#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Usage: ./app-json.py # # Gather metadata from Co-op Cloud apps in $ABRA_DIR/apps (default # ~/.abra/apps), and format it as JSON so that it can be hosted here: # https://abra-apps.cloud.autonomic.zone from json import dump from logging import DEBUG, basicConfig, getLogger from os import chdir, listdir, mkdir from os.path import exists, expanduser from pathlib import Path from re import findall, search from shlex import split from subprocess import check_output, run from sys import exit from requests import get HOME_PATH = expanduser("~/") CLONES_PATH = Path(f"{HOME_PATH}/.abra/apps").absolute() SCRIPT_PATH = Path(__file__).absolute().parent log = getLogger(__name__) basicConfig() log.setLevel(DEBUG) def _run_cmd(cmd, shell=False): """Run a shell command.""" args = [split(cmd)] kwargs = {} if shell: args = [cmd] kwargs = {"shell": shell} try: return check_output(*args, **kwargs).decode("utf-8").strip() except Exception as exception: log.error(f"Failed to run {cmd}, saw {str(exception)}") exit(1) def clone_all_apps(): """Clone all Co-op Cloud apps to ~/.abra/apps.""" if not exists(CLONES_PATH): mkdir(CLONES_PATH) skips = ("organising", "cloud.autonomic.zone", "docs.cloud.autonomic.zone", "abra") url = "https://git.autonomic.zone/api/v1/orgs/coop-cloud/repos" log.info(f"Retrieving {url}") try: response = get(url, timeout=30) except Exception as exception: log.error(f"Failed to retrieve {url}, saw {str(exception)}") exit(1) repos = [[p["name"], p["ssh_url"]] for p in response.json()] for name, url in repos: if name in skips: continue if not exists(f"{CLONES_PATH}/{name}"): run(split(f"git clone {url} {CLONES_PATH}/{name}")) chdir(f"{CLONES_PATH}/{name}") if not int(_run_cmd("git branch --list | wc -l", shell=True)): log.info(f"Guessing main branch is HEAD for {name}") run(split("git checkout main")) def generate_apps_json(): """Generate the abra-apps.json application versions file.""" apps_json = {} for app in listdir(CLONES_PATH): app_path = f"{CLONES_PATH}/{app}" chdir(app_path) tags = _run_cmd("git tag --list").split() if not tags: log.info(f"No tags discovered for {app}, moving on") continue for tag in tags: log.info(f"Processing {tag} for {app}") apps_json[app] = { "category": "apps", "repository": f"https://git.autonomic.zone/coop-cloud/{app}.git", "features": get_app_features(app_path, tag), "versions": get_app_versions(app_path, tag), } return apps_json def get_app_features(app_path, tag): """Parse features from app repo README files.""" features = {} chdir(app_path) _run_cmd(f"git checkout {tag}") with open(f"{app_path}/README.md", "r") as handle: log.info(f"{app_path}/README.md") contents = handle.read() for match in findall(r"\*\*.*\s\*", contents): title = search(r"(?<=\*\*).*(?=\*\*)", match).group().lower() if title == "image": value = { "image": search(r"(?<=`).*(?=`)", match).group(), "url": search(r"(?<=\().*(?=\))", match).group(), "rating": match.split(",")[1].strip(), "source": match.split(",")[-1].replace("*", "").strip(), } else: value = match.split(":")[-1].replace("*", "").strip() features[title] = value log.info(f"Parsed {features}") _run_cmd("git checkout HEAD") return features def get_app_versions(app_path, tag): versions = [] chdir(app_path) _run_cmd(f"git checkout {tag}") services_cmd = "yq e '.services | keys | .[]' compose*.yml" services = _run_cmd(services_cmd, shell=True).split() for service in services: services_cmd = f"yq e '.services.{service}.image' compose*.yml" images = _run_cmd(services_cmd, shell=True).split() for image in images: if image in ("null", "---"): continue images_cmd = f"skopeo inspect docker://{image} | jq '.Digest'" output = _run_cmd(images_cmd, shell=True) new_version_info = { service: { "image": image.split(":")[0], "tag": tag, "digest": output.split(":")[-1][:8], } } versions.append(new_version_info) log.info(f"Parsed {new_version_info}") _run_cmd("git checkout HEAD") return versions def main(): """Run the script.""" clone_all_apps() target = f"{SCRIPT_PATH}/../deploy/abra-apps.cloud.autonomic.zone/abra-apps.json" with open(target, "w", encoding="utf-8") as handle: dump(generate_apps_json(), handle, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) log.info(f"Successfully generated {target}") main()