# living room [![Build Status](https://drone.autonomic.zone/api/badges/ruangrupa/living-room/status.svg?ref=refs/heads/main)](https://drone.autonomic.zone/ruangrupa/living-room) > A new attempt to bring together the ideas of the "splash" page, "portal" page > and a comfortable digital "living room" experience for lumbung[dot]space. > This is a work in progress. The end goal of this is to have a new design and > implementation for [`lumbung.space`](https://lumbung.space) for January 2022. ## FAQ ### How does the CI/CD work? The [`.drone.yml`](./.drone.yml) triggers a build on [drone.autonomic.zone](https://drone.autonomic.zone/ruangrupa/living-room) of the [`Dockerfile.hugo`](./Dockerfile.hugo) and the [`Dockerfile.scripts`](./Dockerfile.scripts) and then deploys the [`compose.yml`](./compose.yml) stack using `docker stack deploy`. ### How often is the content regenerated? See the `sleep ...` statements in the [`compose.yml`](./compose.yml). ### How do I see if content generation is working? (requires `lumbung.space` docker context) - `docker service logs -f beta_lumbung_space_peertube` - `docker service logs -f beta_lumbung_space_calendar` - `docker service logs -f beta_lumbung_space_feed` Where `beta_lumbung_space_` and you see the service name in the [`compose.yml`](./compose.yml). ### How do I add a feed? Add your RSS feed URL to [`feeds_list.txt`](./feeds_list.txt) and don't forget [this deploy step](https://git.autonomic.zone/ruangrupa/living-room#deploy-a-new-feeds_list-txt). ### How do I wipe all the generated content? (requires `lumbung.space` docker context) `docker exec -it $(docker container ls -q -f name=beta_lumbung_space_app) bash -c "rm -rf /src/content/*"` ## Hacking ### Generate the site [Install Hugo](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/installing/) and `hugo serve --watch` ### Generate `lumbung[dot]space` posts Do this manually first: ``` mkdir -p content python3 -m venv .venv && source .venv/bin/activate pip install git+https://git.autonomic.zone/ruangrupa/lumbunglib export CALENDAR_URL="https://cloud.lumbung.space/remote.php/dav/public-calendars/WbnHM8YdCkKT6bcT?export" export OUTPUT_DIR=content/calendar lumbunglib-cal export OUTPUT_DIR=content/video lumbunglib-vid export OUTPUT_DIR=content/feed lumbunglib-feed # reads ./feeds_list.txt export OUTPUT_DIR=content/hashtag export MASTODON_AUTH_TOKEN=foobar lumbunglib-hash ``` Afterwards, you can automatically run it with `make gen`. After a `git pull`, you may need to run `pip install git+https://git.autonomic.zone/ruangrupa/lumbunglib` again. ### Manually deploying new images - `docker login -u decentral1se -p $(logins/dockerhub/decentral1se)` - `make push-hugo` - `make push-scripts` ### Manually deploy the site (requires `lumbung.space` docker context) - `make deploy` ### Deploy a new `feeds_list.txt` Increment the `_v` (e.g. `v1` -> `v2`) in [`compose.yml`](./compose.yml) `configs` to avoid any deployment error.