import logging from os import environ from os.path import basename import owncloud from fastapi import FastAPI, Request from mastodon import Mastodon, StreamListener MASTODON_ACCESS_TOKEN = environ.get("MASTODON_ACCESS_TOKEN") MASTODON_API_BASE_URL = environ.get("MASTODON_API_BASE_URL") NEXTCLOUD_API_BASE_URL = environ.get("NEXTCLOUD_API_BASE_URL") NEXTCLOUD_USER = environ.get("NEXTCLOUD_USER") NEXTCLOUD_APP_PASSWORD = environ.get("NEXTCLOUD_APP_PASSWORD") APP_LOG_LEVEL = environ.get("APP_LOG_LEVEL") if APP_LOG_LEVEL == "info": APP_LOG_LEVEL = logging.INFO elif APP_LOG_LEVEL == "debug": APP_LOG_LEVEL = logging.DEBUG else: APP_LOG_LEVEL = logging.INFO mastodon = Mastodon( access_token=MASTODON_ACCESS_TOKEN, api_base_url=f"https://{MASTODON_API_BASE_URL}", ) nextcloud = owncloud.Client(f"https://{NEXTCLOUD_API_BASE_URL}") log = logging.getLogger("uvicorn") log.setLevel(APP_LOG_LEVEL) app = FastAPI() app.state.log = log class PubspaceListener(StreamListener): def on_update(self, status): mastodon.stream_hashtag("pubspace", PubspaceListener(), run_async=True) nextcloud.login(NEXTCLOUD_USER, NEXTCLOUD_APP_PASSWORD) def create_share(fpath): fname = basname(fpath) fpaths = nextcloud.list("/", depth="infinity") matching = [f.path for f in fpaths if fname in f.path][0] if not nextcloud.is_shared(matching): info = nextcloud.share_file_with_link(matching) return info.get_link() return None @app.get("/") async def home(request: Request): try: payload = await request.json() except Exception:"Unable to parse request, bailing out") return {"detail": "unknown request"}"Received: {payload}") try: file = payload["rel_path"] link = create_share(file) except Exception:"Failed to share {file}" return {"detail": "failed to create share"} if link:"Shared {file} on {link}") else:"{file} already shared or failure!") @app.get("/healthz") async def healthz(request: Request): return {"detail": "ALL ENGINES FIRING"}