FROM node:18-alpine as base RUN npm i -g pnpm turbo FROM base AS pruner WORKDIR /app COPY . . RUN turbo prune --scope=@turbopress/api --docker # remove all empty node_modules folder structure RUN rm -rf /app/out/full/*/*/node_modules FROM base AS builder RUN apk add --no-cache libc6-compat RUN apk update WORKDIR /app # Add lockfile and package.json's of isolated subworkspace COPY .gitignore .gitignore COPY --from=pruner /app/out/json/ . RUN pnpm install # Build the project and its dependencies COPY --from=pruner /app/out/full/ . ENV PAYLOAD_CONFIG_PATH=src/payload.config.ts RUN pnpm build:api # Run App FROM base as runner WORKDIR /app ENV NODE_ENV=production ENV PAYLOAD_CONFIG_PATH=dist/payload.config.js COPY --from=builder /app/apps/api/package.json . RUN pnpm install --prod COPY --from=builder /app/apps/api/dist ./dist COPY --from=builder /app/apps/api/build ./build EXPOSE 3000 CMD ["node", "dist/server.js"]