# living room > A new attempt to bring together the ideas of the "splash" page, "portal" page > and a comfortable digital "living room" experience for lumbung[dot]space. > This is a work in progress. The end goal of this is to have a new design and > implementation for [`lumbung.space`](https://lumbung.space) for January 2022. ## Hacking [Install Hugo](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/installing/). ### Generate the site `hugo serve` ### Generate `lumbung[dot]space` posts Do this manually first: ``` mkdir -p content python3 -m venv .venv && source .venv/bin/activate pip install git+https://git.autonomic.zone/ruangrupa/lumbunglib export CALENDAR_URL="https://cloud.lumbung.space/remote.php/dav/public-calendars/WbnHM8YdCkKT6bcT?export" export OUTPUT_DIR=content/calendar lumbunglib-cal export OUTPUT_DIR=content/video lumbunglib-vid ``` Afterwards, you can automatically run it with `make gen`.