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24 lines
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{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block content %}
{% include 'nav.html' %}
<div class="logo">
<img src="{{ url_for('static', path='svg/lumbung_space_logo.svg') }}" alt="lumbung.space logo">
{% set site_list = ("tv","social","cloud","pen", "books", "panduan", "nongkrong") %}
{% set site_urls= ("https://tv.lumbung.space/plugins/auth-openid-connect/0.0.5/auth/openid-connect","https://social.lumbung.space","https://cloud.lumbung.space","https://pen.lumbung.space/wp-admin", "https://books.lumbung.space/link/generic", "https://panduan.lumbung.space/", "https://nongkrong.lumbung.space/") %}
{% set site_descriptions= ("Video archive. Watch or upload videos or start a livestream!","Like twitter but for us! Jokes, announcements, chitchat!","Share and organize files.","Write and publish longer texts.", "Archive of publications. Share, read or download PDFs and ebooks!", "Our collectively written knowledge base, FAQs, manuals and more!", "Chatrooms, 1-1 chat, video calls. Come and nongkrong :)") %}
<div class="columns is-multiline is-gapless is-mobile is-centered">
{% for i, u, d in site_list|zip(site_urls)|zip(site_descriptions) %}
<div class="column site is-one-third-tablet is-one-quarter-desktop is-one-half-mobile">
<a href="{{u}}">
<img class="app_icon" src="{{ url_for('static', path='svg/' ~ i ~'_lumbung.svg') }}" alt="lumbung.{{i}}">
<p class="app_name">{{i}}.lumbung.space</p>
<p class="app_description">{{d}}</p>
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}