# How to run Capsul locally ## <a name="manually"></a>Manually Ensure you have the pre-requisites for the psycopg2 Postgres database adapter package: ```sh sudo apt install python3-dev libpq-dev pg_config --version ``` Ensure you have the wonderful `pipenv` python package management and virtual environment cli: ```sh sudo apt install pipenv ``` Create python virtual environment and install packages: ```sh pipenv install ``` Run an instance of Postgres (I used docker for this, you can use whatever you want, point is its listening on `localhost:5432`): ```sh docker run --rm -it -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=dev -p 5432:5432 postgres ``` Run the app ```sh pipenv run flask run ``` or, using Gunicorn: ```sh pipenv run gunicorn --bind -k gevent --worker-connections 1000 app:app ``` Note that by default when running locally, the `SPOKE_MODEL` is set to `mock`, meaning that it won't actually try to spawn vms. ## Crediting your account Once you log in for the first time, you will want to give yourself some free capsulbux so you can create fake capsuls for testing. ```sh pipenv run flask cli sql -c "INSERT INTO payments (email, dollars) VALUES ('<your email address here>', 20.00)" ``` ## Running scheduled tasks: ```sh pipenv run flask cli cron-task ``` ## <a name="docker_compose"></a>Run locally with docker-compose If you have Docker and Docker-Compose installed, you can use the `3wordchant/capsul-flask` Docker image to launch capsul-flask, and a Postgres database server, for you: ```sh docker-compose up ``` `capsul-flask` will read settings from your `.env` file as usual; you can set any of the options mentioned in the [configuration documentation](./configuration.md).