Expand on our core values #63

opened 2021-03-29 07:59:07 +00:00 by decentral1se · 2 comments

We say Sustainability, Transparency and Privacy but we could expand on what it means in practice to have these core values and what is relevant for us. Ran into this while writing grant proposal text.

We say Sustainability, Transparency and Privacy but we could expand on what it means in practice to have these core values and what is relevant for us. Ran into this while writing grant proposal text.
decentral1se added the
label 2021-03-29 07:59:07 +00:00
Taking a stab at this over at: > https://codimd.autonomic.zone/bbekgGSWQBCtf1-Qn-InIw#The-main-parts-of-the-form-copypasta’d
We have a blog post on it! https://autonomic.zone/blog/our-founding-principles/
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Reference: autonomic-cooperative/autonomic.zone#63
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