = orderBy } // WithPage adds the page to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) WithPage(page *string) *GetAPITimesheetsParams { o.SetPage(page) return o } // SetPage adds the page to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) SetPage(page *string) { o.Page = page } // WithProject adds the project to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) WithProject(project *string) *GetAPITimesheetsParams { o.SetProject(project) return o } // SetProject adds the project to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) SetProject(project *string) { o.Project = project } // WithProjects adds the projects to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) WithProjects(projects *string) *GetAPITimesheetsParams { o.SetProjects(projects) return o } // SetProjects adds the projects to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) SetProjects(projects *string) { o.Projects = projects } // WithSize adds the size to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) WithSize(size *string) *GetAPITimesheetsParams { o.SetSize(size) return o } // SetSize adds the size to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) SetSize(size *string) { o.Size = size } // WithTags adds the tags to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) WithTags(tags *string) *GetAPITimesheetsParams { o.SetTags(tags) return o } // SetTags adds the tags to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) SetTags(tags *string) { o.Tags = tags } // WithTerm adds the term to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) WithTerm(term *string) *GetAPITimesheetsParams { o.SetTerm(term) return o } // SetTerm adds the term to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) SetTerm(term *string) { o.Term = term } // WithUser adds the user to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) WithUser(user *string) *GetAPITimesheetsParams { o.SetUser(user) return o } // SetUser adds the user to the get API timesheets params func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) SetUser(user *string) { o.User = user } // WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request func (o *GetAPITimesheetsParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error { if err := r.SetTimeout(o.timeout); err != nil { return err } var res []error if o.Active != nil { // query param active var qrActive string if o.Active != nil { qrActive = *o.Active } qActive := qrActive if qActive != "" { if err := r.SetQueryParam("active", qActive); err != nil { return err } } } if o.Activities != nil { // query param activities var qrActivities string if o.Activities != nil { qrActivities = *o.Activities } qActivities := qrActivities if qActivities != "" { if err := r.SetQueryParam("activities", qActivities); err != nil { return err } } } if o.Activity != nil { // query param activity var qrActivity string if o.Activity != nil { qrActivity = *o.Activity } qActivity := qrActivity if qActivity != "" { if err := r.SetQueryParam("activity", qActivity); err != nil { return err } } } if o.Begin != nil { // query param begin var qrBegin string if o.Begin != nil { qrBegin = *o.Begin } qBegin := qrBegin if qBegin != "" { if err := r.SetQueryParam("begin", qBegin); err != nil { return err } } } if o.Billable != nil { // query param billable var qrBillable string if o.Billable != nil { qrBillable = *o.Billable } qBillable := qrBillable if qBillable != "" { if err := r.SetQueryParam("billable", qBillable); err != nil { return err } } } if o.Customer != nil { // query param customer var qrCustomer string if o.Customer != nil { qrCustomer = *o.Customer } qCustomer := qrCustomer if qCustomer != "" { if err := r.SetQueryParam("customer", qCustomer); err != nil { return err } } } if o.Customers != nil { // query param customers var qrCustomers string if o.Customers != nil { qrCustomers = *o.Customers } qCustomers := qrCustomers if qCustomers != "" { if err := r.SetQueryParam("customers", qCustomers); err != nil { return err } } } if o.End != nil { // query param end var qrEnd string if o.End != nil { qrEnd = *o.End } qEnd := qrEnd if qEnd != "" { if err := r.SetQueryParam("end", qEnd); err != nil { return err } } } if o.Exported != nil { // query param exported var qrExported string if o.Exported != nil { qrExported = *o.Exported } qExported := qrExported if qExported != "" { if err := r.SetQueryParam("exported", qExported); err != nil { return err } } } if o.Full != nil { // query param full var qrFull string if o.Full != nil { qrFull = *o.Full } qFull := qrFull if qFull != "" { if err := r.SetQueryParam("full", qFull); err != nil { return err } } } if o.ModifiedAfter != nil { // query param modified_after var qrModifiedAfter string if o.ModifiedAfter != nil { qrModifiedAfter = *o.ModifiedAfter } qModifiedAfter := qrModifiedAfter if qModifiedAfter != "" { if err := r.SetQueryParam("modified_after", qModifiedAfter); err != nil { return err } } } if o.Order != nil { // query param order var qrOrder string if o.Order != nil { qrOrder = *o.Order } qOrder := qrOrder if qOrder != "" { if err := r.SetQueryParam("order", qOrder); err != nil { return err } } } if o.OrderBy != nil { // query param orderBy var qrOrderBy string if o.OrderBy != nil { qrOrderBy = *o.OrderBy } qOrderBy := qrOrderBy if qOrderBy != "" { if err := r.SetQueryParam("orderBy", qOrderBy); err != nil { return err } } } if o.Page != nil { // query param page var qrPage string if o.Page != nil { qrPage = *o.Page } qPage := qrPage if qPage != "" { if err := r.SetQueryParam("page", qPage); err != nil { return err } } } if o.Project != nil { // query param project var qrProject string if o.Project != nil { qrProject = *o.Project } qProject := qrProject if qProject != "" { if err := r.SetQueryParam("project", qProject); err != nil { return err } } } if o.Projects != nil { // query param projects var qrProjects string if o.Projects != nil { qrProjects = *o.Projects } qProjects := qrProjects if qProjects != "" { if err := r.SetQueryParam("projects", qProjects); err != nil { return err } } } if o.Size != nil { // query param size var qrSize string if o.Size != nil { qrSize = *o.Size } qSize := qrSize if qSize != "" { if err := r.SetQueryParam("size", qSize); err != nil { return err } } } if o.Tags != nil { // query param tags var qrTags string if o.Tags != nil { qrTags = *o.Tags } qTags := qrTags if qTags != "" { if err := r.SetQueryParam("tags", qTags); err != nil { return err } } } if o.Term != nil { // query param term var qrTerm string if o.Term != nil { qrTerm = *o.Term } qTerm := qrTerm if qTerm != "" { if err := r.SetQueryParam("term", qTerm); err != nil { return err } } } if o.User != nil { // query param user var qrUser string if o.User != nil { qrUser = *o.User } qUser := qrUser if qUser != "" { if err := r.SetQueryParam("user", qUser); err != nil { return err } } } if len(res) > 0 { return errors.CompositeValidationError(res...) } return nil }