# Put new messages for Account Console Here # Feel free to use any existing messages from the base theme pageNotFound=Page Not Found forbidden=Forbidden needAccessRights=You do not have access rights to this request. Contact your administrator. invalidRoute={0} is not a valid route. actionRequiresIDP=This action requires redirection to your identity provider. actionNotDefined=No Action defined continue=Continue refreshPage=Refresh the page done=Done cancel=Cancel remove=Remove update=Update loadingMessage=Account Console loading ... unknownUser=Anonymous fullName={0} {1} selectLocale=Select a locale doSignIn=Sign In # Device Activity Page signedInDevices=Signed In Devices signedInDevicesExplanation=Sign out any device that is unfamiliar. signOutWarning=Sign out the session? signOutAllDevices=Sign Out All Devices signOutAllDevicesWarning=This action will sign out all the devices that have signed in to your account, including the current device you are using. recentlyUsedDevices=Recently Used Devices recentlyUsedDevicesExplanation=Devices used in the last month, but not currently logged in. lastAccess=Last Access unknownOperatingSystem=Unknown Operating System currentDevice=Current Device currentSession=Current Session signedOutSession=Signed out {0}/{1} lastAccessedOn=Last accessed on clients=Clients startedAt=Started at expiresAt=Expires at ipAddress=IP Address # Resources Page resourceName=Resource Name nextPage=Next previousPage=Previous firstPage=First Page resourceSharedWith=Resource is shared with {0} and=\ and {0} other users add=Add share=Share edit=Edit close=Close unShare=Unshare all shareSuccess=Resource successfully shared. unShareSuccess=Resource successfully un-shared. updateSuccess=Resource successfully updated. resourceAlreadyShared=Resource is already shared with this user. resourceNotShared=This resource is not shared. permissionRequests=Permission requests permissions=Permissions unShareAllConfirm=Are you sure you want to completely remove all shares? userNotFound=No user found with name or email {0} # Linked Accounts Page linkedAccountsTitle=Linked Accounts linkedAccountsIntroMessage=Manage logins through third-party accounts. linkedLoginProviders=Linked Login Providers unlinkedLoginProviders=Unlinked Login Providers linkedEmpty=No Linked Providers unlinkedEmpty=No Unlinked Providers socialLogin=Social Login systemDefined=System Defined link=Link Account unLink=Unlink Account # Signing In Page signingIn=Signing In signingInSubMessage=Configure ways to sign in. credentialCreatedAt=Created successRemovedMessage={0} was removed. stopUsingCred=Stop using {0}? removeCred=Remove {0} setUpNew=Set up {0} notSetUp={0} is not set up. two-factor=Two-Factor Authentication passwordless=Passwordless unknown=Unknown password-display-name=Password password-help-text=Log in by entering your password. password=My Password otp-display-name=Authenticator Application otp-help-text=Enter a verification code from authenticator application. webauthn-display-name=Security Key webauthn-help-text=Use your security key to log in. webauthn-passwordless-display-name=Security Key webauthn-passwordless-help-text=Use your security key for passwordless log in. basic-authentication=Basic Authentication invalidRequestMessage=Invalid Request # Applications page applicationsPageTitle=Applications internalApp=Internal thirdPartyApp=Third-party offlineAccess=Offline Access inUse=In use notInUse=Not in use applicationDetails=Application Details client=Client description=Description baseUrl=URL accessGrantedOn=Access granted on removeButton=Remove access removeModalTitle=Remove Access removeModalMessage=This will remove the currently granted access permission for {0}. You will need to grant access again if you want to use this app. confirmButton=Confirm infoMessage=By clicking 'Remove Access', you will remove granted permissions of this application. This application will no longer use your information. #Delete Account page doDelete=Delete deleteAccountSummary=Deleting your account will erase all your data and log you out immediately. deleteAccount=Delete Account deleteAccountWarning=This is irreversible. All your data will be permanently destroyed, and irretrievable.