Updated services we offer to be better written
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<h2>Services we offer</h2>
<h2>Cooperative Cloud: For Organisations</h2>
This isn't an exhaustive list - if you don't see what you need, please contact us anyway.
This isn't an exhaustive list - if you don't see what you need, please contact us anyway.
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<svg class="features-icon" viewBox="0 0 1792 1792"><path d="M127 896q0-163 67-313l367 1005q-196-95-315-281T127 896zm1288-39l-2 39q-2 20-10 49t-12 44-17 59-18 58l-76 256-278-826q46-3 88-8 19-2 26-18t-2-31-29-14l-205 10q-75-1-202-10-12-1-20 5t-12 15-1 19 9 16 19 8l80 8 120 328-168 504-280-832q46-3 88-8 19-2 26-18t-2-31-29-14l-205 10h-23l-26-1q105-160 275-253t367-94q147 0 281 53t238 149h-10q-55 0-92 41t-37 95l2 24 4 22q2 10 8 23t9 21 12 22 13 21 14 24 14 23q63 107 63 212zM909 963l237 647q1 6 5 11-126 44-255 44-112 0-217-32zm661-436q95 174 95 369 0 209-104 386t-279 278l235-678q59-169 59-276 0-42-6-79zM896 0q182 0 348 71t286 191 191 286 71 348-71 348-191 286-286 191-348 71-348-71-286-191-191-286T0 896t71-348 191-286T548 71 896 0zm0 1751q173 0 332-68t273-182 182-273 68-332-68-331-182-273-273-183-332-68-331 68-273 183-183 273-68 331 68 332 183 273 273 182 331 68z"/></svg>
<svg class="features-icon" viewBox="0 0 1792 1792"><path d="M127 896q0-163 67-313l367 1005q-196-95-315-281T127 896zm1288-39l-2 39q-2 20-10 49t-12 44-17 59-18 58l-76 256-278-826q46-3 88-8 19-2 26-18t-2-31-29-14l-205 10q-75-1-202-10-12-1-20 5t-12 15-1 19 9 16 19 8l80 8 120 328-168 504-280-832q46-3 88-8 19-2 26-18t-2-31-29-14l-205 10h-23l-26-1q105-160 275-253t367-94q147 0 281 53t238 149h-10q-55 0-92 41t-37 95l2 24 4 22q2 10 8 23t9 21 12 22 13 21 14 24 14 23q63 107 63 212zM909 963l237 647q1 6 5 11-126 44-255 44-112 0-217-32zm661-436q95 174 95 369 0 209-104 386t-279 278l235-678q59-169 59-276 0-42-6-79zM896 0q182 0 348 71t286 191 191 286 71 348-71 348-191 286-286 191-348 71-348-71-286-191-191-286T0 896t71-348 191-286T548 71 896 0zm0 1751q173 0 332-68t273-182 182-273 68-332-68-331-182-273-273-183-332-68-331 68-273 183-183 273-68 331 68 332 183 273 273 182 331 68z"/></svg>
<h3>Wordpress websites</h3>
We will build and host your website, using Wordpress, which is free software and very user-friendly so you can add and edit your own content if you want to.
We offer <a href="https://wordpress.com/">Wordpress</a> and static sites. Either managed or unmanaged with frictionless tools for editing and publishing that empower users. <a href="https://matomo.org/">Matamo</a> provides ethical analytics to measure impact.
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<svg class="features-icon" viewBox="0 0 1792 1792"><path d="M1703 478q40 57 18 129l-275 906q-19 64-76 108t-123 43H324q-77 0-148-53T76 1479q-24-67-2-127l3-27 4-37q1-8-3-21t-3-20q2-11 8-21t17-23 16-24q23-38 45-91t30-92q3-10 1-30t-1-28q3-11 17-28t17-23q21-36 42-92t25-90q1-9-2-32t0-28q4-13 22-30t22-23q19-26 43-84t27-97q1-8-3-25t-2-27q2-8 9-18t18-23 17-21q8-12 17-30t15-35 16-36 19-32 27-24 36-11 47 5l-1 3q38-9 51-9h761q74 0 114 56t18 130l-274 906q-36 119-71 154t-129 34H220q-27 0-38 15-11 16-1 43 24 70 144 70h923q29 0 56-15t35-42l300-987q7-22 5-57 38 15 59 43zm-1064 2q-4 13 2 23t20 9h608q13 0 26-9t16-23l21-64q4-13-2-22t-20-10H702q-13 0-25 10t-17 22zm-83 256q-4 13 2 23t20 9h608q13 0 26-9t16-23l21-64q4-13-2-22t-20-10H619q-13 0-25 10t-17 22z"/></svg>
<svg class="features-icon" viewBox="0 0 1792 1792"><path d="M1703 478q40 57 18 129l-275 906q-19 64-76 108t-123 43H324q-77 0-148-53T76 1479q-24-67-2-127l3-27 4-37q1-8-3-21t-3-20q2-11 8-21t17-23 16-24q23-38 45-91t30-92q3-10 1-30t-1-28q3-11 17-28t17-23q21-36 42-92t25-90q1-9-2-32t0-28q4-13 22-30t22-23q19-26 43-84t27-97q1-8-3-25t-2-27q2-8 9-18t18-23 17-21q8-12 17-30t15-35 16-36 19-32 27-24 36-11 47 5l-1 3q38-9 51-9h761q74 0 114 56t18 130l-274 906q-36 119-71 154t-129 34H220q-27 0-38 15-11 16-1 43 24 70 144 70h923q29 0 56-15t35-42l300-987q7-22 5-57 38 15 59 43zm-1064 2q-4 13 2 23t20 9h608q13 0 26-9t16-23l21-64q4-13-2-22t-20-10H702q-13 0-25 10t-17 22zm-83 256q-4 13 2 23t20 9h608q13 0 26-9t16-23l21-64q4-13-2-22t-20-10H619q-13 0-25 10t-17 22z"/></svg>
<h3>CRM and Case Management</h3>
<h3>CRM and Case Management</h3>
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For case work (e.g. housing or asylum support) we offer our own system, OpenCase. It's simple and user-friendly, perfect for small, volunteer-led groups. We will also consider CiviCRM depending on requirements.
For case work (e.g. housing or asylum support) we offer our own system, OpenCase. It's simple and user-friendly, perfect for small, volunteer-led groups. We will also consider CiviCRM depending on requirements.
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<svg class="features-icon" viewBox="0 0 1792 1792"><path d="M1764 11q33 24 27 64l-256 1536q-5 29-32 45-14 8-31 8-11 0-24-5l-527-215-298 327q-18 21-47 21-14 0-23-4-19-7-30-23t-11-37v-452L40 1083q-37-14-40-55-3-39 32-59L1696 9q35-21 68 2zm-342 1499l221-1323-1434 827 336 137 863-639-478 797z"/></svg>
<svg class="features-icon" viewBox="0 0 1792 1792"><path d="M1764 11q33 24 27 64l-256 1536q-5 29-32 45-14 8-31 8-11 0-24-5l-527-215-298 327q-18 21-47 21-14 0-23-4-19-7-30-23t-11-37v-452L40 1083q-37-14-40-55-3-39 32-59L1696 9q35-21 68 2zm-342 1499l221-1323-1434 827 336 137 863-639-478 797z"/></svg>
<h3>Encrypted Email</h3>
<h3>Encrypted Email</h3>
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encrypted mailbox storage.
encrypted mailbox storage.
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<svg class="features-icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 901"><g fill-rule="nonzero"><path d="M898 350zM308 38c32 18 62 40 87 64 41-7 84-11 127-11 128 0 250 34 343 95 48 32 86 70 113 112a279 279 0 010 305c-27 42-65 80-113 111-93 62-215 95-343 95-43 0-86-3-127-11-25 25-55 47-87 65-168 84-308 2-308 2s130-111 109-208c-58-59-90-131-90-207 0-75 32-147 90-207C130 146 0 36 0 36s140-82 308 2zM208 618c16 52 6 111-29 176l-5 10c30-3 61-11 92-27 24-13 46-30 65-48l36-34c48 13 101 20 157 20 225 0 408-118 408-265 0-146-183-264-408-264-226 0-409 118-409 264 0 64 35 123 93 168z"/><path d="M328 509a60 60 0 110-120 60 60 0 010 120zm194 0a60 60 0 110-120 60 60 0 010 120zm194 0a60 60 0 11-1-120 60 60 0 011 120z"/></g></svg>
<svg class="features-icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 901"><g fill-rule="nonzero"><path d="M898 350zM308 38c32 18 62 40 87 64 41-7 84-11 127-11 128 0 250 34 343 95 48 32 86 70 113 112a279 279 0 010 305c-27 42-65 80-113 111-93 62-215 95-343 95-43 0-86-3-127-11-25 25-55 47-87 65-168 84-308 2-308 2s130-111 109-208c-58-59-90-131-90-207 0-75 32-147 90-207C130 146 0 36 0 36s140-82 308 2zM208 618c16 52 6 111-29 176l-5 10c30-3 61-11 92-27 24-13 46-30 65-48l36-34c48 13 101 20 157 20 225 0 408-118 408-265 0-146-183-264-408-264-226 0-409 118-409 264 0 64 35 123 93 168z"/><path d="M328 509a60 60 0 110-120 60 60 0 010 120zm194 0a60 60 0 110-120 60 60 0 010 120zm194 0a60 60 0 11-1-120 60 60 0 011 120z"/></g></svg>
<h3>Text and Video Chat</h3>
<h3>Team Chat</h3>
Mobile friendly multi-channel team chat using <a href="https://rocket.chat/">Rocket.Chat</a>,
Mobile friendly multi-channel team chat using <a href="https://rocket.chat/">Rocket.Chat</a>,
with no artificial limits on features. Vital for remote project coordination.
with no artificial limits on features. Vital for remote project coordination.
@ -52,14 +52,11 @@
<h3>Cloud Storage and Collaboration</h3>
<h3>Cloud Storage and Collaboration</h3>
<a href="https://cloudron.io/">Cloudron</a> is a personal "cloud
<a href="https://nextcloud.com/">Nextcloud</a> for file-storage, collaborative document editing, calendars. We also host <a href="https://github.com/hackmdio/codimd">CodiMD</a>, <a href="https://etherpad.org/">Etherpad</a>, <a href="https://gitea.io">Gitea</a> and <a href="https://wekan.github.io/">Wekan</a> instances.
in a box" , designed with the utmost security in mind. It allows you to
deploy apps for file-storage, collaborative document editing,
calendars, to-do lists and much more.
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<svg class="features-icon" viewBox="0 0 1792 1792"><path d="M1728 886q0 166-60 314l-20 49-185 33q-22 83-90 137t-157 53v32q0 14-9 23t-23 9h-64q-14 0-23-9t-9-23V928q0-14 9-23t23-9h64q14 0 23 9t9 23v32q71 0 130 36t93 95l68-12q29-95 29-193 0-148-88-279t-236-209-316-78-315 78-237 209-88 279q0 98 29 193l68 12q34-60 93-95t130-36v-32q0-14 9-23t23-9h64q14 0 23 9t9 23v576q0 14-9 23t-23 9h-64q-14 0-23-9t-9-23v-32q-88 0-156-53t-91-137l-185-33-20-49q-60-148-60-314 0-151 67-291t179-242 266-164 320-61 320 61 266 164 179 242 67 291z"/></svg>
<svg class="features-icon" viewBox="0 0 1792 1792"><path d="M1728 886q0 166-60 314l-20 49-185 33q-22 83-90 137t-157 53v32q0 14-9 23t-23 9h-64q-14 0-23-9t-9-23V928q0-14 9-23t23-9h64q14 0 23 9t9 23v32q71 0 130 36t93 95l68-12q29-95 29-193 0-148-88-279t-236-209-316-78-315 78-237 209-88 279q0 98 29 193l68 12q34-60 93-95t130-36v-32q0-14 9-23t23-9h64q14 0 23 9t9 23v576q0 14-9 23t-23 9h-64q-14 0-23-9t-9-23v-32q-88 0-156-53t-91-137l-185-33-20-49q-60-148-60-314 0-151 67-291t179-242 266-164 320-61 320 61 266 164 179 242 67 291z"/></svg>
<h3>Voice Conferencing</h3>
<h3>Voice Conferencing</h3>
@ -68,7 +65,7 @@
Perfect for meetings, even with large groups, on mobile, or with low bandwidth.
Perfect for meetings, even with large groups, on mobile, or with low bandwidth.
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<svg class="features-icon" viewBox="0 0 1792 1792"><path d="M704 384q-153 0-286 52T207 577t-79 191q0 82 53 158t149 132l97 56-35 84q34-20 62-39l44-31 53 10q78 14 153 14 153 0 286-52t212-141 78-191-78-191-212-141-286-52zm0-128q191 0 354 69t256 186 94 257-94 257-256 187-354 68q-86 0-176-16-124 88-278 128-36 9-86 16h-3q-11 0-20-8t-12-21l-1-6 1-7 2-6 2-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 23-25 26-29 23-29q15-19 25-39t20-44q-124-72-195-177T0 768q0-139 94-257t257-186 353-69zm822 1169q10 24 21 44t25 39 22 29 26 29 23 25l4 5 5 5 4 5 3 5 3 5 2 6v7l-1 6q-3 14-13 22t-22 7q-50-7-86-16-154-40-278-128-90 16-176 16-271 0-472-132 58 4 88 4 161 0 309-45t264-129q125-92 192-212t67-254q0-77-23-152 129 71 204 178t75 230q0 120-71 225t-195 176z"/></svg>
<svg class="features-icon" viewBox="0 0 1792 1792"><path d="M704 384q-153 0-286 52T207 577t-79 191q0 82 53 158t149 132l97 56-35 84q34-20 62-39l44-31 53 10q78 14 153 14 153 0 286-52t212-141 78-191-78-191-212-141-286-52zm0-128q191 0 354 69t256 186 94 257-94 257-256 187-354 68q-86 0-176-16-124 88-278 128-36 9-86 16h-3q-11 0-20-8t-12-21l-1-6 1-7 2-6 2-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 23-25 26-29 23-29q15-19 25-39t20-44q-124-72-195-177T0 768q0-139 94-257t257-186 353-69zm822 1169q10 24 21 44t25 39 22 29 26 29 23 25l4 5 5 5 4 5 3 5 3 5 2 6v7l-1 6q-3 14-13 22t-22 7q-50-7-86-16-154-40-278-128-90 16-176 16-271 0-472-132 58 4 88 4 161 0 309-45t264-129q125-92 192-212t67-254q0-77-23-152 129 71 204 178t75 230q0 120-71 225t-195 176z"/></svg>
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<svg class="features-icon" viewBox="0 0 2048 1792"><path d="M2020 11q28 20 28 53v1408q0 20-11 36t-29 23l-640 256q-24 11-48 0l-616-246-616 246q-10 5-24 5-19 0-36-11-28-20-28-53V320q0-20 11-36t29-23L680 5q24-11 48 0l616 246L1960 5q32-13 60 6zM736 146v1270l576 230V376zM128 363v1270l544-217V146zm1792 1066V159l-544 217v1270z"/></svg>
<svg class="features-icon" viewBox="0 0 2048 1792"><path d="M2020 11q28 20 28 53v1408q0 20-11 36t-29 23l-640 256q-24 11-48 0l-616-246-616 246q-10 5-24 5-19 0-36-11-28-20-28-53V320q0-20 11-36t29-23L680 5q24-11 48 0l616 246L1960 5q32-13 60 6zM736 146v1270l576 230V376zM128 363v1270l544-217V146zm1792 1066V159l-544 217v1270z"/></svg>
<h3>Interactive Data and Mapping</h3>
<h3>Interactive Data and Mapping</h3>
@ -91,14 +88,13 @@
data by presenting it in a bespoke web app.
data by presenting it in a bespoke web app.
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<svg class="features-icon" viewBox="0 0 2048 1792"><path d="M681 1399l-50 50q-10 10-23 10t-23-10L119 983q-10-10-10-23t10-23l466-466q10-10 23-10t23 10l50 50q10 10 10 23t-10 23L288 960l393 393q10 10 10 23t-10 23zm591-1067L899 1623q-4 13-15 20t-24 2l-62-17q-13-4-19-15t-3-25l373-1291q4-13 16-19t23-3l62 17q13 4 20 16t2 24zm657 651l-466 466q-10 10-23 10t-23-10l-50-50q-10-10-10-23t10-23l393-393-393-393q-10-10-10-23t10-23l50-50q10-10 23-10t23 10l466 466q10 10 10 23t-10 23z"/></svg>
<svg class="features-icon" viewBox="0 0 2048 1792"><path d="M681 1399l-50 50q-10 10-23 10t-23-10L119 983q-10-10-10-23t10-23l466-466q10-10 23-10t23 10l50 50q10 10 10 23t-10 23L288 960l393 393q10 10 10 23t-10 23zm591-1067L899 1623q-4 13-15 20t-24 2l-62-17q-13-4-19-15t-3-25l373-1291q4-13 16-19t23-3l62 17q13 4 20 16t2 24zm657 651l-466 466q-10 10-23 10t-23-10l-50-50q-10-10-10-23t10-23l393-393-393-393q-10-10-10-23t10-23l50-50q10-10 23-10t23 10l466 466q10 10 10 23t-10 23z"/></svg>
<h3>Bespoke Development</h3>
<h3>Bespoke Development</h3>
For some problems, there may not be a pre-existing free software solution. Let
For some problems, there may not be a pre-existing solution. Let us guide you through the full development cycle to deliver your bespoke solution.
us guide you through the full development cycle to deliver your bespoke solution.
Reference in New Issue
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