# Configuring Capsul-Flask Create a `.env` file to set up the application configuration: ``` nano .env ``` You can enter any environment variables referenced in [`__init__.py`](../capsulflask/__init__.py) to this file. For example you may enter your SMTP credentials like this: ``` MAIL_USERNAME=forest@nullhex.com MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER=forest@nullhex.com MAIL_PASSWORD=************** ``` ## Example configuration from capsul.org (production): ``` #LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG BASE_URL="https://capsul.org" # hub url is used by the SPOKE_MODE to contact the hub. Since this server is the hub, # this is fine. In fact it runs into problems (routing related?) when I set it to capsul.org. # similarly the baikal "spoke" (set up in the hosts table in the db) has "http://localhost:5000" as the https_url HUB_URL="http://localhost:5000" HUB_MODE_ENABLED="t" SPOKE_MODE_ENABLED="t" HUB_MODEL="capsul-flask" SPOKE_MODEL="shell-scripts" SPOKE_HOST_ID="baikal" SPOKE_HOST_TOKEN="" HUB_TOKEN="" # smtp.. see https://flask-mail.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#configuring-flask-mail MAIL_SERVER="smtp.nullhex.com" # MAIL_USE_SSL means SMTP with STARTTLS MAIL_USE_SSL=true # MAIL_USE_TLS means SMTP wrapped in TLS MAIL_USE_TLS=false MAIL_PORT="465" MAIL_USERNAME="capsul@nullhex.com" MAIL_PASSWORD="" MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER="capsul@nullhex.com" # stripe STRIPE_SECRET_KEY="sk_live_" STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY="pk_live_tGDHY7kBwqC71b4F0N7LZdGl00GZOw0iNJ" # internal SECRET_KEY="" POSTGRES_CONNECTION_PARAMETERS="sslmode=verify-full sslrootcert=letsencrypt-root-ca.crt host=postgres.cyberia.club port=5432 ..." # btcpay server BTCPAY_URL="https://beeteeceepae2.cyberia.club" BTCPAY_PRIVATE_KEY='-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----\n\n-----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----' ``` ## Loading variables from files (docker secrets) To support [Docker Secrets](https://docs.docker.com/engine/swarm/secrets/), you can also load secret values from files – for example, to load `MAIL_PASSWORD` from `/run/secrets/mail_password`, set ```sh MAIL_PASSWORD_FILE=/run/secrets/mail_password ```