![Konfluks logo is a stylized and schematic representation of a drainage basin](https://git.autonomic.zone/r/konfluks/raw/branch/konfluks-renaming/docs/konfluks.svg)
A drainage basin is a geographical feature that collects all precipitation in an area, first in to smaller streams and finally together in to the large river. Similarly, Konfluks can bring together small and dispersed streams of web content from different applications and websites together in a single large stream.
Specifically, Konfluks turns Peertube videos, iCal calendar events, other websites through their RSS and OPDS feeds and Mastodon posts under a hashtag in to Hugo page bundles. This allows one to publish from diverse sources to a single stream.
Konfluks tries to act as a mirror representation of the input sources. That means that whenever something remote is deleted, changed or becomes unavailable, it is also changed or deleted by Konfluks.
Konfluks tries to preserve intention. That means the above, but also by requiring explicit ways of publishing.
Konfluks works by periodically polling the remote sources, taking care not to duplicate work. It caches files, asks for last-modified headers, and skips things it has already. This makes every poll as fast and as light as possible.
Konfluks is written for clarity, not brevity nor cleverness.
Konfluks is extendable, a work in progress and a messy undertaking.
## High-level overview
Konfluks consists of different Python scripts which each poll a particular service, say, a Peertube server, to download information and convert it in to [Hugo Page Bundles](https://gohugo.io/content-management/page-bundles/)
Each script part of Konfluks will essentially to the following: