Multi-stage build oh my!

This commit is contained in:
3wc 2021-07-10 14:23:33 +02:00
parent 6b53c80a71
commit 6db163365c
2 changed files with 18 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -1,26 +1,32 @@
FROM python:3.8-alpine
FROM python:3.8-alpine as build
RUN apk add gettext git gcc python3-dev musl-dev \
libffi-dev zlib-dev jpeg-dev libjpeg postgresql-dev build-base \
--virtual .build-dependencies
RUN mkdir /code
COPY Pipfile Pipfile.lock /code/
RUN mkdir -p /app/{code,venv}
WORKDIR /app/code
COPY Pipfile Pipfile.lock /app/code/
RUN pip install pipenv setuptools wheel cppy
RUN python3 -m venv /app/venv
RUN pip install pipenv setuptools
ENV PATH="/app/venv/bin:$PATH" VIRTUAL_ENV="/app/venv"
RUN pip install wheel cppy
# Install dependencies into the virtual environment with Pipenv
RUN pipenv install --deploy --verbose
RUN pipenv install --system --deploy --verbose
RUN apk del .build-dependencies \
&& rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* /tmp/*
FROM python:3.8-alpine
RUN apk add --no-cache libpq libstdc++ libjpeg
COPY . /code/
COPY . /app/code/
WORKDIR /app/code
COPY --from=build /app/venv /app/venv
ENV PATH="/app/venv/bin:$PATH" VIRTUAL_ENV="/app/venv"
CMD ["gunicorn", "--bind", "", "-k", "gevent", "--worker-connections", "1000", "app:app"]
VOLUME /code
VOLUME /app/code

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ services:
image: 3wordchant/capsul-flask:latest
build: .
- "./:/code"
- "./:/app/code"
- db