doLogIn=Sign In doRegister=Register doCancel=Cancel doSubmit=Submit doBack=Back doYes=Yes doNo=No doContinue=Continue doIgnore=Ignore doAccept=Accept doDecline=Decline doForgotPassword=Forgot Password? doClickHere=Click here doImpersonate=Impersonate doTryAgain=Try again doTryAnotherWay=Try Another Way doConfirmDelete=Confirm deletion errorDeletingAccount=Error happened while deleting account deletingAccountForbidden=You do not have enough permissions to delete your own account, contact admin. kerberosNotConfigured=Kerberos Not Configured kerberosNotConfiguredTitle=Kerberos Not Configured bypassKerberosDetail=Either you are not logged in by Kerberos or your browser is not set up for Kerberos login. Please click continue to login in through other means kerberosNotSetUp=Kerberos is not set up. You cannot login. registerTitle=Register loginAccountTitle=Sign in to loginTitle=Sign in to {0} loginTitleHtml={0} impersonateTitle={0} Impersonate User impersonateTitleHtml={0} Impersonate User realmChoice=Realm unknownUser=Unknown user loginTotpTitle=Mobile Authenticator Setup loginProfileTitle=Update Account Information loginTimeout=Your login attempt timed out. Login will start from the beginning. oauthGrantTitle=Grant Access to {0} oauthGrantTitleHtml={0} errorTitle=We are sorry... errorTitleHtml=We are sorry ... emailVerifyTitle=Email verification emailForgotTitle=Forgot Your Password? updatePasswordTitle=Update password codeSuccessTitle=Success code codeErrorTitle=Error code\: {0} displayUnsupported=Requested display type unsupported browserRequired=Browser required to login browserContinue=Browser required to complete login browserContinuePrompt=Open browser and continue login? [y/n]: browserContinueAnswer=y termsTitle=Terms and Conditions termsText=

Terms and conditions to be defined

termsPlainText=Terms and conditions to be defined. recaptchaFailed=Invalid Recaptcha recaptchaNotConfigured=Recaptcha is required, but not configured consentDenied=Consent denied. noAccount=New user? username=Username usernameOrEmail=Username or email firstName=First name givenName=Given name fullName=Full name lastName=Last name familyName=Family name email=Email password=Password passwordConfirm=Confirm password passwordNew=New Password passwordNewConfirm=New Password confirmation rememberMe=Remember me authenticatorCode=One-time code address=Address street=Street locality=City or Locality region=State, Province, or Region postal_code=Zip or Postal code country=Country emailVerified=Email verified website=Web page phoneNumber=Phone number phoneNumberVerified=Phone number verified gender=Gender birthday=Birthdate zoneinfo=Time zone gssDelegationCredential=GSS Delegation Credential logoutOtherSessions=Sign out from other devices profileScopeConsentText=User profile emailScopeConsentText=Email address addressScopeConsentText=Address phoneScopeConsentText=Phone number offlineAccessScopeConsentText=Offline Access samlRoleListScopeConsentText=My Roles rolesScopeConsentText=User roles restartLoginTooltip=Restart login loginTotpIntro=You need to set up a One Time Password generator to access this account loginTotpStep1=Install one of the following applications on your mobile: loginTotpStep2=Open the application and scan the barcode: loginTotpStep3=Enter the one-time code provided by the application and click Submit to finish the setup. loginTotpStep3DeviceName=Provide a Device Name to help you manage your OTP devices. loginTotpManualStep2=Open the application and enter the key: loginTotpManualStep3=Use the following configuration values if the application allows setting them: loginTotpUnableToScan=Unable to scan? loginTotpScanBarcode=Scan barcode? loginCredential=Credential loginOtpOneTime=One-time code loginTotpType=Type loginTotpAlgorithm=Algorithm loginTotpDigits=Digits loginTotpInterval=Interval loginTotpCounter=Counter loginTotpDeviceName=Device Name loginTotp.totp=Time-based loginTotp.hotp=Counter-based loginChooseAuthenticator=Select login method oauthGrantRequest=Do you grant these access privileges? inResource=in oauth2DeviceVerificationTitle=Device Login verifyOAuth2DeviceUserCode=Enter the code provided by your device and click Submit oauth2DeviceInvalidUserCodeMessage=Invalid code, please try again. oauth2DeviceExpiredUserCodeMessage=The code has expired. Please go back to your device and try connecting again. oauth2DeviceVerificationCompleteHeader=Device Login Successful oauth2DeviceVerificationCompleteMessage=You may close this browser window and go back to your device. oauth2DeviceVerificationFailedHeader=Device Login Failed oauth2DeviceVerificationFailedMessage=You may close this browser window and go back to your device and try connecting again. oauth2DeviceConsentDeniedMessage=Consent denied for connecting the device. oauth2DeviceAuthorizationGrantDisabledMessage=Client is not allowed to initiate OAuth 2.0 Device Authorization Grant. The flow is disabled for the client. emailVerifyInstruction1=An email with instructions to verify your email address has been sent to you. emailVerifyInstruction2=Haven''t received a verification code in your email? emailVerifyInstruction3=to re-send the email. Don't forget to check your spam folder! Feel free to mail if you are still having problems, we are happy to help out. emailLinkIdpTitle=Link {0} emailLinkIdp1=An email with instructions to link {0} account {1} with your {2} account has been sent to you. emailLinkIdp2=Haven''t received a verification code in your email? emailLinkIdp3=to re-send the email. emailLinkIdp4=If you already verified the email in different browser emailLinkIdp5=to continue. backToLogin=« Back to Login emailInstruction=Enter your username or email address and we will send you instructions on how to create a new password. copyCodeInstruction=Please copy this code and paste it into your application: pageExpiredTitle=Page has expired pageExpiredMsg1=To restart the login process pageExpiredMsg2=To continue the login process personalInfo=Personal Info: role_admin=Admin role_realm-admin=Realm Admin role_create-realm=Create realm role_create-client=Create client role_view-realm=View realm role_view-users=View users role_view-applications=View applications role_view-clients=View clients role_view-events=View events role_view-identity-providers=View identity providers role_manage-realm=Manage realm role_manage-users=Manage users role_manage-applications=Manage applications role_manage-identity-providers=Manage identity providers role_manage-clients=Manage clients role_manage-events=Manage events role_view-profile=View profile role_manage-account=Manage account role_manage-account-links=Manage account links role_read-token=Read token role_offline-access=Offline access client_account=Account client_account-console=Account Console client_security-admin-console=Security Admin Console client_admin-cli=Admin CLI client_realm-management=Realm Management client_broker=Broker requiredFields=Required fields invalidUserMessage=Invalid username or password. invalidUsernameMessage=Invalid username. invalidUsernameOrEmailMessage=Invalid username or email. invalidPasswordMessage=Invalid password. invalidEmailMessage=Invalid email address. accountDisabledMessage=Account is disabled, contact your administrator. accountTemporarilyDisabledMessage=Account is temporarily disabled; contact your administrator or retry later. expiredCodeMessage=Login timeout. Please sign in again. expiredActionMessage=Action expired. Please continue with login now. expiredActionTokenNoSessionMessage=Action expired. expiredActionTokenSessionExistsMessage=Action expired. Please start again. missingFirstNameMessage=Please specify first name. missingLastNameMessage=Please specify last name. missingEmailMessage=Please specify email. missingUsernameMessage=Please specify username. missingPasswordMessage=Please specify password. missingTotpMessage=Please specify authenticator code. missingTotpDeviceNameMessage=Please specify device name. notMatchPasswordMessage=Passwords don''t match. invalidPasswordExistingMessage=Invalid existing password. invalidPasswordBlacklistedMessage=Invalid password: password is blacklisted. invalidPasswordConfirmMessage=Password confirmation doesn''t match. invalidTotpMessage=Invalid authenticator code. usernameExistsMessage=Username already exists. emailExistsMessage=Email already exists. federatedIdentityExistsMessage=User with {0} {1} already exists. Please login to account management to link the account. federatedIdentityUnavailableMessage=User {0} authenticated with identity provider {1} does not exists. Please contact your administrator. confirmLinkIdpTitle=Account already exists federatedIdentityConfirmLinkMessage=User with {0} {1} already exists. How do you want to continue? federatedIdentityConfirmReauthenticateMessage=Authenticate to link your account with {0} nestedFirstBrokerFlowMessage=The {0} user {1} is not linked to any known user. confirmLinkIdpReviewProfile=Review profile confirmLinkIdpContinue=Add to existing account configureTotpMessage=You need to set up Mobile Authenticator to activate your account. updateProfileMessage=You need to update your user profile to activate your account. updatePasswordMessage=You need to change your password to activate your account. resetPasswordMessage=You need to change your password. verifyEmailMessage=You need to verify your email address to activate your account. linkIdpMessage=You need to verify your email address to link your account with {0}. emailSentMessage=You should receive an email shortly with further instructions. emailSendErrorMessage=Failed to send email, please try again later. accountUpdatedMessage=Your account has been updated. accountPasswordUpdatedMessage=Your password has been updated. delegationCompleteHeader=Login Successful delegationCompleteMessage=You may close this browser window and go back to your console application. delegationFailedHeader=Login Failed delegationFailedMessage=You may close this browser window and go back to your console application and try logging in again. noAccessMessage=No access invalidPasswordMinLengthMessage=Invalid password: minimum length {0}. invalidPasswordMinDigitsMessage=Invalid password: must contain at least {0} numerical digits. invalidPasswordMinLowerCaseCharsMessage=Invalid password: must contain at least {0} lower case characters. invalidPasswordMinUpperCaseCharsMessage=Invalid password: must contain at least {0} upper case characters. invalidPasswordMinSpecialCharsMessage=Invalid password: must contain at least {0} special characters. invalidPasswordNotUsernameMessage=Invalid password: must not be equal to the username. invalidPasswordNotEmailMessage=Invalid password: must not be equal to the email. invalidPasswordRegexPatternMessage=Invalid password: fails to match regex pattern(s). invalidPasswordHistoryMessage=Invalid password: must not be equal to any of last {0} passwords. invalidPasswordGenericMessage=Invalid password: new password doesn''t match password policies. failedToProcessResponseMessage=Failed to process response httpsRequiredMessage=HTTPS required realmNotEnabledMessage=Realm not enabled invalidRequestMessage=Invalid Request failedLogout=Logout failed unknownLoginRequesterMessage=Unknown login requester loginRequesterNotEnabledMessage=Login requester not enabled bearerOnlyMessage=Bearer-only applications are not allowed to initiate browser login standardFlowDisabledMessage=Client is not allowed to initiate browser login with given response_type. Standard flow is disabled for the client. implicitFlowDisabledMessage=Client is not allowed to initiate browser login with given response_type. Implicit flow is disabled for the client. invalidRedirectUriMessage=Invalid redirect uri unsupportedNameIdFormatMessage=Unsupported NameIDFormat invalidRequesterMessage=Invalid requester registrationNotAllowedMessage=Registration not allowed resetCredentialNotAllowedMessage=Reset Credential not allowed permissionNotApprovedMessage=Permission not approved. noRelayStateInResponseMessage=No relay state in response from identity provider. insufficientPermissionMessage=Insufficient permissions to link identities. couldNotProceedWithAuthenticationRequestMessage=Could not proceed with authentication request to identity provider. couldNotObtainTokenMessage=Could not obtain token from identity provider. unexpectedErrorRetrievingTokenMessage=Unexpected error when retrieving token from identity provider. unexpectedErrorHandlingResponseMessage=Unexpected error when handling response from identity provider. identityProviderAuthenticationFailedMessage=Authentication failed. Could not authenticate with identity provider. couldNotSendAuthenticationRequestMessage=Could not send authentication request to identity provider. unexpectedErrorHandlingRequestMessage=Unexpected error when handling authentication request to identity provider. invalidAccessCodeMessage=Invalid access code. sessionNotActiveMessage=Session not active. invalidCodeMessage=An error occurred, please login again through your application. identityProviderUnexpectedErrorMessage=Unexpected error when authenticating with identity provider identityProviderMissingStateMessage=Missing state parameter in response from identity provider. identityProviderNotFoundMessage=Could not find an identity provider with the identifier. identityProviderLinkSuccess=You successfully verified your email. Please go back to your original browser and continue there with the login. staleCodeMessage=This page is no longer valid, please go back to your application and sign in again realmSupportsNoCredentialsMessage=Realm does not support any credential type. credentialSetupRequired=Cannot login, credential setup required. identityProviderNotUniqueMessage=Realm supports multiple identity providers. Could not determine which identity provider should be used to authenticate with. emailVerifiedMessage=Yay, your email address has been verified! Log in to to get started :) staleEmailVerificationLink=The link you clicked is an old stale link and is no longer valid. Maybe you have already verified your email. identityProviderAlreadyLinkedMessage=Federated identity returned by {0} is already linked to another user. confirmAccountLinking=Confirm linking the account {0} of identity provider {1} with your account. confirmEmailAddressVerification=Confirm validity of e-mail address {0}. confirmExecutionOfActions=Perform the following action(s) locale_ca=Catal\u00E0 locale_cs=\u010Ce\u0161tina locale_da=Dansk locale_de=Deutsch locale_en=English locale_es=Espa\u00F1ol locale_fr=Fran\u00E7ais locale_hu=Magyar locale_it=Italiano locale_ja=\u65E5\u672C\u8A9E locale_lt=Lietuvi\u0173 locale_nl=Nederlands locale_no=Norsk locale_pl=Polski locale_pt_BR=Portugu\u00EAs (Brasil) locale_pt-BR=Portugu\u00EAs (Brasil) locale_ru=\u0420\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043A\u0438\u0439 locale_sk=Sloven\u010Dina locale_sv=Svenska locale_tr=T\u00FCrk\u00E7e locale_zh-CN=\u4E2D\u6587\u7B80\u4F53 backToApplication=« Back to Application missingParameterMessage=Missing parameters\: {0} clientNotFoundMessage=Client not found. clientDisabledMessage=Client disabled. invalidParameterMessage=Invalid parameter\: {0} alreadyLoggedIn=You are already logged in. differentUserAuthenticated=You are already authenticated as different user ''{0}'' in this session. Please sign out first. brokerLinkingSessionExpired=Requested broker account linking, but current session is no longer valid. proceedWithAction=» Click here to proceed requiredAction.CONFIGURE_TOTP=Configure OTP requiredAction.terms_and_conditions=Terms and Conditions requiredAction.UPDATE_PASSWORD=Update Password requiredAction.UPDATE_PROFILE=Update Profile requiredAction.VERIFY_EMAIL=lumbung[dot]space: verify email doX509Login=You will be logged in as\: clientCertificate=X509 client certificate\: noCertificate=[No Certificate] pageNotFound=Page not found internalServerError=An internal server error has occurred console-username=Username: console-password=Password: console-otp=One Time Password: console-new-password=New Password: console-confirm-password=Confirm Password: console-update-password=Update of your password is required. console-verify-email=You need to verify your email address. We sent an email to {0} that contains a verification code. Please enter this code into the input below. console-email-code=Email Code: console-accept-terms=Accept Terms? [y/n]: console-accept=y # Openshift messages openshift.scope.user_info=User information openshift.scope.user_check-access=User access information openshift.scope.user_full=Full Access openshift.scope.list-projects=List projects # SAML authentication Redirect, please wait. is disabled. We strongly recommend to enable it. Click the button below to continue. saml.artifactResolutionServiceInvalidResponse=Unable to resolve artifact. #authenticators otp-display-name=Authenticator Application otp-help-text=Enter a verification code from authenticator application. password-display-name=Password password-help-text=Sign in by entering your password. auth-username-form-display-name=Username auth-username-form-help-text=Start sign in by entering your username auth-username-password-form-display-name=Username and password auth-username-password-form-help-text=Sign in by entering your username and password. # WebAuthn webauthn-display-name=Security Key webauthn-help-text=Use your security key to sign in. webauthn-passwordless-display-name=Security Key webauthn-passwordless-help-text=Use your security key for passwordless sign in. webauthn-login-title=Security Key login webauthn-registration-title=Security Key Registration webauthn-available-authenticators=Available authenticators webauthn-unsupported-browser-text=WebAuthn is not supported by this browser. Try another one or contact your administrator. # WebAuthn Error webauthn-error-title=Security Key Error webauthn-error-registration=Failed to register your Security key.
{0} webauthn-error-api-get=Failed to authenticate by the Security key.
{0} webauthn-error-different-user=First authenticated user is not the one authenticated by the Security key. webauthn-error-auth-verification=Security key authentication result is invalid.
{0} webauthn-error-register-verification=Security key registration result is invalid.
{0} webauthn-error-user-not-found=Unknown user authenticated by the Security key. # Identity provider identity-provider-redirector=Connect with another Identity Provider identity-provider-login-label=Or sign in with finalDeletionConfirmation=If you delete your account, it cannot be restored. To keep your account, click Cancel. irreversibleAction=This action is irreversible deleteAccountConfirm=Delete account confirmation deletingImplies=Deleting your account implies: errasingData=Erasing all your data loggingOutImmediately=Logging you out immediately accountUnusable=Any subsequent use of the application will not be possible with this account userDeletedSuccessfully=User deleted successfully access-denied=Access denied