housekeeping: Missing authorization API Key or Bearer Token #3

opened 2020-04-09 09:13:58 +00:00 by decentral1se · 1 comment
2020-04-09T09:12:44.585547931Z app[web.1]: /web | /api/management/housekeeping | > GET /api/management/housekeeping HTTP/1.1
2020-04-09T09:12:44.585564703Z app[web.1]: 
2020-04-09T09:12:44.586712291Z app[web.1]: 2020-04-09 09:12:44,586 DEBG 'housekeeping' stdout output:
2020-04-09T09:12:44.586733311Z app[web.1]: Error: {
2020-04-09T09:12:44.586739071Z app[web.1]:   "code": 401, 
2020-04-09T09:12:44.586744055Z app[web.1]:   "errors": null, 
2020-04-09T09:12:44.586768022Z app[web.1]:   "message": "Missing authorization API Key or Bearer Token", 
2020-04-09T09:12:44.586773693Z app[web.1]:   "requestId": null, 
2020-04-09T09:12:44.586779288Z app[web.1]:   "status": "error"
2020-04-09T09:12:44.586784562Z app[web.1]: }
``` 2020-04-09T09:12:44.585547931Z app[web.1]: /web | /api/management/housekeeping | > GET /api/management/housekeeping HTTP/1.1 2020-04-09T09:12:44.585564703Z app[web.1]: 2020-04-09T09:12:44.586712291Z app[web.1]: 2020-04-09 09:12:44,586 DEBG 'housekeeping' stdout output: 2020-04-09T09:12:44.586733311Z app[web.1]: Error: { 2020-04-09T09:12:44.586739071Z app[web.1]: "code": 401, 2020-04-09T09:12:44.586744055Z app[web.1]: "errors": null, 2020-04-09T09:12:44.586768022Z app[web.1]: "message": "Missing authorization API Key or Bearer Token", 2020-04-09T09:12:44.586773693Z app[web.1]: "requestId": null, 2020-04-09T09:12:44.586779288Z app[web.1]: "status": "error" 2020-04-09T09:12:44.586784562Z app[web.1]: } ```

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