/* tslint:disable */ /** * This file was automatically generated by Payload CMS. * DO NOT MODIFY IT BY HAND. Instead, modify your source Payload config, * and re-run `payload generate:types` to regenerate this file. */ export interface Config { collections: { categories: Category; posts: Post; tags: Tag; users: User; }; globals: {}; } export interface Category { id: string; name?: string; } export interface Post { id: string; title?: string; author?: string | User; publishedDate?: string; category?: string | Category; tags?: string[] | Tag[]; content?: { [k: string]: unknown; }[]; status?: 'draft' | 'published'; updatedAt: string; createdAt: string; } export interface User { id: string; name?: string; updatedAt: string; createdAt: string; email?: string; resetPasswordToken?: string; resetPasswordExpiration?: string; loginAttempts?: number; lockUntil?: string; password?: string; } export interface Tag { id: string; name?: string; }