# How to run Capsul locally

## <a name="manually"></a>Manually

Ensure you have the pre-requisites for the psycopg2 Postgres database adapter package:

sudo apt install python3-dev libpq-dev
pg_config --version

Ensure you have the wonderful `pipenv` python package management and virtual environment cli:

sudo apt install pipenv

Create python virtual environment and install packages:

pipenv install

Run an instance of Postgres (I used docker for this, you can use whatever you want, point is its listening on `localhost:5432`):

docker run --rm -it -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=dev -p 5432:5432 postgres

Run the app 

pipenv run flask run

or, using Gunicorn:

pipenv run gunicorn --bind -k gevent --worker-connections 1000 app:app

Note that by default when running locally, the `SPOKE_MODEL` is set to `mock`, meaning that it won't actually try to spawn vms.

## Crediting your account

Once you log in for the first time, you will want to give yourself some free capsulbux so you can create fake capsuls for testing. 

pipenv run flask cli sql -c "INSERT INTO payments (email, dollars) VALUES ('<your email address here>', 20.00)"

## Running scheduled tasks:

pipenv run flask cli cron-task

## <a name="docker_compose"></a>Run locally with docker-compose

If you have Docker and Docker-Compose installed, you can use the
`3wordchant/capsul-flask` Docker image to launch capsul-flask, and a Postgres
database server, for you:

docker-compose up

`capsul-flask` will read settings from your `.env` file as usual; you can set any of the options mentioned in the [configuration documentation](./configuration.md).