Aadil Ayub aadil
aadil pushed to main at ruangrupa/lumbung-kios-cms 2024-02-25 19:26:10 +00:00
0e1d640a42 make courier field required for dispatches
aadil commented on issue ruangrupa/lumbung-kios-cms#18 2024-02-25 15:11:04 +00:00
Define who will be using the application

This could be better defined as user stories.

As an ADMIN I would like to:

  • X
  • Y
  • Z

As a MAKER I would like to:

  • X
  • Y
  • Z

As a RETAILER I would like to:

  • X
  • Y -…
aadil commented on issue ruangrupa/lumbung-kios-cms#7 2024-02-25 15:04:13 +00:00
Retailers: Add fields to salespoint/exhibition place

From meeting notes:

We need to have other information than just the name, it's not only us that has a request, but also retailers that can ask us to send things. A combination of a sales-point…

aadil commented on issue ruangrupa/lumbung-kios-cms#8 2024-02-25 14:59:21 +00:00
Place to announce travels of individuals

I don't quite understand what is meant by this ticket. Need to ask client.

aadil pushed to main at ruangrupa/lumbung-kios-cms 2024-02-25 14:58:33 +00:00
ac9b63a33a add sales point / exhibition place to retailers (#7)
aadil opened issue ruangrupa/lumbung-kios-cms#18 2024-02-25 14:54:05 +00:00
Define who will be using the application
aadil pushed to main at ruangrupa/lumbung-kios-cms 2024-02-25 14:52:18 +00:00
ac387d41ad add courier fields (#10)
2654b4a9c4 add type of transporrt to dispatch
Compare 2 commits »
aadil commented on issue ruangrupa/lumbung-kios-cms#16 2024-02-25 14:36:26 +00:00
Add more fields to couriers

More from the project brief:

  • e-mail
  • Address (or location, home city)
  • Where are you going? (can…
aadil commented on issue ruangrupa/lumbung-kios-cms#10 2024-02-25 14:36:08 +00:00
Create user roles hierarchy

Generally, we should have 3 types of users:

  • Admins: People from kois team such as Ajeng, Elaine who would be doing the actual data entry. They would have complete edit access -…
aadil closed issue ruangrupa/lumbung-kios-cms#4 2024-02-25 14:11:34 +00:00
Add field to dispatches to indicate if it is time sensitive
aadil closed issue ruangrupa/lumbung-kios-cms#6 2024-02-25 14:11:13 +00:00
Dispatches: Add type of transportation field (eg air, train etc)
aadil commented on issue ruangrupa/lumbung-kios-cms#5 2024-02-25 14:11:00 +00:00
Dispatches: make courier field optional initially (route requested)

Looks like this is already optional.

aadil closed issue ruangrupa/lumbung-kios-cms#5 2024-02-25 14:11:00 +00:00
Dispatches: make courier field optional initially (route requested)
aadil commented on issue ruangrupa/lumbung-kios-cms#11 2024-02-25 13:51:32 +00:00
Develop custom geocoding autocomplete text field for payload CMS

@tma getting an error when testing this on prod and local :(


Also, this needs to be added to the Retailer collection as well

aadil opened issue ruangrupa/lumbung-kios-cms#17 2024-02-25 13:45:42 +00:00
Add more fields to products
aadil opened issue ruangrupa/lumbung-kios-cms#16 2024-02-25 13:44:02 +00:00
Add more fields to couriers
aadil closed issue ruangrupa/lumbung-kios-cms#15 2024-02-19 15:05:00 +00:00
Make map less eurocentric
aadil pushed to main at ruangrupa/lumbung.space 2024-02-19 15:02:12 +00:00
5b5db0654e update starting coordinates for kios
aadil opened issue aadil/kanbie#1 2024-02-17 14:07:22 +00:00
CORS error when fetching data on front-end
aadil pushed to main at aadil/kanbie 2024-02-17 13:52:39 +00:00
b1546c0952 update dependencies