Add website Privacy Policy and relevant GDPR stuff #10

opened 2020-04-06 12:48:00 +00:00 by decentral1se · 4 comments



@roxxers did you find any text for this that we could crib from?

@roxxers did you find any text for this that we could crib from?

I wrote something. I'm not really sure how to make a static page that isn't a blog post tbh.

Website Privacy Policy

The Autonomic Co-operative Limted website privacy policy.

Our Privacy Notice contains information regarding our General Data Protection Regulation 2016 (GDPR) compliance.

This site does not set cookies. The source code for this website can be found here.

This site is configured to collect statistics including IP addresses via web server log files as is standard practice. The log files are kept for 28 days or less and are then deleted. We reccomend you use Tor Browser if you require great anonoymity.

I wrote something. I'm not really sure how to make a static page that isn't a blog post tbh. # Website Privacy Policy The Autonomic Co-operative Limted website privacy policy. Our Privacy Notice contains information regarding our General Data Protection Regulation 2016 (GDPR) compliance. This site does not set cookies. The source code for this website can be [found here]( This site is configured to collect statistics including IP addresses via web server log files as is standard practice. The log files are kept for 28 days or less and are then deleted. We reccomend you use [Tor Browser]( if you require great anonoymity.

Docs on creating static pages that are not in the blog end @kawaiipunk

Docs on creating static pages that are not in the blog end @kawaiipunk
kawaiipunk added a new dependency 2020-07-13 16:57:21 +00:00
kawaiipunk removed a dependency 2020-08-28 17:24:38 +00:00


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