Fix initial installation issue: AUTH_REQUIRED=False then True #5

opened 2020-04-10 13:37:36 +00:00 by decentral1se · 0 comments

When we install alerta first, it seems to explode because the API keys that are specified as secrets are not created (can only be created in the web UI and then they must be encrypted and added to the secrets). So, it seems that the app should only come "packaged" as a no-auth initial install and then documented post-install steps in order to make all the things encrypted. Unsure if that is most convenient, maybe there is a way to automate it, but that's the brain dump for now!

When we install alerta first, it seems to explode because the API keys that are specified as secrets are not created (can only be created in the web UI and then they must be encrypted and added to the secrets). So, it seems that the app should only come "packaged" as a no-auth initial install and then documented post-install steps in order to make all the things encrypted. Unsure if that is most convenient, maybe there is a way to automate it, but that's the brain dump for now!
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