# lumbunglib > Python lib which powers `lumbung.space` automation ## hacking Install [poetry](https://python-poetry.org/docs/#osx--linux--bashonwindows-install-instructions): ```bash curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/python-poetry/poetry/master/get-poetry.py | python - ``` We use Poetry because it locks the dependencies all the way down and makes it easier to manage installation & maintenance in the long-term. Then install the dependencies & have them managed by Poetry: ``` poetry install ``` Each script requires some environment variables to run, you can see the latest deployment configuration over [here](https://git.autonomic.zone/ruangrupa/lumbung.space/src/branch/main/compose.yml), look for the values under the `environment: ...` stanza. All scripts have an entrypoint described in the [`pypoetry.toml`](https://git.autonomic.zone/ruangrupa/lumbunglib/src/commit/40bf9416b8792c08683ad8ac878093c7ef1b2f5d/pyproject.toml#L27-L31) which you can run via `poetry run ...`. For example, if you want to run the [`lumbunglib/video.py`](./lumbunglib/video.py) script, you'd do: ``` mkdir -p testdir export OUTPUT_DIR=/testdir poetry run lumbunglib-vid ``` Run `poetry run poetry2setup > setup.py` if updating the poetry dependencies. This allows us to run `pip install .` in the deployment and Pip will understand that it is just a regular Python package. If adding a new cli command, extend `pyproject.toml` with a new `[tool.poetry.scripts]` entry.