[Dev] Dev server not detecting file changes #28

opened 2020-04-30 00:37:00 +00:00 by roxxers · 3 comments

When using the dev server using make serve, the container isn't seeing the changes to the websites files. This means I have to stop the container using make stop and then restart the dev server. This doesn't even build the image again. It just uses the same image and the changes to the volume are seen. Makes changes really slow to look at.

When using the dev server using `make serve`, the container isn't seeing the changes to the websites files. This means I have to stop the container using `make stop` and then restart the dev server. This doesn't even build the image again. It just uses the same image and the changes to the volume are seen. Makes changes really slow to look at.

OK I better take another look at this. I was trying to make it auto-reload stuff but it was not working for me when writing the blog post. I think my Jeklly container + entrypoint approach might be a bit wrong if this is hard to do. I'll try to come at this from another angle.

OK I better take another look at this. I was trying to make it auto-reload stuff but it was not working for me when writing the blog post. I think my Jeklly container + entrypoint approach might be a bit wrong if this is hard to do. I'll try to come at this from another angle.
decentral1se self-assigned this 2020-04-30 13:09:57 +00:00

I will say, one thing I did notice is the volume is working. When editing the SVG, I was able to refresh the page manually and see the changes. So the volume works for seeing the file on disk has changed. But it is not auto generating on file changes and auto refreshing.

I will say, one thing I did notice is the volume is working. When editing the SVG, I was able to refresh the page manually and see the changes. So the volume works for seeing the file on disk has changed. But it is not auto generating on file changes and auto refreshing.

OK, this is resolved in the WIP docker-compose setup :)

Just wranging the production deploy now...

Closing optimistically...new docs will be in the ususal CONTRIBUTING.md.

OK, this is resolved in the WIP docker-compose setup :) Just wranging the production deploy now... Closing optimistically...new docs will be in the ususal CONTRIBUTING.md.
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Reference: autonomic-cooperative/autonomic.zone#28
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