## Setup This project uses `hugo` and git submodules. Below is how to set up Hugo on a Linux machine. 1. Download `hugo` - you will need the `extended` version of Hugo. As of this writing there does not seem to be an extended version available via `apt`. However, you can use `snap` to get this version: `snap install hugo --channel=extended` 2. Run the following to make sure the git submodules are installed: ``` git submodule init git submodule update ``` 3. Now you should be able to build the project. Run `hugo server` and go to the localhost address printed in your terminal. 🐙 ## How to change about me headshot Add the headshot image you want to use to the `static/img` directory. Then uncomment the `headshot=` option under `[param.about]`. Set this option to the filename and only the filename.